The Silent Witness in English Detective stories by Kishanlal Sharma books and stories PDF | The Silent Witness

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The Silent Witness

Narang was a retired Major from Indian army.Every morning he woke up before Sunrise and laced up his jogging shoes and set out from his home for a brisk walk.At that time when Major Narang went for morning walk the streets were always quiet, with occasional chirping of birds or distant hum of a passing vehicle.He cherished this time, a brief escape from the chaos of the dsy.
One chilly morning,as he walked past a deserted stretch near the park,he noticed a pack of stray dogs growling and circling something by the roadside.His curiosity piqued,he approached cautiously, what he saw froze him in his tracks--a man's lifeless body sprawled on the ground
The man looked to be in his forties, dressed in a formal suit that was now stained with dirt.There was no blood, no sign of a struggle nearby.Narangs  heart pounded as he pulled out his mobile and dialed the police.. He remained at the spot for waiting police to come.Some people who also went for morning walk daily also stopped there.Everyone was talking about the murder.The  all were talking about who is that and how he came here or murder at other and body threw here.
After few minutes later a petrol car arrived, followed by a forensic team.The police officer cordoned the area and Detacative Aarti took charge.Shd was sharp eyed and methodical, known for her unrelenting pursuit of her truth.
As Narang, recounted his discovery.Detective Aarti listened intently,"You did not hear or see anything unusual before this? She asked"
" was just the dogs barking,"Narang replied to police officer
The forensic team examined the body and found faint bruises around the man's neck--a clear sign of strangulation.They also recovered a wallet which identified the victim as Rajiv Malhotra,a local businessman
The police visited the Rajivs family, who revealed that he had left home the previous evening after receiving an urgent call The caller was unknown and his mobile was missing.
Detective Aarti began piecing together the mystery.CCTV footage from nearby streets revealed Rajiv meetings someone near the park late at night The grainy footage showed a man in a hoodie walking sway shortly after.

The investigation led the police to Rajivs business dealings, He had recently been embroiled in a dispute with a former employee Ramesh when he had fired for embezzlement Ramesh had threatened Rajiv but had no alibi for the night of the murder.
Under interrogation, Ramesh denied involvement but seemed nervous.The breakthrough came when forensic experts analyzed a strand of fiber found on Rajivs jacket.It matched the fabric of a hoodie found in Rameshs home
Confronted with the evidence, Ramesh broke down.He confessed to luring.. Rsjiv to the park under the pretense of a business discussion, only to strangle him in a fit of rsge over his ruined career.J
Justice was served but Narang couldn't shake the memory of that chilly morning.From then on, his walks were never the same Each time he passed the that spot,he felt a chill,a reminder of the fragility of life and the secrets of the silent streets could hold