Devil Ceo fell in Love with an Innocent Girl - 2 in English Love Stories by Misha Nayra books and stories PDF | Devil Ceo fell in Love with an Innocent Girl - 2

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Devil Ceo fell in Love with an Innocent Girl - 2

Devil ceo fell in love with an innocent girl -2

We read that The man kills the boy and two boys who try to touch Heer.

 Heer came really far away then she turn to see if the boy still chasing her but she didn't see anyone. so, she Now relieved. And quickly started

walking again after walking 15 minutes she is finally home and takes deep breaths. Then she quickly went inside and put her bag away and

remove her heels and just lay on bed and she quickly went to sleep.

On the other side

The man then tells his bodyguard to clean the mess and put the bodies away.

so, Readers He is our main lead Ranvijay Rajawat. He is a Mafia gangster and a business man and the owner of the top company RHR

corporation. He is 21 years old. He is really handsome with his mascular body. so, girls always dream to become his wife. but He always

ignore them. Because He only love one girl. Who is Heer. We will find out that Heer love him or not in next episodes. In his family there is only 

his brother Akshay Rajawat. He is also really handsome and is younger than Ranvijay.He is 20 years old. He is also a business man and the

owner of AHR corporation. Ranvijay loves his brother. 

Ranvijay also have a person who he trust the most who is Anirudh Agnihotri. Ranvijay's best friend. He is also really handsome and 20 years

old. He is the owner of Agnihotri corporation.

Ranvijay lost his family in a murder.

In his family He had his father Rajan Rajawat and his mother Mona Rajawat and His grandparents Dilip Rajawat and Sheena Rajawat.

They all died in a bomb blast.

Ranvijay kills the murderer who kills his family but The real murderer still didn't find out.

We will see the murderer in next episodes.

Ranvijay then went to his mansion and He started to getting a shower.

In the shower He close his eyes and started saying' Heer I'll make you mine nobody else can come between us if someone comes then He'll

gonna die like I killed those boys.

Then He open his eyes and say"but Heer you are so pretty and beautiful that everyone always comes between us but not this time nobody will

gonna come between us. Then He take the towel and wiped the water. And wears a black colour bathrobe.

The He went to his clothes room and take a comfortable t-shirt and a short.

He wore them and then went to his bed to sleep.

He took his iphone and start to checking something.

He then get a call from Anirudh He picks it up Anirudh say" Ran, do you know that we have a business meeting tomorrow On taj hotel.

You need to come ok.

Ranvijay say"Ani I'll come but do you know I found Heer.

Anirudh hears it and shocking scream" Whatttttttt.

Ranvijay then took his phone away from his ears and say" why are you screaming you will definitely make me deaf.

Anirudh say"sorry and then say" you found Heer really but Arjun took her away.

Ranvijay say" yes, but now I'll definitely make her mine.

Anirudh say" But, How will you gonna convince him that You loves Heer and You wanted to be with her.

Ranvijay say" I am not gonna conivincing him. I'll just kidnap her and then she will be with me forever.

Anirudh again scream and say" Ran No, that's not a good idea if you kidnap her then Arjun will not give her to you.

To be continue......
