Quotes by Gopal Chowdhary in Bitesapp read free

Gopal Chowdhary

Gopal Chowdhary


'it (AI) would make the humans a dumb and mindless lazy creature… whom the very robot decked with AI invented by humans would ultimately devour, if not literally then metaphorically like Franksteinian Monster. With all works and sense stimuli and desires and their fulfillments outsourced to smart robot, the mind would be dumb entity floating in vast immanence! Its all faculties would in due course of time be atrophied as per law of nature. An organ or biological entity gets atrophied when not in use for a certain period. Over few generations we as specie might get extinct…

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In addition humans are limited by the worldly, existential and mental and bodily constraints. This would put robot with AI on same footings with human. With all follies and limitations. But one disadvantage: the robot with AI would be unable to tap dynamics of intelligence. Intelligence with its infinity need entity like mind to find manifestation which robot would be unable to tap. Even if simulated with artificial mind. Intelligence like Soul or electricity or energy need a medium to manifest itself—a medium that facilitates it to be, a sort of originary and intrinsic to the entity or the being.

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In addition humans are limited by the worldly, existential and mental and bodily constraints. This would put robot with AI on same footings with human. With all follies and limitations. But one disadvantage: the robot with AI would be unable to tap dynamics of intelligence. Intelligence with its infinity need entity like mind to find manifestation which robot would be unable to tap. Even if simulated with artificial mind. Intelligence like Soul or electricity or energy need a medium to manifest itself—a medium that facilitates it to be, a sort of originary and intrinsic to the entity or the being.

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The problem it seems to be of his own making if seen from hindsight. He wants to possess their very being. If they want to live their life in their own way let them be. Why does he think that they would live as he thinks? This is the problem and it is his problem. He wants to impose his wish, anticipation and expectation on everything. He thinks life should be as per his whims and fancies.

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Prof Waru was teacher of robotic science having done many pioneer works in the field of Artificial Intelligence. He was considered the top ranking researcher in robotics in general and AI in particular. But he had developed immoral and inhuman penchant for replacing humans with humanoid, and his angle of research to supplant rather supplement the human being, had earned him the defame and isolation that he did not bargain for.
He could not complete his research. That was the forgone conclusion when he had started the work on this inhuman rather immoral subject. Even then we used to differ in many respects in this regard. The main point of difference was: he had more faith and hope on robot decked with IA than humans. He believed that human should pave way for robot with IA as humans have been unable to go beyond instincts, emotions and the cluttered mind.

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She becomes silent for some time. Then she says: ‘it is existence that provides us everything. Whatever existence gives, we must accept it. For we impose our will, desire and ego on these. Even your will or desire emanates from existence. Don’t bring your ego between these things and events happening in consolidated way. Don’t believe that it is happening for you. It is happening despite of you and us. Have faith and it would fulfill you desires. Just be observer that is your real self’.
Ever since then Sid has surrendered himself to the existence. Whatever he gets he accepts and whatever he does not get he never complains.

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Whether life is void and we try to fill this void with new being that again results into void! So why not be like void or void itself, Maan was thinking while returning from the highest village of world to the void less void!

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And third was not visible. Then a dry leave having fallen on earth came blowing with wind from road going towards world’s oldest monastery of Tabo. A dry leave flying and grounding in wind of Prarabdh (the cumulative sum of one’s karma and its effect). Having fallen from his branch (Super Soul or Super being) dry leave (soul encased in a body) letting it to be to the life forces. No tension, giving hoot to what would happen to it.
Wherever and whenever wind takes, flying or grounding, to water or back water, to up above mountains and horizon in tempest he goes. Without any effect resultant of its blowing at beck and command of wind and other elements. But he remains the dry leave of tree whether frozen in snowfall or cold desert.

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The brain is the uppermost part of human body having three energies or power centre. If one mediates upon it, he or she gets the boon of forgiveness.
Budha and Mahavir are seated in both sides of brain. Jesus Christ is in the middle. Krishna is primordial energy of vaani or voice. Anupriya speaks like pontiff. But Sid is catching the sexual energy she has been emitting.

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I would not share Waru’s unfounded faith and optimism in robots decked with AI. When human beings themselves have utilized only tiny corpus of vast potentiality of mind and intelligence, how could robot and artificial intelligence would go beyond it. When humans themselves are hurtling between the borderline of tribalism and modernity, this confusion and limitation would percolate to it. Related with it is the twofold problem of human existence: things and events occur in their own ways guided as they are with their own cause and effect dynamics. For this reason, it is difficult to predict and anticipate the effect and turn of events.

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