Quotes by HabeebMoosa in Bitesapp read free




does anyone know about the result of this competition

I love you
Because you laid your heart
to shower my hot blessings
on your inner heart

smile please..
let your mouth open..
then love moulded
hot smile sprouts ..

Life is a journey ..
Be a bridge builder
Not a wall riser ...

When heart breaks ..Love over flows...


Dry life in the
Dry earth made
Trees to suicide...

Sub: Relation
Top: Homage to relation

Grandpa pause in the chair
Grandma bridle the home
We were twenties,
Rooms tend to be four..
One kitchen serve us dishes
Nothing else than a floor
All we laid on the same lap

I played with aunt,
Cousin gave me bits of rice
While Ma in chant
Dad made me kite..

Those days gone away
Graves sheltered grand figures
Ma tied on TV,
Pa swipes the screen
Broken bangles shattered
No more than these.

I met my dears once in -
Every Onam .
Fence of relation gone up..
All are wishing me Onam
I never tasted their Sadya..
But I could see
FB status on tasty Sadya..

I chat with mummy,
Dad told to send
My clear,real photo
I let him pure photo,
He can't see me in me...

I forwarded a death news
Which I never read..
I heard it was my cousin,
Who played along me,
Lied bit of rice in my tiny mouth..

l paved him
Tear moulded homage,
On the same FB page...


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