Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 12 in English Thriller by sivaramakrishna kotra books and stories PDF | Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 12

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Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 12

Love is dangerous with a Stranger

(A romantic, investigative and detective thriller)

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

That was another night between Jasmine and Stuart on the bed and on this night there was nothing to talk in between them. Jasmine kissed on his right cheek, put her head on it before hugging him strongly and wishing him to hold her as she was her baby. Stuart remembered what Jasmine said to him and he determined in himself strongly to implement that without bothering about her feeling towards him and his feeling at that time.

Jasmine was sleeping keeping her head on his right cheek like that and in fact it was an inconvenient position to him to have her so. The other day he made her down and put her into a comfortable position to sleep before he slipped himself into sleeping lying flat on the bed. But this day he left her like that and put his right palm on her two buttocks.

At that moment she wore only a petticoat and blouse and he could sense the smooth and silkiness of her buttocks under the garment also. Slowly he took the petticoat until her hips exposing her two buttocks out. Even in that semi-lighting also through a twenty vault bulb or so, he could see the gold colour of her two buttocks and their closing tightly together. He put his right hand on the canal that was visible and the silky touch of them was making him feel so good! There was no hair at any place on her body except on her head and it was just so there also. He put his right hand deep in that canal while holding her tightly with his left hand deciding to restrain her if she woke up and tried to retaliate.

He knew where it would be in her body and moved his right hand even more down between her buttocks and very soon he found that and cupped it. When he cupped her vagina with his right hand feeling the two lips of it, he found his thing strongly erected and ready to guzzle at any moment. Her vagina was absolutely dry and lukewarm to his touch.

“Hey, what you are doing?” while he was rubbing her vagina with his right palm like that she woke up and said while trying to relieve herself from him.

“This is not fucking. I am just rubbing it with my hand.” He kissed on her left year and said in that.

“You promised to me that there would be no sex between us both.” She said but there was change in her voice.

“If doing just like this is sex; our hugging each other and sleeping like this also is sex.” He once again kissed on that ear and said. “I know you are enjoying it. Don’t talk anything but just enjoy it like that.”

He knew how to do that to a woman and he was just doing that so to her. “It is good! It is indeed good.” After sometime she mumbled. “Is fucking also will be this much good?”

“Better than this.” He said and he would have fucked her then itself if his thing did not discharge itself in his robes without his intention because of its too much rubbing with her belly and he lost all his mood. As she fell asleep she made her into a comfortable position beside him before he slipped himself beside her lying flat.


“No doubt, next time she will allow you to fuck her.” After hearing what he has said to her, Isabella said to him. “I told you that your initiating like that would give good result. You kindled the sexual urge in her and now she is just like any ordinary girl.”

“Might be it is because of your counselling to her also.” Stuart said. “So far you both have become very good friends.”

They both settled all naked side by side on the bed to have it together but have not started it yet.

“No, Stuart. I did not even broach that topic at her. Even we both have become good friends also, I just could not find chance to talk such matters with her. I must say this development is only because of your initiation.” She paused for a second before saying again. “Now I am thinking that there will be no necessity of my counselling also. Just mark my words, she herself comes to you for that from now on.”

“How my approach should be with her then? Soft or wild?”

“Undoubtedly soft. Treat her like a flower. Even the urge has been kindled in her, it still takes time to her to understand that and digest that. Until she herself wants it so, you don’t do anything she does not like. Anyhow if you do want wild sex, I am always available to you.”

“You are absolutely right.” He kissed on his both cheeks and then on her lips also. “I am feeling very happy that I can have sex with Jasmine from now on. In this happy occasion, I want to give a concession.”

“I am very much eager to hear what it is?” there was sudden curious expression in her face.

“Till now your husband is watching us both only through the window and I don’t know how much he could see and enjoy.” He paused for a second and a small smile made his lips widened. “But on this day, I want to give him the chance to watch us both by staying in our room itself.”

“My god! do mean it?” with a shocking expression in her face Isabella exclaimed.

“I never do say anything without meaning it.” the smile on his lips was widened even more. “I know where from he is watching us both. I just go and invite him into our room.”

“James I know you are enjoying watching us both having it together through this window. On this particular day, you can come into our room and watch us direct. Please come into our room.”

Then he heard movement in that room and when he turned back, Isabella was opening the doors of that room. With a shy expression in his face, James entered into that room.

“You are very much kind to allow me to watch you both in this way.” James face was with a full happy expression.

“No, James. You are the kindest person to allow me to have your wife. You just don’t know how much I wished and desired to fuck her beautiful ass for a long time before I start doing that to her.”

“Alright. May I also become naked just like both of you?” watching them both absolutely naked like that before him, James was feeling an uncontrollable thrill feeling in him. “I am feeling very much good while watching you both like this.”

“In all respects James.” Stuart said once again with a smile. “I just want to see whose cock is longer between us both.”

James did not feel much shame to undress himself completely at both of them. His thing jumped up free and stood resiliently when got rid of the last garment also from his body.

“Your thing is not as much longer as mine. There is no surprise as you are a short man than I and it is matching with your body size.” Stuart said and came near to him. “But it has strong erection! It is indeed pathetic that you cannot do it long even you have good erection!”

“I just want to see how long and better you can do it with your thing.” As if he did not hear what he has said, James said. “I am feeling too much thrilled to see it directly like this.”

Then Stuart started it on Isabella and even he knew that James was watching every time both of them through the window but then being watched by him like this direct created an uneasy felling in him and when he looked into the face of Isabella, it seemed she was also just feeling it like that. But after some foreplay he has lost that uneasiness and everything was as usual.

“Yes, yes, yes! How much I wish to do it like that!” while Stuart was moving his thing furiously between the vaginal lips of Isabella, James exclaimed. “Any woman can feel wonderful if a man can do it like that to her.”

“Not just the woman….……” Stuart fell flat on the top of Isabella after discharging himself completely into her and said “……….a man also can feel in the same way while doing it like this.”

When Stuart freed himself from the hold of Isabella and got off from the bed, James was not there. But there was pool of white liquid on the floor making him understood that poor guy has got his discharge watching them both so. He thought, if he has not got the discharge like that, he would have come to fuck Isabella as soon as he finished with her.


“You said that it will be better than fucking, is it will be really so?”

When Jasmine asked him so when they both were settled side by side on the bed, Stuart just wanted to jump with happiness. Really Isabella was great that she could predict things like these.

“Give me a chance and then see. Once it is over with, you yourself would agree that it is threefold more joyous than that.” Trying not to show his elation in his face, Stuart said.

“Alright. I am giving you the chance. Just prove it to me so.” She laughed and said.

Stuart felt happy for another thing also. He was going to fuck a virgin for the first time and he was sure no girl he fucked so far was a virgin at all. He wanted to pounce her and do that hardcore sex but he remembered Isabella’s caution suddenly. Jasmine was just like a flower and very much new to sex so he needed to deal with her very carefully.

He took her into his both hands and put his lips on her lips and it was the very first time that they both kissed like that. Even they both kissed many a time even before marriage also she never kissed him on the lips and never has given him the chance to kiss her on the lips. Every time the kisses between them were fatherly kisses on the cheeks, smooth and just touching. So far to the knowledge of Stuart it was the first sexy kiss to her.

As soon as Stuart put his lips like that on her, there was shock in her face and she tried to withdraw from him but he did not let her do so. While restraining her with both of his hands he continued the kiss like that and after few seconds, he took her lower lip into his mouth and started chewing on it gently. Some sexy feeling might have started in Jasmine also, she stopped retaliation and let him chew on her lip.

“My god! You suffocated me to death.” When he released her, she threw him back and said angrily.

“I am sorry. It seems you did not enjoy it at all.” Stuart really felt regret. How he had forgotten about the caution of Isabella?

“No, it is thrilling!” suddenly there was a smile on the lips of Jasmine. “I don’t know that a kiss can be in this way also.”

“Lovers kiss in this way. This is the first step to start sex.”

Then something happened that he did not expect at all. She came near to him and put her mouth on his lips and pressed her lips more and more on that. Then they both hugged each other and enjoyed that kiss for few seconds and it was she who relieved herself from him first.

“Could I kiss like a lover now? Did you enjoy my kiss?” she looked straight into his face with knitted brows.

“Profoundly I must say.” He laughed. “It seems that you have developed a lot just in one day.”

“On this day Isabella counselled me a lot. For the first time someone told me how important sex is between the couple. Then I decided to participate in sex in an equal way with you.” Settling on the left side of him, she said.

(I hope that you enjoyed upto here. I shall publish the next chapter as soon as possible. Please don’t forget to rate and review.)