Finding only You - 7 in English Love Stories by Misha Nayra books and stories PDF | Finding only You - 7

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Finding only You - 7

Finding only You - 7

In the morning

Nayra wake up at 8:00 an then started to getting ready because Nayan's NRA corporation.

She is wearing a black jeans with white short top which is shorter than her stomach and black jacket with black high heels.

In this look she is looking really sexy and beautiful.

She didn't do any makeup just put some lip balm on her lips.

Now she totally looking like sassy and really beautiful.

She took a white hand bag and put her white Iphone inside this.

She came down.

She see her parents sitting on dining table with Nayan and talking with Nayan.

She sit with them and wish them good morning and start to eat her breakfast.

They look at her and wish her good morning. 

Nayan finish his breakfast.

Nayan say" Nayra are you ready?, Let's go.

Nayra also finish her breakfast.

Nayra say" ok.

Then she say bye to her parents.

Nayra then sit in her BMW.

She start her BMW and put her driving license in her bag.

Nayan also start his mercedes and then he went.

Nayra put a map because she don't know Nayan company's address. 

after 15 minutes she is now infront of NRA corporation.

The building is huge. but she didn't really shock because Her own hospital building is also huge.

She take her car key and put the key inside her handbag.

And then she move towards the building.

People were looking at her because she is so beautiful that everyone was too stunned to speak.

They just looking her like she is a goddess.

Nayra just ignore them and walk straight to Nayan's office.

Nayan came early so, He saw her and give her a file.

Nayra look at file and open it.

Inside the file it's written the tasks and schedule of Nayra.

Nayra read it and then put it away.

Nayan then look at her and say" Nayra listen you need to follow my orders ok.

Nayra nodded.

Nayan then explain every rules and orders to her.

which Nayra quickly understand because she is a really sharp minded and she understand everything quickly.

Nayan then stop and then he tell her to take a coffee.

Nayra then quickly go to kitchen and started to make a coffee.

All employes saw her and they gossip about her.

some girls were jealous of her beauty.

some boys admired her.

Some girls also talk about that she is so beautiful.

some boys say" that she is a goddess I am in love with her.

some boys also fighting that who will she choose.

Nayra saw her and raise an eyebrow.

she switch coffee machine off and take the coffee to give it to Nayan.

She gave the coffee to Nayan and then turn to go to the employes.

Employes were still discussing about her and didn't focus on her work.

Nayra then glare at them and then say" Focus on your work not on gossiping ok.

If you don't wanna focus on work just want to do gossiping then let me tell this to boss and they will gonna decide who will gonna fired.

Ok, she said these really savagely that all employes just shock and nodded and start to doing work.

Nayra turn and then went to Nayan's office.

To be continue......
