THE MISSING SHOES in English Adventure Stories by kavya chauhan books and stories PDF | THE MISSING SHOES

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The Missing Shoes

A Mystery Adventure by Kavya Chauhan


Chapter 1: The Disappearance

Anaya woke up excited for her school’s annual function. She had carefully placed her favorite red shoes next to her bed, but when she reached for them—they were gone!

She searched everywhere—under the bed, inside the closet, even in the living room. That’s when she noticed a small folded note on her study table:

"Find me if you can."

Her heart raced. Who took her shoes? And why?


Chapter 2: The First Clue

Determined to solve the mystery, Anaya examined the note carefully. At the bottom, there was a tiny drawing of a shoeprint pointing toward the balcony.

She stepped outside and found another note stuck to the railing:

"Step by step, you’ll find your way!"

Small chalk footprints led toward the garden.


Chapter 3: The Garden Mystery

As she entered the garden, she spotted her younger brother, Rohan, swinging playfully. One of her shoes was hanging from a tree branch nearby!

"Rohan! Did you take my shoes?" she asked.

He grinned. "Solve my riddle first:
I have hands but no fingers, I tell time but don’t speak. What am I?"

"A clock!" Anaya answered instantly.

Rohan clapped. "Correct! Now, check the wall clock inside."

She rushed inside.


Chapter 4: The Secret Message

Anaya looked at the wall clock. Taped behind it was another note.

"Tick-tock, the key is locked."

She thought for a moment and then remembered—her mom kept extra keys in the storeroom!


Chapter 5: The Locked Room

Anaya ran to the storeroom, but it was locked. She searched for the key and finally found it in a drawer.

As she entered, she saw a small gift box on the table. Inside, she found… a tiny shoe charm.

"This isn’t my shoe!" she muttered.

Another note inside the box said: "Find the furry detective."


Chapter 6: The Unexpected Helper

Anaya suddenly realized—her pet rabbit, Snowy, loved playing with small objects!

She rushed to Snowy’s play area and found her other shoe’s shoelace next to his cage.

"Snowy, did you see my shoe?" she giggled, petting him.

She followed more clues to the backyard.


Chapter 7: The Strange Footprints

In the backyard, she saw unfamiliar footprints leading toward the tool shed.

“Whose footprints are these?” she wondered.

As she stepped closer, she noticed… a shadow moving inside!


Chapter 8: The Midnight Chase

That night, Anaya couldn’t sleep. She kept thinking about the mystery.

At midnight, she heard a strange noise from the backyard. Grabbing a flashlight, she tiptoed outside.

She saw a figure running away!

"Who was that?" she whispered.


Chapter 9: The Hidden Box

The next morning, Anaya returned to the backyard and found a small wooden box buried in the soil.

Inside, there was… another note!

"Find me where you rest your feet."

She gasped. "The shoe rack!"


Chapter 10: The Mysterious Call

Before she could run to the shoe rack, the landline phone rang.

A robotic voice on the other end said, "You’re close… but not there yet!"

Then, the call disconnected.

Anaya’s excitement grew.


Chapter 11: The Secret Passage

When Anaya reached the shoe rack, she bent down to check inside. Suddenly, she noticed… a tiny hidden door behind the shoes!

She carefully pushed it open and found a tunnel leading under the staircase!


Chapter 12: The Final Clue

Inside the tunnel, she found her missing shoe tied to a bright red ribbon.

A final note lay next to it:

"Come to the terrace for the big surprise!"


Chapter 13: The Grand Reveal

Anaya rushed to the terrace, where she saw her family waiting with a cake and balloons!

"Surprise!" they cheered.

Her mom smiled. "We planned this treasure hunt for your birthday!"

Rohan giggled. "And you were the best detective ever!"


Chapter 14: The Birthday Surprise

Anaya laughed, finally understanding everything.

She put on her missing shoes and hugged her family. "This was the best birthday gift ever!"

That day, she not only found her shoes but also a treasure of love and happiness.


The End


Hope you like the full story and enjoyed ....!!!....