Quotes by Piyush Goel in Bitesapp read free

Piyush Goel

Piyush Goel Matrubharti Verified


Today I got this ….ईश्वर ऐसा ही आशीर्वाद बनाये रख.

मेरे बड़ो ने एक बात सिखाई थी अच्छे लोगों के साथ रहना, अच्छे बनोगे….अपने बड़ो की बात मान रहा हूँ.

मेरे बड़ो ने एक बात सिखाई थी अच्छे लोगों के साथ रहना, अच्छे बनोगे….अपने बड़ो की बात मान रहा हूँ.

मेरे लिए बड़े ही सौभाग्य की बात हैं,ईश्वर का आशीर्वाद.

@Be the Face of Innovation and Change.#bethefaceofinnovationandchange , many respected people expressed their views from the stage, it was very beautiful, but I have a question for everyone who expressed their views and who listened to those ideas, have you ever thought to yourself that what we will give to the coming generation, I am writing here a very important thing that I work on (Observation, Imagination, Creation and Innovation), I think you can also do it, I think you will give something to the coming generation.

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@Be the Face of Innovation and Change.#bethefaceofinnovationandchange , many respected people expressed their views from the stage, it was very beautiful, but I have a question for everyone who expressed their views and who listened to those ideas, have you ever thought to yourself that what we will give to the coming generation, I am writing here a very important thing that I work on (Observation, Imagination, Creation and Innovation), I think you can also do it, I think you will give something to the coming generation.

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@Be the Face of Innovation and Change.#bethefaceofinnovationandchange , many respected people expressed their views from the stage, it was very beautiful, but I have a question for everyone who expressed their views and who listened to those ideas, have you ever thought to yourself that what we will give to the coming generation, I am writing here a very important thing that I work on (Observation, Imagination, Creation and Innovation), I think you can also do it, I think you will give something to the coming generation.

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