Quotes by Vivek Joshi in Bitesapp read free

Vivek Joshi

Vivek Joshi



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I met a flower...

A flower which accepts to get empty & to get sucked by a bee.

A flower is a beautiful symbol of peace and love.

A flower that sings a lot every day but no one heard them.

A flower spreading its aroma all around but no one noticed them.

A flower that is ready to get plucked & watered at the same time.

A flower is ready to be someone’s special or to end up find itself in Dust/Clay.

A Flower knows nothing about being loved or being hated.

A flower doesn’t differentiate between sacred & sin.

A flower smells the same regardless of being in a cemetery or a temple.

I met a flower that wanted to grow without being worried about its very uncertain future.

Yes, I met a flower once............

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What is destiny:-

Believing in the same thought internally through mindfullness as the god decided for us and keep doing accordingly with faith and belief in God & ourself will lead to the greatest results called destiny....


Erase your mistakes from past.
Make plan for future.
Do the best in present.
Believe in your self and keep faith in God.
Just listen to your heart.
Keep distance from negative people.
Believe that you


You are awesome
You are the one who is going to achieve that.
You are the one who's gonna rock.
You are the one who can be your best friend and philosopher.
Love your self and your family.
Be at home and be safe!

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