Quotes by Chaksi in Bitesapp read free




You will definitely reach there one day, but it just take time .


"No one can make you happy unless you want to be happy ."


राहों की कटनाइया पार करकर निकला था वो कभी , ऊचायों तक तो पंहुचा था पर मंजिल की उड़ान तक नही , मां की आखों का सुकून था वो तो बहनों की ढाल कभी , किरदार निभाना खूब आता था उन्हे कही यह भी किरदार तो नही , अभी तो उड़ान के पंख ओढ़े थे पर अब ये कफन की चादर ही सही /

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It is not necessary to know someone, it is necessary to know yourself by knowing yourself.


Everyone says that after taking birth the first word is mother but your name was on my tongue brother My KALU ( DADA ) .You are my sky .



A new day always bring a new joy with lots of energy, so we all have to stay cool and calm .


A new day always starts with old memories and the day ends by erasing those memories.


For me it doesn't matter what they are thinking its matter what i think .


Can't laugh or cry , just can remember you , just be with you .


There was no one when you were and there is no one now when you are .
