Will Power in Hindi Short Stories by S Sinha books and stories PDF | Will Power

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Will Power

                                          Will Power 

Ravi Shankar was retiring next month . He was a clerk in a private company . He had a son Saket and a daughter Siya besides his wife . He had been struggling to fix Siya’s marriage for the last two years but couldn’t due to the dowry issue.  However he succeeded in getting a groom and he was very happy that he was able to discharge his responsibility before he retires . 

Though Saket was two years older to Siya, Ravi Shankar could not get him married as he was unemployed. Even otherwise Saket thought that it was morally incorrect to marry without a job while his sister is yet to be married.   Saket had graduated with science and completed a computer course but he was still waiting for a job. In the meantime he was doing tuition at home and part time instructor in a coaching center .  

Fortunately Siya got married in time and she left for her in law’s house. Now Ravi Shankar  retired and was  living at Dhanbad with his wife and son in a small house inherited by him . His focus was to get his son settled .  He had no pension and most of his savings was spent in Siya’s marriage.

After a few weeks Saket got an interview letter for a job in a private company in Chennai but the company was not paying for attending the interview. Saket knew his father’s financial limits so he could not think of traveling in the reserved Sleeper class . He decided to go in second class General coach.There were many trains for Chennai from Howrah but that was another costly issue for him . There was only one direct train from Dhanbad to Chennai . But this train was always crowded and it was extremely difficult to get a seat .It was almost a 36 hour journey . He thought of getting a seat by getting into the general coach while the train was parked in the yard far away from the platforms . 

Though the train was at 11.30 am Saket took his breakfast at 7 am and left for the yard .His mother had already packed sufficient food stuff for the journey. In the yard Saket was lucky to get a seat near the emergency window . The train was almost packed in the yard itself .The train departed on time . After nearly two hours the train reached Bokaro Steel City . There was a huge rush at Bokaro too. A girl was desperately looking to enter the general coach but the door was blocked by dozens of passengers. She knocked at Saket’s window and repeatedly asked him to open it so that she could enter . She said it was too urgent for her and it was a question of livelihood for her family .Saket told her “ Please wait here only , I will open for you when the signal is green.” 

After a few minutes he opened the window and took her luggage in and then pulled the girl inside. There was both  fear and happiness on her face. She was horrified as the train had started sliding while Saket pulled her in . She was happy to be inside the coach. 

The girl kept standing between the two single window seats for a few minutes , then Saket asked her “ Where are you going ? “

“ Chennai “ was her short answer. 

“ Do you think you can keep standing for 36 hours ? “ 

“ What else can I do ? “ 

“ You can share my seat . “ 

She felt shy then the old  man sitting opposite to Saket said “ I am sharing my seat with my daughter else  I could have offered you mine.Don’t feel shy . Just share with him and imagine you are sitting with your brother .”

 While the girl sat hesitatingly Saket tried to accommodate and make her comfortable . When she was seated he asked “ What’s your name ? 

“ I am Rita . “

“ I am Saket .May I know the purpose of your visit to Chennai visit ? “ 

“ I have got an interview there and how about you ? “

“ I'm also  going for an interview there . “ 

Gradually Saket and Rita became more frank . Both shared their food .Saket told her that he was also going for an interview in the same company as Rita. The old man had put a steel trunk between the two single seats . Both girls occupied their seats and felt comfortable while Saket and the old man sat on the trunk . 

Rita belonged to a lower middle class family . His father had retired two years back . She lost her mother a few years back . She was living with her father and a younger sister . 

After reaching Chennai both checked in a lodge near the station . In the beginning Rita was not comfortable then Saket said “ See we are here for the day time only and both are going back tonight . So you shouldn't have any issues and both will save some money .” 

After a few hours both left for their interview in the same auto rickshaw . While both were waiting for their turn in the waiting lobby Rita told Saket “ It’s very urgent to get this job for me. My Papa and younger sister depend on me . I desperately need a job to support them and especially my sister's education. “ 

Both Rita and Saket fared extremely well in the interview but there was only one post in the company . The owner and the managing director of the company called both of them and said “ Well both  of you  have fared extremely well but right now I have only one post because we are opening a new branch in Jharkhand . If my business expands I may need to open more branches . So one of you will get this job and the other will have to wait for any new branch , if needed. So you have to decide who should get the job. “ 

Without waiting for a second Saket said “ Sir you can offer this job to Rita as she needs it more than me. I can wait for any possible new branch of this company .” 

The owner was very pleased at Saket’s gesture and called his accountant and said “ Please give a cash amount equal to the second AC to Saket as reimbursement of to and fro  traveling expenses for this interview  as a special case . No proof of travel is needed , just pay in cash .Rita will get her appointment letter only.” 

Both Saket and Rita came out . Rita said “ Why did you offer this job to me? You also needed a job. “ 

“ I am somehow  managing with tuition and a part time job. You needed it more .” 

“ I shall be ever grateful to you . I know technically you would have been the first choice as the lady at reception told me while offering me the  appointment letter . “ 

“ No more debate on it . Let us hurry to the station as we have our train . “ 

Rita called her sister and informed about her job. Saket too called his father and said “ I have been shortlisted and will get a job soon when the company opens a branch in Dhanbad . “

On their return journey also both traveled together in a general coach but this time they were able to get seats for both of them. Both exchanged contacts and agreed to be in touch . Rita got down first at Bokaro while Saket’s destination was nearly two hours away . 

When Saket came out of Dhanbad station a young handicapped boy approached him . He had some problem with his legs and was limping even with a stick . He had a bag on his shoulder . He took out one packet and said to Saket “ Sir , please buy one . This is homemade Papad by my mother . It costs only Rs.20 / . “ 

When Saket said ”  No “ the boy took out a small bottle of tomato sauce and said “ This is also homemade fresh tomato sauce . “ 

Saket said ‘ no ‘ but he felt pity on him and offered him a note of Rs.10/- . The boy became angry and said “  I am not a beggar . I can’t accept it for free . “  and he walked away . 

Saket was very much impressed by the boy’s gesture . He counted money in his pocket which the  company had given him as travel expenses . He called the boy and bought a packet and said “ I liked your boldness . What’s your name ? “

“Thanks sir ,  I am Sunil .” 

“ You opened my eyes, Sunil . We are friends now .” 

Next day Saket went to Kolkata and bought bulks of  pairs of socks . handkerchiefs , ball pens and started selling them outside Dhanbad station from morning to afternoon . He continued with his tuition in the evening hours. Saket used to get handsome profit and gradually he started investing more and more and started selling ready made garments on a mobile cycle van . He often met Sunil and used to buy homemade Papads and Sauces from him. 

Four years passed by. Saket got a wedding card from Rita . He went to attend her wedding ceremony . There Rita introduced him to her husband Ramaswamy. Even though he was a south Indian he was impressed by Rita’s beauty and her works . Ramaswamy was a close relative of the owner of the company where Rita was working . He was a senior manager in a garment factory in Chennai .

 Rita told her husband “ I will ever remain grateful to Saket who sacrificed his job in favor of her . “ 

Ramaswami said “ Well Saket . My company makes garments and rejects some of them even with very minor defects which are normally unnoticeable .They are really very good in quality . I can help you in getting them at the cheapest rate. You can sell them in your city with huge profit margins . “ 

Rita also asked him to follow Ramaswamy’s advice. She said further, “ Get married soon  . “ 

“ I will marry , first let me settle well . “ 

 Saket started selling readymade garments from Chennai and made huge profits 

 Within a year opened his own garment store . .Saket employed Sunil in his store . He offered him some space in his store to display and sell his homemade stuff. 

 He invited Rita and her husband on this occasion. Saket introduced his friend Sunil to them and said “ I am obliged to this guy . I learned a lot from him. I left all hopes of a job or my own business. But he showed me the way and I developed a strong will power to survive and live a happy life. “ 

While leaving Rita said to Saket “ I think now you are well settled . Get married soon and don’t forget to invite us .” 

“ Sure “ said Saket 


Note - This story is a fiction only