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Harshil Shah

Harshil Shah Matrubharti Verified


It has been ten months since their last breakup call. A lot of water had flown under the bridge. It was difficult to believe they were ever together. Lockdown was lifted, but pandemic rules remained in effect. Working from home was becoming the new standard. Both appeared to have moved on entirely. At least on the surface, until one late night when Hrishit's phone buzzed with a text from an unknown number! Let's witness one of the most relatable and intriguing reunions of emotional forces!


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“When a seed is sown, it embodies both the anguish of labor and the joy of birth. In the third volume, follow Hrishit and Riya as they navigate the growing pains and blossoming moments of their eJourney.”


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Fantasy is an extension of real world occurrences. I say 'extension' as the real world is our 'work' field on which we all play the most wonderful game ever, called 'life'. There are certain roles and rules for playing the game of life. The outcome may or may not be in our favor. But one crucial game rule states, 'You must be in the game!'

Just as we need to strike the right balance between fantasy and reality,
In the era of genAI, it becomes crucial to draw a line between human intelligence and AI.


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Episode-1 “An Enchanting kick-off” of a New Romantic short story is out now..

"ERomance In Pandemic - 1" by Harshil Shah read free on Matrubharti

Revisiting classics…

"Lighting Our Own Matches" by Harshil Shah read free on Matrubharti

Poles Apart: To what extent, precisely?

The expression "poles apart" is commonly used in our daily lives. I am curious about the inherent distinctions between them, beyond mere spatial separation, and whether there are any underlying significances associated with these differences. The North and South Poles, which are the frigid ends of the Earth, differ significantly in their distinct features.

Geographical Characteristics and Climate:

In comparison to its southern cousin, the climate at the North Pole, which is a polar region, is less harsh. In contrast, the Southern Ocean encircles a sizable continent on which the South Pole is located. Due to its significant altitude, this region experiences extremely low temperatures, making it the most freezing place on Earth.


Life flourishes in both polar zones, however, in different and unique forms. Polar bears, seals, and Arctic foxes are abundant in the North, whereas penguins and seals are common marine animals in the South. Significantly, the South Pole is devoid of substantial terrestrial predators, which is a striking difference compared to the North's renowned polar bear.

Human Habitat and Governance:

Indigenous peoples have resided in the North Pole for a significant period, and their existence is closely connected to the Arctic environment. Native inhabitants do not inhabit the South Pole, and only temporary research stations are present in its frozen vastness. The Arctic region is under the control of the sovereign states that border it, whereas the Antarctic region is under the management of the Antarctic Treaty System, a cooperative effort involving several countries aimed at protecting and conserving this unique environment.

Cryosphere Dynamics:

Both the North and South Poles are predominantly characterized by vast expanses of ice, although the characteristics and effects of this ice vary considerably. In the North, there is sea ice that goes through seasonal changes, and in the South, there is the largest ice sheet in the world and a huge amount of frozen water on land. The melting of the sea ice in the North has a minimal effect on the rising of sea levels, as the ice is already displacing water. Nevertheless, the ice sheets in the South region make a substantial contribution to the increase in sea levels by introducing vast amounts of water into the oceans.

Distinctive Occurrences:

Both the North Pole and the South Pole experience the occurrence of the midnight sun and polar night. During these occasions, the sun lingers either above or below the horizon for extended durations as a result of the Earth's tilt. Nevertheless, these phenomena take place throughout different seasons, resulting in a captivating juxtaposition between the two areas.

Gaining insight into the differences between the North and South Poles provides valuable knowledge about the Earth's complex climate system and the fragile equilibrium of life in these extreme habitats. It serves as a reminder of the vast and captivating biodiversity of our planet.

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Chapter-3 out now.. get ready for an exciting visit to aunt Venus…

"A Visit to the Super-Specials - 3" by Harshil Shah read free on Matrubharti

Just had a first romantic fling of this season with rain this week, and after being blessed with its showering love, I couldn’t miss to rejoice my first special experience:

"The Rain’s Embrace" by Harshil Shah

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Have you ever read a friend's messages on a dating app? You can now do it guilt-free! Immerse yourself in the raw, unscripted romance between Hrishit and Riya as it unfolds through their chat discussions. Get ready for an intimate glimpse into a contemporary romance when emojis rule as the preferred method of communication, typos cause the most amusing misunderstandings, and autocorrect plays the role of both a trusted companion and a formidable adversary.
Leave the romantic evenings and handwritten messages behind. In the dynamic and rapid realm of instant messaging, the love tale between Hrishit and Riya takes place. Accompany them as they deal with the ups and downs of love in the modern digital era, when a missed text can send your anxiety soaring and a heart emoji may mean everything.
What begins as a small chat between total strangers soon develops into something deeper. Along the way, you'll learn about their common interests, uncover their hidden wishes, and experience a bond that goes beyond the internet. Their conversation history becomes a chronicle of their developing romance, replete with innocent pranks, honest admissions, and the charming miscommunications that add to their charm. This isn't your typical grandma's love story. It's a witty, fast-paced tale of two lost souls who discover each other in the huge world of the internet. Indulge in a captivating romance that will have you glued to your seat, munching on popcorn as you read through your social media page. You are about to witness a love tale that is completely genuine, completely realistic, and absolutely amusing. The conversation logs provide sufficient context without any further explanation. It will make you laugh, weep, and think twice about how much you text. The contemporary romantic can find solace in this chat narrative, #LoveInTheDigitalAge .

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