Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 7 in English Thriller by sivaramakrishna kotra books and stories PDF | Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 7

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Love is dangerous with a Stranger - 7

Love is dangerous with a Stranger

(A romantic, investigative and detective thriller)

Kotra Siva Rama Krishna

“Even then too......” that serious expression vanished and once again her mellifluous laughter was just like music to him. “ are not old Stuart, you are quite young.”

“I am thirty eight years old Jasmine. If you are just twenty years old, I am eighteen years older to you.”

“Next month I complete my twenty one and enter into twenty two.” Stuart did not know the reason but her cheeks were blushed.

“Still the age gap between us is not less Jasmine. I am quite apt for your friendship, just think.” Once again a smile was forced onto the lips of Stuart.

“But you are appearing quite young just having the age of thirty years or so.” She laughed in the same way again which he enjoyed just like before.

“That means, being old is not enough but appearing like that also is important to become your friend.” He pulled a serious expression into his face.

“Oh, Mr.Stuart..........” once again there was a serious expression in her face. “Before coming to you and join in Gaama, uncle said about you to me. Even before that also, out of interest, in my usual way I have been searching and tracking Gaama and in that process I came to know about you who is the promoter of it having sixty percent stake in that........”

“Now my stake in that is seventy five percent. With the idea of your uncle I bought back the shares of it.”

“That was indeed a good move!” Her eyes were twinkling. “Just in twenty days of time its share price has gone up forty percent! What all signs are suggesting at present is; it price goes up and up like that and makes it multi multi bagger.”

He did not say anything but remained observing her with a smile in the small pause she gave.

“I have an opinion and impressed by you even before seeing you Mr.Stuart. I cannot say how much thrilled and excited I was to meet you in person and talk with you. Now also I am feeling so much thrilling and exciting to talk with you in this way.” the excitement in her face then made him understand she was indeed feeling like that inside of her.

“What I have to understand by this?” he knitted his brows together. “Whether I can be a friend to you or not?”

“I feel very much happy to have a friend like you.” Once again there was the same twinkle in her eyes. “I can pass my whole day with a friend like you without indulging myself in any other activity.”

“Then from now on we are going to spend time like that Jasmine. We both are going to spend time together all the days to come.”

“I just cannot understand what you are saying!” with a confusing expression in her face Jasmine said.

“I make you understand.”Stuart stooped forward in the chair. “From tomorrow onwards, I will be on leave. I put the whole responsibility on your uncle and Isabella to look after the company affairs. We both are going to spend the whole days together.”

“Do you......really mean it?” she got off from the chair and exclaimed.

“I mean it hundred percent.” Stuart also got off from the chair and said. “From tomorrow onwards we both shall be together and you can enjoy my company until you vex with me and ask me not to come to you.”

“That never happens Mr.Stuart, that never happens.” Before he understood what was happening she came fast to him, put her both hands around his neck and kissed on his right cheek smoothly. “You just don’t know how much I love and like your company and I can enjoy that infinitely.”

It took time to Stuart to understand what happened and the touch of her smooth and silky lips on his right cheek was like that, he just could not understand the feeling he was undergoing at that moment. It was so good, so good feeling and he also put his both hands around her and about to kiss on her left cheek but then suddenly a startled expression came into her face and hurriedly she left her hold around him and relieved herself from his hold.

“I am sorry, I am absolutely sorry.” She went away from him and said. “I do like this whenever my uncle says a good news to me and as it is such a good news to me, in haste I did in the same way.” her cheeks were deeply blushed making her beauty even more.     

“Its alright, no problem.” A small smile was once again forced onto his lips. “Anyhow I did not feel bad for your doing like that.”

“What does that mean?” an instant angry expression immediately filled her face.

“I cannot say.” He nodded his head with a helpless expression and before his saying anything Isabella entered into that place.

“I did not expect you here.” With a smile on her lips Isabella looked into the face of Stuart.

“I came here for uncle. As he was not here and Jasmine started enjoying my company, I stayed here.”

“Did not he tell you that he would be out of station on this day? He asked me to be with Jasmine until he returns.”

“He said to me but I forgot.” Stuart laughed looking into the face of Jasmine. “Anyhow we both have been enjoying each other’s company, is it is not so?” 

“You are absolutely right Mr.Stuart. Your company is really very much enjoyable.” The same charming smile has taken its charge on her lips again.

“Ah, one thing here Isa.” Stuart looked into the face of Isabella. “From now onwards you and uncle are going to look after all the affairs of Gaama until I come and join. I shall be absolutely on leave for few days.”

“My god! What is this decision and for why?” Isabella pretended a startling expression on her face.

“I promised to Jasmine to be with her and give her company until she vexes with me and asks me to go away.” Then he looked into the face of Jasmine.

“If it is so........” Jasmine laughed. “..........only Isa and uncle should look after Gaama forever just because I never vex with the company of Mr.Stuart.”

“Its indeed a beautiful decision!” Isabella also laughed. “Providing your assistance will be there whenever it is necessary, we both do have any objection to look after Gaama absolutely until you want to come into it again.”

“Certainly I will interfere and help you whenever necessary. After all I am the major stake holder and responsible for Gaama.”

“May I go now? I have come here to give company to Jasmine as her uncle requested me for that. But as you committed like that and here..........”

“No, besides me she needs you also. You too should have come occasionally and see what she wants.” Stuart said “For the present I am going and tomorrow morning I will be here.”

Then leaving both Jasmine and Isabella in that house, Stuart went away from that place.


“It is indeed wonderful to have you here again Mr.Stuart.” Jasmine exclaimed with happiness when the next day she has seen him in her house. “You don’t know how much happy I am feeling now!”

By that time David Carter left for the office and Jasmine has absolutely forgotten about Stuart’s promise.

“Will you stop adding that Mr. before my name?” pretending little anger in his face Stuart said. “Have not you been convinced yet that I am your friend?”

“Oh, I am convinced that you are more than a friend to me.” For few seconds he enjoyed her musical laughter. “Alright, as you said. Anyhow may I call you in the way I want?”

“I love it.” Stuart smiled. “Tell me how do you want to call me?”

“Stu.....from now on you are Stu for me.”

“You are not going to be the first person who called me like that. My mom also used to call me so.”

“Alright Stu. We both are talking here standing. Why don’t we settle in the chairs and talk just like yesterday.” Moving towards the chairs in the hall, Jasmine said.

“No, we are not going to spend today like this.”

When he said it like that she turned back and looked into his face with gathered frowns.

“We are going to enjoy each day in a different way. On this day we both do go to the beach on our horse.”

“I have no objection to come to the beach with you but not on a horse.” With an uneasy expression in her face Jasmine said. “I never ride on a horse and I am feeling fear to do that.”

“You are not going to ride the horse all alone and I shall be with you.” Stuart said and asked her with knitted brows. “Still you do feel fear for it?”

“Of course, no. I don’t feel fear to do anything along with you.” The same charming smile filled her lips again. “And I just do love to feel anything with you.”


“I really enjoyed a lot riding like that with you on a horse, Stu. Thanks a lot.” As soon as they alighted from the horse in the beach, Jasmine put her both hands around the neck of Stuart and kissed on his right cheek but before he understood what happened, she relived him and went away with quite an uneasy expression in her face.

“I don’t know but I am every time remembering my uncle and doing like this, I am sorry.” Her cheeks were blushed to the maximum.

“Never mind. I said I enjoy that.” With a mischievous smile on his lips Stuart said.

“Mr.Stuart, I don’t like your saying so.” Her face became angry and she said with knitted frowns.

“You can hug me and kiss me whenever you want but I should not enjoy it, is it is justifiable?” Stuart also pretended an angry expression with knitted brows.

“My uncle never says like you. He just pats my shoulder and relieves himself from me.”

“The ways we both consider you are absolutely different.”

“I just cannot understand what you said.” Her face was with confusion.

“You see, you are just like a daughter to your uncle. But I cannot think and consider you like that.”

“Why cannot you think and consider me as my uncle does?” frowns gathered on her forehead and he understood that she was restraining the smile that was forcing onto her lips.

“I am considerably older to you but not as much old as your father would be. So I cannot treat you like my daughter.”

“Then in which way you do want to treat me Stu?” the gathered frowns were just like that on her face and this time she let that smile float on her lips.

Stuart remained silent as he did not know what to say.

“Many people say I did not grow up corresponding with my age and I agree. But I am not a child. I know in which way you do like to treat me.”

“Then you tell me what is that way.” trying not to show his startled expression in his face, Stuart said.

“Lover.” She said straight. “You want to consider me and treat me as my lover.”

In the straight way she said it really shocked and surprised him and he could not restrain that feeling being expressed in his face.

“I want to say things straight and hear them like that. I long before understood that you have interest in me and I know why it is so.”

“Why you are thinking that I have interest on you?”

(I hope that you enjoyed upto here. I shall publish the next chapter as soon as possible. Please don’t forget to rate and review.)