Missing Piece in English Motivational Stories by Sandra books and stories PDF | Missing Piece

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Missing Piece

Somedays Jenny felt it was so hard to move a day she was always moody and upset somedays she will cry and somedays she is extremely happy but somedays it's a mixture of happiness and sadness she doesn't know why it is like this.when she was a child she always felt so lazy to go to school she always wanted is to be in her bed with doing nothing but now she is having the life she dreamed she can sleep and go a whole day doing nothing because her family is going through a tough financial crises so they can't afford her to study further. The one to whom she always wanted to talk was Jain who lives next door he is older than Jenny he always works for his family so he will only get a few days to rest and do what he wants but somehow he was happy.inshort, Jenny loves Jain she likes to talk to him to spend time with him afterall the thing is all is she now wants was Jain . Jain knows her well and he always finds time to be with Jenny .When Jain is with her she is happy and clingy he likes that too . Jain wants her to study further but he knows her family situation is too bad but deep down he always wants to give the best for her girl because he was a great student too because of the same problem he also giveup his studies so that he knows how hard it is to live without education he felt really sad for Jenny more than his . Jennie's parents are so strict so only allow her to stay in house and be with them Jain has a lot of friends he often goes out with his friends but at that time the one who is more sad was Jenny . Her parents only wanted her to be safe but they don't know how suffocating it is to be in the house all day 
 she is always upset and now she only has Jain and no one else she wants to talk to instead of Jain . One day Jain went so busy so he didn't get a second to talk with Jenny She became so depressed and cried the whole day and feels like she is life less . She starts to get that there is something missing in her life She starts to think of that missing piece in her life but she can't find out what it is So that she goes all day thinking of but it was really hard to find it out the next day .Jain came to see her . Her eyes started to get wet and filled up with tears. Jain hugged her tight and kissed her he knows that her girl is like a small baby she always wanted to be with him but Jain always wanted her to act mature when he is not with her he asks her to do what she like when he is away from her And to Stop thinking of him whole day . But she doesn't know what to do She feels happy when she is with him . After getting back home she thought about Jain's words . She decided to find the missing piece in her life she saw the moon and its brightness he is always happy and shining brightly there is no sorrow or sadness in his light she smiled and got to sleep peacefully because now she knows what is that thing missing in her it's 
Freedom to fly if there is freedom you can shine brighter like a moon he doesn't have any sadness because he has a whole sky to wander there is no restriction it makes him more happy the sky Jenny have was only Jain so she became so happy when he is near to her .

But remember freedom can be used in both good and bad ways nowadays freedom is for having night clubs and night outings that's not the freedom The freedom that I meant it's the freedom to fly to your dreams it's the freedom which can make you happy and your parents proud it's the freedom which make you feel safe and secure 

Find the missing piece in you then you feel more happy