Quotes by Devanshi Kanani in Bitesapp read free

Devanshi Kanani

Devanshi Kanani Matrubharti Verified


Failure is indeed!! What matters more is balancing between failure and success .
The book FAILURE : IT NEVER ENDS UNLESS....!! Is all about dissection of your failure. FAILING always leads you to the door of succes . Just you are a step away from your success.

This book will guide you to move towards succes. Succes is not anything that you get overnight. You have to devote yourself .

This book is the perfect guide for your failure and succes . You just have to maintain balance between that.

Here is the link to buy your copy


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May this new year blessed with health, love and prosperity.

wish you very happy new year

-Devanshi Kanani

Book available at amazon

here is the link


Read my book
FAILURE :It never ends unless...!!!

its available @amazon

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Dont you find its funny to forgot your fights and automatically switch back to caring mod when your best friend need it?

-Devanshi Kanani

You can never know what true darkness is, unless you've seen enough light.
I can't be convinced that you're sad, unless I have already seen you laugh to tears.
- DK

As you get older you find out that true happiness is not in how much you make or how many degrees you have or how big your house is or how fancy your car is. It’s finding peace and joy and a calmness in your life that will soon become the most important thing to you. Your family is what really matters to you, love is what matters to you. Things that are of quality, not quantity.

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Beauty is not what you see on the outside. Beauty is what you are deep inside, where no one watched.

-Devanshi Kanani

Each sunset is necessary to have a new sunrise.Without endings we cannot have new beginnings. When things end, we can get caught up in the past. We don't want to go back to real life after a holiday, we don't want a perfect day to end, we don't want to let go of someone we love, even when it's over.

devanshi kanani

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Sometime a best thing you can do is -not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess.
Just BREATH and have FAITH, everything will work out for best.

-Devanshi kanani