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my bhagvad gita playlist 👍 & Subscribe -Chandni Virani
I miss you, While i open my eyes in morning. I miss you, While i take breakfast alone. I miss you, While i am going outside without your company. I miss you, While i wear my ring and just see my fingers. I miss you, While i see myself in mirror and think why u love me a lot... I miss you, While i combing my hair bcz u noticed me while i was getting ready I miss you, While i see my self and think how hardly u see me everyday, everytime... IN SHORT, i miss you every second, I miss your love, care, kiss, hug and your company dear.. @Pŕāťû From your : ĈĤĂŇĎ
Many people do not know the meaning of relationship or read different meanings to that word. A RELATIONSHIP is not about having a handsome boyfriend or having a beautiful girlfriend. It’s not about looking for a perfect person because there isn’t any perfect person on earth. It’s not about looking for a fair complexion or a rich person. Having a lot of money doesn’t mean that one has too much pure love. MONEY 💰 CAN’T BUY LOVE. 😍 A relationship is about finding someone who respects you. Who cares about you in anyway he/she can afford. Who understands you. Who is proud of having you. Who appreciates you the way you are . Who loves you the way you are. Who is faithful to you. Who knows how to comfort you. Who is supportive to you or in everything you are trying to do. Who knows how to encourage you to be your best. Who would accept the worst of you. Forgive you And who will go through everything without giving up on u. Such people are very rare to find these days. It takes God himself to bring you such person just like He did for Adam. But your relationship with God will be a major determinant in finding such person. If you have got such person already just keep that person. Handle him or her with care. Be honest & contented with that person and don't do anything to hurt or let down that special person. Remember, Relationship is a full time commitment/sacrifice and you must be willing to pay. -- Chandni Virani #Relationship
उसकी "typing..." पर, खुशी से काँपती मेरी उँगलियाँ.. इश्क़ है..❤️ उसकी "New profile pic" को.. मिनटों तक.. एकटक झाँकती पलकों की पंखुड़ियाँ.. इश्क़ है.. गुफ्तगू करने की.. अनगिनत ख्वाहिशों के बीच.. "online" होकर भी चीखती खामोशियाँ.. इश्क़ है.. जरा सी आहट पे.. फोन पकड़ कर बैठ जाना.. वो "notification" की टनटनाती घंटियाँ.. इश्क़ है.. कैसे हो? पूछने पर.. "i am fine" बताना लिख कर मिटाना.. मिटा कर छिपाना, वो "draft" में बेबस पड़ी अनकही अर्जियाँ .. इश्क़ है.. अनंत तक चलने वाली "conver" में.. "Hmm" और "K" की तल्खियाँ.. इश्क़ है.. कितने ही "busy" क्यों ना हों ... बस इक बार.. "Last seen" देखने वाली बेचैनियाँ.. इश्क़ है.. हर सुबह की "gm" और देर रात की "gn " इश्क़ है बस बेइंतहा इश्क़ है ❤️❤️ cĥáņďņí
Most men in this generation doesn't understand its not about giving her the world, but it's actually about making her feel like she's a priority in yours. It's about surprising her with a sweet text throughout the day to remind her you're thinking about her. It's about coming home from work and asking about her day because you genuinely care about the answer. It's about going to the refrigerator to get yourself a drink, and you get her one without even asking. It's about driving down a backroad and you pull off to the side to pick her some beautiful wild flowers. It's about cuddling on the couch in sweatpants and binge watching your favorite show on Netflix together. It's about taking her to her favorite restaurant unannounced. It's about slow dancing with her in the rain to a song that was written by George Strait. It's about calling her randomly and asking how she is doing because you care about her mental health. It's about laying her favorite dress on the bed with a note that says "put this on and be ready by 7pm". It's about knowing the smallest details about her, like the way she likes her coffee in the morning, or her favorite smell, or what movies make her cry. It's about going to a local ice cream parlor on a Saturday afternoon to talk about your life goals together over a couple hot fudge sundaes. Take my advice and remember...... it doesn't always have to cost much money, it just needs to catch her off guard. - Cĥāńđņî
लाखों की भीड़ किसे चाहिए, मुजे तो तेरा साथ होना ही काफी है। महलों सा ठाठ किसे चाहिए, मुजे तो तेरा करीब होना ही काफी है। सोने चांदी के गहने किसे चाहिए, मुजे तो तेरा हाथ थामना ही काफी है। श्रंगार किए बिना ही में संवर जाऊँगी, तेरी आँखों में मेरे लिए प्यार होना ही काफी है | काजल, बिंदी, चूडी, मांग सारे रंग तुम्हारे, मेरा तो बस तेरे रंग में रंगना ही काफी है| तुम जानते हो फरमाइशें कर ने की आदत नहीं मेरी, हाँ, पर तेरा बिन कहे समझ लेना ही काफी हैं | किसी से अपने रिश्ते की तुलना करू एसी आदत नहीं मेरी, हाँ, पर तुम भी इश्क निभा लेना काफी है| -Chandni Virani @Hubby
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