Super Natural Powers in English Adventure Stories by Bk swan and lotus translators books and stories PDF | Super Natural Powers

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Super Natural Powers

Supernatural powers
Penned by juluru gopala Krishna murthy
Pen name ramana sri liberal translation by bk angel manohar kanagala
                                                                                                                                      Energy healer
This is completely not understandable the that whether the country is on the path of progression or retreating day by day
Perhaps the expansion of modern science is the cause of seeding for reborn of the first man.. if not then what is it .. is this is not denying our mother by refusing our belief system that coming from thousands of years
Well-known scientist Mr. Sirkar’s argument is that our epic maha bharath is nothing but a fiction..
In the opinion of Professor Shankaaliya though the maha bharath may be happened in some point of time in the past history, it is just a normal family clash and there is nothing peculiar is incorporated in it
Was Ramayana really happened? Or not.. was valmiki is real.. was vyasa is real.. where is the lanka .. did really rama went to lanka .. did really anjaneya over crossed the ocean.. or he just jumped over a small stream ( since he is a monkey)
Rama was a baddie .. sitha was an insane woman .. surpanakha was par better than her.. system of those days were completely filled with feudalistic mentality .. rama is a representative of that system .. so, worshiping him measns burning the humanvalues into ashes .. those who are still believing the god are the feudalistic people in real .. the poor people are really becoming victims by grounding themselves in the shadows of these poisonous trees of belief ....
some real poisonous trees are worrying in this way ....
Meanwhile someone ringed the door bell.. the bell rang by sounding tring tring .. after hearing that sound professor benarji came out from his thinking looked at the door and said without standing from his chair “ who’s that.. Come in “
The door was opened and the postman stepped in
He saluted to Benarji. after that he put some letters and covers on the table and left from there
Mister benarji once keenly observed the posts.. Some cards , covers, colourful envelops, national and international news papers were laid on the teapoy and looking like a feast for eyes.. in fact these are the daily mails for mr.Benarji
Mr. Banerjee stood and bend slightly... he took a green coloured cover. On the cover the Japan postal department’s symbols were printed very attractively
Dr. Bepur,
Japan, rationalist society of Japan,
Tokyo – 56
These letters were typed very beautifully in the place of from address
Mr. Banerjee opened the letter with a cutter and taken out a green colour paper from the cover
He silently read the letter which was typed neatly...
Dear professor Banerjee
First of all my heart full of greetings to you.. I just received your letter.. From the past two years nobody has accepted my challenge.. but today I’m pretty much glad after knowing ,the good news that finally you came front and stepped forward to accept my challenge.
Since you are accepting my challenge.. as per rules and regulations i should receive the amount of five thousand in Indian currency which means five thousand rupees in words from you. For preliminary observation I’m sending Mr. Mohit as my representative. he will be arriving India by air on fourth of this month please receive him in the air port
My sincere thanks to your efforts for making my continual hard work for many years fruitful
                                                                                                                                            Your friend
                                                                                                                                             Dr. Bepur
Mr. Banerjee folded the letter and put it in his pocket with a smile on his face. He looked at his wrist watch – December 3rd, Wednesday.. Appearing clearly
Mr. Bepur is a famous scientist and the president of the Japan rationalists’ association. He is the first man who openly condemned the malpractices of some bluffers who are propagating their every normal act as a magical deed.
Dr. Bepur says that Producing the holy ash from the palms, creating shiv lingas, and showing magical worlds before peoples’ eyes, and telling clearly about the past, future and present , showing the vaikhunta ( holy abode of goddess sree maha lakshmi and god sree maha Vishnu ) , sitting in Samadhi , creating currency by chanting some mystical words are nothing but hypnotism. There is no divinity in it. These people are not demy gods. We can easily show bigger miracles than them.. This can be possible to everyone with constant practise. This is just like a psycho treatment on human weaknesses.
Not only that, all the fake babas and gurus who are looting the public in the holy name of the god, they even doesn’t have the power of creativity . They just utter the morals like trained parrots.. But they implement nothing from them.
All will say to kill all the vices like lust, ego and anger to attain divinity but no one of them has concurred victory on a single badness of these vices. All these people are just sucking the blood of those poor fellows those who are the blind believers of fictional myths just like as the leeches. These kind of people will never work but always depend upon the others like parasites to live a luxurious and comfortable life. So, Mr. Bepur claims that his aim behind starting the rationalists’ association is to just unveil the bitter facts of these bluffers.
He strongly argues that No nation can become progressive by just blindly believing the myths, no country can be developed. The philosophy of karma will stop the growth of human intelligence and simply vanishes the awareness in the humans
Moreover, Mr. Bepur daringly says that the superstitions are completely mixed in the nerves system of every Indian; that is the only reason of not development in India. The people always show disinterest towards revolutions
He proudly claims that the secret behind the development of his own country Japan in spite of being small in land size because his country’s citizens does not have any false belief . he strongly believe that the reason behind the rapid growth of the revolutions in agriculture, industrial sector and cultural sector is just because of the awareness that his people have
He strongly believes that the one who is the strong believer of materialism can only become a constant researcher
 The society that started by Mr. Bepur is expanded all over the world with in no time. This institute has many branches in various countries.
Mr. Bepur’s team has given and still giving hundreds of stage shows across the world … in his team every member can create the holy ash from his or her palm. Every one of them can create shiv lingas magically from air… they can also create liquor bottles instantly. The magician flies in the air and walks on the water.
He says that only some gimmicks they learnt are the only reasons behind these magical deeds.. We are not super beings and also not conquered any super natural power
Recently Mr. Bepur has thrown a challenge before the entire world
If anyone in the world from anywhere is willing to become successful to prove that miraculous powers and super natural powers are really in existence and able to foretell the past present and future on the basis of astrology or either anybody is successful even to show that kind of persons will be awarded with the reward amount of two crores of rupees
This statement which was stated by Mr. Bepur has raised curiosity and enthusiasm among common people, devotees and religious heads in all over the world
Especially in India which has became world famous by the name ‘the land of karma’ this statement has raised so much of sensation. all the believers and followers of ancient religion were got stunned after knowing about this challenging statement . but all the famous babas just ignored and set aside this challenge ... they said philosophical answer very logically that their souls are just good enough to witness their ideologies they don’t need others’ approval
all the other swamijis stated that these kinds of thoughts are rising now why because the end time of the world has came now
All atheists has thought that this will be a good chance for them ... also the curiosity in the youth has also raised.. The adults were worried.. Thus the challenge that thrown by Mr. Bepur has created chaos among all the people
Somehow Mr. Benarji heard about this statement
Mr. Benarji has worked in the occupation of director position in Indian archaeological department and retired. In his so long years of life journey he firmly believed the karmic philosophy. He believes that the god exists for sure.. In his opinion god is a form of almightiness.. he is formless and vice less. He strongly believes that worshipping that ultimate almighty power with full determination and total dedication will always becomes fruitful.. And nothing is impossible with constant and continues practice
  Mr. Bepur’s statement provoked the enthusiasm in professor Benarji.. he decided to face the challenge .. He wanted to prove the greatness of India which is the motherland of Vedas and puranas. He immediately started taking action on this
He travelled all over the country.. Consulted highly qualified scholars.. Met experts in mantra vidya.. Deeply discussed with tantrics and many more... he thoroughly filtered all the babas and swamijis
Though Professor Benarji met so many people but still he was not satisfied.. All the people he met just explained the theories philosophically but not expressed their readiness to prove them practically..
Among them some people tried to show some magical things , but all those things are doubtable at somewhere. Some of them directly said to Mr. Benarji that all their miracles are beyond to his understanding power
At one point of time he stopped his quest because of so much of vexation and remained silent.. Gradually the hope in him is started disappearing.. at that point of time a strange thing has got to happened
Some strange statutes and statues were found in the archaeological diggings in undavalli area which is located in the centre of Andhra Pradesh.. The Government requested Mr. Benarji to examine them Mr. Benarji accepted that proposal and rushed to there
He reached undavalli by evening six o’ clock.. he reached the area where the excavations are going on by seven o’clock pm on foot
Officer of undavalli archaeological department Mr. Mal hotra has cordially invited Mr. Benarji
The special team of that area’s department were excavating in the light of petro max lights
Mr. Mal hotra took Mr. Benarji into the tent... both of them sat on the camp cot ... meanwhile the attainder came and served them two cups of hot tea
“What Mr. Mal hotra ... What is the special reason for the government behind to invite me specially.. What sort of strange things happened here? “ Mr. Benarji curiously asked Mr. Mal hotra while sipping the tea
“ i tell you it is really strange .. You will definitely feel wonder after listening about this “ Mr. Mal hotra emptied the tea cup and said these words
Further he continued his explanation “we are excavating here from the past thirty days .. Firstly we found two big rock idols so we started digging more deeply to acquire more information presently our diggings are going under thirty feet deep area from where we found the idols .. Just four days before our assistant has heard some strange sounds.. He immediately informed me about the strange sounds
.. I instantl
y rushed there immediately after getting the information and examined the whole scenario
Yes... It’s really sound... coming from somewhere... The sound is really very peculiar... in my opinion the sound is just sounding like some rain drops are falling on palm leaves and spilling out. .. I immediately suggested my team to dig deeply towards the area from where the sound is coming
After digging for thirty six hours finally we found a Rock gate.. after so many sever hard trails we became successful in opening the door .. Suddenly our team found a very big and spacious cave.. And the things we found in that were simply experience able but not explainable ... I’m lacking words to explain the entire scenery to you Mr. Professor Benarji I swear... “Mr. Mal hotra concluded by saying these words
Mr. Benarji internally wanted to know what they had found in that cave very seriously.. But somehow he has become successful in calming down himself after deciding to see the things directly only
“You please take rest Mr. Benarji we will go to there after sun rise “ said mal hotra
“ ok Mr. Mal hotra ... I’m really very glad and appreciating your precious efforts to give a valuable and praiseworthy information to the nation “ Mr. Benarji was very impressed with Mr. Mal hotra and he said these words with Mr. Mal hotra to honour him
          “Thank you sir this is really very big privilege to me ... you can have you dinner on whatever time you want to have ... our assistant will come and serve you ... please make yourself comfortable and feel at home .. Goodnight sir” .Mr. mal hotra said these words to Mr. Benarji and left from there
Mr. Benarji had his dinner at sharp nine thirty pm and said to his assistant that he may go now... The attendant readied the bed so that Mr. Benarji can sleep comfortably.. Then he took leave from Mr. Benarji and left from there
That was very beautiful night indeed.. The moon who is the king of nights was spreading his bright moon light all over the sky and mesmerising everyone .. the sky is just appearing like a beautiful blue colour saree woved with silver silk flowers .. the cool winds are just bringing the golden memories of mountain breezes..
Mr. Benarji laid on the camp cot and closed his eyes.. ten minutes passed .. Mr. Benarji could not slept.. so many answerless questions were started wandering in his mind .. one hour passed just like that ..
He stood and sat on the bed .. he pored the water into a tumbler from the jug which was on the teapoy and drunk it slowly .. he put a cigarette in his mouth lit it,put it in his mouth and started smoking .. later he started walking far away from the tents
Since that was a mountain area and surrounded with mountains everywhere.. All the area is covered with trees and and all the four sides were just filled with trees with full of tender leaves.. the cuteness of the nature is just remind a pregnant woman who is dressed beautifully and looking adorable ..
The kerosene lamps and petro max lights installed by the Archaeological Department were spreading their light in the darkness and making the place visible.
He walked a little further, looking at and enjoying the nature that was giving a feast to the eyes.. Suddenly his eyes fell on the crater where the team of the Archaeology Department was digging.. A watchman was guarding the entrance of the pit. Giving.. These words were said by Shri. Mal Hotra's words started ringing in Shri Banerjee's ears that "It would be better if you examine things directly."
“What if I enter into the cave and visit it once?” This thought suddenly came to Banerjee's mind.
But he doubted that it would not be safe to go there without the permission of the concerned officer.
After hesitating in his mind for ten minutes he finally decided to go alone into the cave.. Immediately he returned to his tent, took all the necessary equipment which is mandatory for going into the cave and reached the crater.. He showed his ID to the watchman and kientered into the cave.
He reached a flat area after stepping down the twenty five steps built by the archaeology department... total width of the tunnel would be five feet he started walking by identifying the marks drawn by the department with the help of a torch light and cross
ed the distance of furlong..
He stopped his walking suddenly.. suddenly he noticed some sound waves were coming from somewhere...
Very strange sounds..
Mr. Benarji tried to listen them carefully by making his ears alert ..
The same old sound as said by mr. Mal hotra .. small small rain drops falling on the palm leaves and spilling out..
He started walking towards from where the strange sounds are coming.. He suddenly stopped for a while.. Silence.. Horrible silence..
Suddenly the sounds were started again.. Very strange sounds.. These were not the sounds those he heard previously.. This is a beautiful music that soothing Mr. Benarji’s ears and it was very smooth sound for ears.. This music is beyond of fairies and the music will mesmerise the gandharvas
The music was contained with the hundred crores of mixed beautiful voices of apsarasas.. mr. Benarji spell bounded for a moment ..
What a strange this is... Why Mr. Mal hotra did not mentioned about this music while narrating the incidents... did not he experienced this music?.. or did he forgotten .. how can be a responsible archaeological officer like Mr. Mal hotra become such a dullard.. Something happened
Suddenly something struck in Benarji’s mind and he looked for the time in his wrist watch
In the radium dial watch the small needle and big needle were on twelve ... he nodded his head as he decided something and moved ahead towards from where the music is coming.. he reached the rock door in just ten minutes
That rock door itself is so mesmerising.. The angle of artistic beauty is appearing in that rock gate.. He smoothly pushed the door.. Since it was opened once earlier.. The door opened without making any noise...
Mr Benarji indulged in the feelings of joy and exclamations for some fraction of seconds.. What an artistic miracle... Mr. Benarji felt the having just two eyes are not just good enough to witness such an artistic glory which is not possible for everyone
A wider atrium... most brighter light everywhere in that underground as if thousands volts of electricity is passing.. it’s very strange from where this bright light was coming .. but it was giving the experience that all the moon light just occupied all over the atrium all the walls were just looking like covered with transparent curtains ..
In that atrium he is was seeing beautiful sculptures everywhere.... a soul soothing music was streaming all over the atrium as if thousands of tape recorders ware switched on at a time..
Under the light of brightness.. Mr. Benarji looked all sides of the atrium for a while ..
So many sculptures surrounded him by pouring out the liveliness... he could not stop himself from praising the sculptor for his remarkable and unforgettable sculptural art .. how nicely he melted all his artistic talent and carved these sculptures
He reached closer to those sculptures and started examining them very keenly .. every sculpture is made from a single piece of rock( monolithic) .. Musical sounds were coming from every single sculpture..
 at first because of the musical sounds Mr. Benarji suspected that whether the all the idols are made of any metal.. but after some chemical test he came to a strong conclusion that all the sculptures are made from rock but not of any metal
Some information in a strange language is embossed on a stone plaque beneath every sculpture
Mr. Benarji wore the magnifying glasses and tried to identify that script.. After some time he became successful in his efforts... Finally he detected that the script is ‘dev nagari’