No Grudge Against Life in English Short Stories by S Sinha books and stories PDF | No Grudge Against Life

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No Grudge Against Life

                                                      No Grudge Against Life 

Ravi Shankar Pandey was topper in IIT JEE that year in the entire state of Jharkhand . He was a resident of Jamshedpur . He joined Computer Science at IIT  . He was the only child of Pandeys . His father was a very senior officer in a factory at Jamshedpur .  His parents used to call Ravi Shankar as Ravi . 

Ravi joined his classes at the IIT . In the Computer Lab. There used to be three students in a group. There was a girl in his group named Madhurima Das.  Her friends at IIT used to call her Madhu . 

After formal introductions , during chit chat Madhu said “ I am  also from Jamshedpur . Actually my mother’s native place was Chaibasa , 60 Km from Jamshedpur . When I was in 8th grade,  my  father died of a snake bite . My maternal uncle helped my mother in getting a job in a factory at Jamshedpur  . We moved to Jamshedpur and  Icompleted my  schooling there . “ 

“ What a coincidence ? Both of us studied at Jamshedpur . My grandpa also hailed from a village not far off Chaibasa . We still have an old house but it was mortgaged for a loan due to  the marriage of my dad's sister in the town . We hope to get it freed in future . Dadi is now living with us at Jamshedpur . “ 

Both Ravi and Madhu used to meet frequently and talk about studies and personal matters . By the time both were in the second  year both came closer and started liking each other . Soon this liking transformed into love . Both promised to marry after completion of studies and getting settled with a job  . 

During last semester in the third year Ravi got placement at campus . He got a handsome package from a multinational IT company in Mumbai . This company had its headquarters in the USA . Madhu also got her campus job from an Indian  IT company in Mumbai . Both were happy with their jobs and especially with their posting in the same city . 

After finishing their last semester of B.Tech both were in Jamshedpur . They were scheduled to leave for Mumbai within a month . One evening they were sitting on a bench in Jubilee Park and planning for their future. Ravi said “ We will live in the same apartment in Mumbai . Mumbai is very costly , why pay double rents if we live in separate apartments ? “

“ Your  idea is good , no doubt. But neither  your  parents nor my mother will like this before getting  married.  “  said Madhu 

“ I will talk to my parents today about our marriage . “ 

“ I have already told you that I belong to a lower caste and you are from upper Brahmin caste . I understand you have no problem and for my mother it won’t be an issue . But I am scared about your parents . “

“ You know I am an only child and hopefully my parents would not go against my wishes . Don’t worry . “ 

“ But don’t hide about my caste from your parents . It’s better to clarify everything so that it might not be an issue subsequently . “ 

“ Okay Baba , I won’t hide anything but stop worrying about this . My parents are of modern views . Hopefully they would gladly accept a qualified girl like you .“  

The same night Ravi told his mother about his love and plan to marry Madhu . Her mother became serious and said “ How could you think of marrying a girl of lower caste . Even though I may agree unwillingly, your dad can’t accept this girl at any cost . Above all, your grandmother is still alive at her home in Chaibasa . She too would never allow it to happen .” 

When Ravi’s father came to know about Ravi’s plan , he strongly objected to it and said “ I am telling you ,  rather warning you to forget Madhu . Neither me nor your grandmother would allow this to happen in our lifetime . “

“ But we both love each other and we have promised to marry . “ said Ravi 

“ I am telling again and for the last time that Madhu can’t enter our home . Legally  you are free to do whatever you like as an adult , but then you won’t be a member of our family any more . We are also determined to keep our family tradition intact . We won’t be involved in your marriage with Madhu , if you are adamant . “

Ravi didn’t tell Madhu about his talks with his parents . When Madhu asked about it Ravi said “ We discussed it . My parents asked me to first settle in Mumbai . But they suggested not to live together till marriage is decided . “ 

“ Then what will we do ? “  Madhu asked 

“ We will do what we like to do . “

“ What do you mean ? “ 

“ We will share the apartment and marry as soon as both get comfortable with our jobs. “ 

Within a month both  Ravi and Madhu were in Mumbai .  After a few months  Madhu was asked to immediately join the company's Melbourne branch in Australia .  She was expected to be there for more than  six months  . Madhu was worried about her marriage . Ravi said “ No worry , tomorrow we will get engaged at our apartment itself . “ 

Next day Ravi bought a beautiful diamond ring for Madhu with letter M embossed on it .  He put the ring in Madhu’s ring finger and said “ This is our symbolic  engagement . Our formal engagement will be  performed ceremoniously  in presence of our relatives and  close friends on your return .”

Both Ravi and Madhu remained in contact via phone calls and video chats . 

 All of a sudden , within six months Ravi was asked by his company to join the head office in the USA in connection with some project . At the same time his grandmother was seriously ill and the doctors said it’s a matter of a few days or utmost a couple of weeks . She was in Jamshedpur . She wanted her last wish to be fulfilled . Her last wish was to see Ravi’s wife in her lifetime . Ravi didn’t want to marry but he had to yield and his marriage was hurriedly performed . She wanted the marriage performed at the ancestral house but doctors said she was not fit to move . So the marriage was scheduled to be performed at Jamshedpur . But she said “ Whether I am alive or not Ravi’s kids’  marriage must be performed at our ancestral home at Chaibasa only .” 

 Ravi  was married to Radhika, a girl already known to the family. Radhika was also a software engineer posted at Mumbai. She was also allowed by Ravi’s company to join his team in the USA . 

For a few months Ravi hid his marriage to Madhu . When Madhu came to know about it from other sources she was shocked and thought  how could Ravi ditch her . She looked at her engagement ring and said to herself “ I can’t believe it . He is mine . He will come to me one day . “  

However after a few months Ravi sent an email to her to forgive him as he was forced to marry due to his grandmother’s last wish while she was dying .After that neither of them tried to contact each other . 

Madhu was frequently shuttling between India and Australia in connection with her projects for three years . After this she was posted in Australia to look after the company's projects in various parts of Australia . On the other side Ravi remained in the USA  . He had a son Prem and a daughter Meera and his entire  family became citizens of the USA in due course  .  

Twenty Five years have passed . Madhu remained unmarried . She came back to India and decided to settle at Chaibasa , her native place . She liked this place because it was very close to nature , very close to forest and hills . She innovated the old house with all modern facilities . She used to go to her old school where she studied in her early days. She built  a few new rooms and donated a few computers to the school . She volunteered to teach them frequently  whenever she was free  . She got mental satisfaction by doing so . 

Two more years passed . Madhu noticed a truck with some construction materials parked at some distance . There was an old abandoned house at some distance  In the same lane in which Madhu was living .  This house was just on the opposite side of the lane some 300 meters away from her house . Some workers got down from the truck and entered inside the gated house . They unloaded some items . After some time they left after locking the gate .  

Next day was Sunday . Madhu was sitting on a rocking chair in her veranda and having tea . She  noticed a young man coming out of that house and approaching her house . He stood at the gate and asked “ Can I come in aunty ? “ 

“ Sure , come in . “ Madhu said and laughed within herself and thought ‘ Oh, though I am still unmarried but I am aunty of this young lad . Students call me Mis in  school and colleagues also call me by name or Ms Madhu but now I am aunty . Not bad , after all my hair is getting gray and glasses are there on my eyes . ‘ 

She asked him  to sit on a chair next to her . The young man said, pointing towards his old house  “ That’s our ancestral house . I am Prem Pandey . Actually there is no water supply in my house. I have called the plumber to fix it . Can I have some water ? “

“ Sure , why not ? And also have tea with me . “  she said and called her domestic maid  “ Kunti , come here . “

When the maid came Madhu said “ Bring some snacks and tea for our guest . Also bring a few bottles of water from the fridge .” 

Kunti came and put a tray with tea and snacks  and two bottles of water on the table . 

After she left Prem said “ Aunty , actually my sister Meera  is getting married after three weeks . As per our family traditions all marriages are performed at this ancestral house . That was mortgaged for a long time and we got it freed only recently after paying all the dues .“ 

“ Where do you people come from ? “  

“ My parents , me and Meera  all are  American citizens and settled in the USA . My dad has asked to get this house innovated for Meera’s wedding . We have given a contract to a party who has assured us to fix everything in two weeks . Other members of my family will be here in two weeks . “ 

After finishing tea Prem said “ Thanks a lot for your hospitality . Now I should go . “

“ Okay , if you need anything , don’t hesitate . Tell me frankly .” Madhu said 

Prem left  saying “ Thanks aunty , bye .

After that Prem was busy with his work and couldn’t meet Madhu . He came to her house just one day before the scheduled wedding ceremony . He gave an invitation card to her and said “ Aunty , please come and bless my sister and brother - in law . “ 

“ Sure , I will come . I am getting such an opportunity after a long time . “  

After Prem left she opened the invitation card . The invitation was from the parents of the girl getting married . She found father’s name as R.S.Pandey . For a moment it reminded her of Ravi but again thought there may be  some other by the same name .

Next day in the evening  after a long time she dressed up in her best dress . She had bought a gift for the occasion . She went to Pandey’s house with the gift . 

Seeing Madhu , Prem came forward and escorted her to a table and said “ Aunty , please have some sweets and soft drink .Dad and mom will be here soon . “

Madhu noticed a man with his wife  welcoming guests . She easily recognized it was Ravi , her ex . She became a bit serious , she had a few sips of drink. Then stood up , looking at her  ring given by Ravi . She felt within herself “ You used to be  mine  but no more mine . Even then I have no grudge against my life without you .”

Madhu thought it’s a good coincidence . The bride’s name  also starts with M .She pulled out the ring given by Ravi, cleaned it gently with her napkin . She hurried towards the stage where the couple was sitting . She put it into Meera’s finger . She gave her gift packet and silently left the place . Nobody noticed Madhu leaving the venue  . 

But the next morning, only after all the functions were over Ravi noticed the  ring in his daughter’s finger . He asked Meera “ Who gave you this ring ? “

“ I don’t know but a lady in her 50s gave it to me . “ 

Prem was also there . Prem asked his sister about the details of the lady . After Meera told about her, Prem said to his dad “ I know the lady . She is a nice lady living a few meters away in our  lane . “ 

“ I would like to meet the lady and thank her for this costly gift . “  Ravi said but didn’t say anything about Madhu to others 

“ I will take you there after a couple of hours  after disposing of all the vendors .” Prem said to his father 

After some time Ravi and Prem went to Madhu’s house . Her maid , Kunti , opened the door . Prem  asked “ Where is aunty ? Dad wants to meet her . “ 

“ Sorry sir , madam left late last night . “ 

“ Where did she go ? When will she return ? “

“ She had gone to Kolkata and Shantiniketan . I don’t know exactly when she will be back. But she said it might take two weeks or even more . “ 

Prem and Ravi left but after going some distance Ravi turned  back and asked the maid “ What’s your madam’s name ? “

“ Madhu “ she replied

Actually Kunti lied to Ravi and Prem as per Madhu’s instructions . After they left Madhu looked at her missing ring in the finger  and  gently wiped away tears rolling down on her cheeks . 


Note - This story is purely a work of fiction .