Quotes by JEETENDRA UPADHYAY in Bitesapp read free




_Realized souls will avoid contact with negativity not out of fear, but out of desire to keep away from impurity though they are strong enough to destroy the impurity._

_You need not react to every opinion, every comment, or every situation._

_Kick the drama and keep going ahead_

*Choose your battles wisely...
Not everything deserves Ur time and attention*

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*कभी - कभी यूं ही चले आया करो दिल की दहलीज पर....

*अच्छा लगता है, यूँ तन्हाइयों में तुम्हारा दस्तक देना...!!*

*रोज मंदिर में सुबह*
*घण्टी बजाता हूँ*

*सोया हुआ खुद हूँ*
*भगवान् को जगाता हूँ*

Is it really? -
Come and join us for a drink. -
We'll be there in a moment. -
Miss Clarke.
Well, he likes you. -
Yes. -
You, uh... You got him to like you. -
Because I'm a woman in a man's job and I don't have the luxury of being an arse. Alan, it doesn't matter how smart you are, Enigma is always smarter. If you really want to solve your puzzle, then you're going to need all the help you can get and they are not going to help you if they do not like you.

The Imitation Game

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