Quotes by Abhinav Goswami in Bitesapp read free

Abhinav Goswami

Abhinav Goswami


Whenever i am late, i missed it

wheather its a job interview or the precious day of my school exam
I missed It
but now its the birthday of my beloved one
and today i want to reach on time so that i can admire the angelic face of my love
An to see an affable smile on her admirable face, when i recites my prepared poems for her
If not this time, i will blame nature
Because this time i am again stuck in rain
And when i admired the radiant drops of nature, i blamed her for my situation
I blamed her for my situation because this time i got stuck in the flow of my thoughts
after the seeing the play ful behaviour of the nature
And this inspired me to write my next poem and though i missed it again

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This world

This world needs more of humanity rather than artificial currencies
Needs love rather then hatred
Needs peace instead of war
Needs a corruption free society rather than a spoiled nation

Texting you is like

Texting you is like, making my soul excited for this precious moment
when i text you, I want to see you with my eyes closed
And when i close my eyes, still i can see you through my inner soul

i write letters to the moon

to meet her soon
to see her again, i waited till noon
this time she is going to come there soon
seems like for me it's an almighty's boon


life is a theater where almighty is portrayed as a judge
Demon's are characterized as a critics
and problems are the way of life lessons

dark woods

last time i took time out for myself, it was the cold moon ; when i decided to walk alone and accompany my own Shadow through the dark woods


acts as a situation, where the mind understands the nature of its own emotions

the moment i saw you

in the holy christmas, i was in love with your dark blinking eyes
it was the first time, when i saw you in that old church praying to the almighty and asking for his blessings
i couldn't stop my self to stare you again and again as your pretty face attracted my visions everytime
i still remember the moment, i praised your beautiful smile
and you smiled
it was the last time since i saw you in that old church
but still sometimes, i visit to that old church
in the hope to see your smile again

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just like sugar in chai

I want to mix my meditative thoughts with yours
I want to be in your romantic imaginations
I want to be your vision of love
I just want to be in your ambitious dream forever

blue is the colour of loyalty

blue is the colour of love and loyalty
where your imagination explores the open space
where you can find the ultimate truth
which also signifies ones culture and beliefs
though it is the colour of responsibility like the blue sky
it inspires us to be a faithful being of this blue planet

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