Whispers of the White Cat in English Detective stories by Govind books and stories PDF | Whispers of the White Cat

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Whispers of the White Cat

 Siya, a bright and curious girl with a strong family background, was studying Economics at the best university in Pune. Living in a hostel with her two close friends, she led a fairly ordinary life-except for her unrelenting fascination with detective work. Inspired by her uncle, a renowned detective, Siya would often visit his office, poring over case files and reading through mysteries. Her curious mind was always engaged with detective stories, never tiring of solving puzzles, even if just in her imagination.


Her days went by with a pleasant routine: after college, Siya would visit a group of kittens that lived near her hostel building. She adored them and spent hours playing with them, finding solace in their company. Life seemed calm and uneventful, but a darkshadow was about to fall over her peaceful world.


One quiet night, Siya was awakened by eerie noises-like a cat desperately crying for help. Startled, she brushed it off as her imagination playing tricks and went back to sleep. But the following night, the cries returned, more intense, more desperate. This time, fear crept in. Siya mentioned it to her roommate, but her friend dismissed her concerns, suggesting she was just overtired.


Siya's instincts, however, told her something was terribly wrong.


The next evening, determined to uncover the source of the unsettling noises, Siya kept a close watch on the stairs leading to the floor above.

Suddenly, she heard the unmistakable sound of cats meowing in distress. Heart pounding, she rushed up the stairs and opened the door to find a man-her strange neighbor holding three or four of the very kittens she cared for.


The sight froze her in shock. The man, known for his disturbing behavior and rumored to be involved in black magic, turned and locked eyes with her. His gaze was cold, threatening, like a death warning. Terrified, Siya fled back to her room, her mind racing with fear and confusion.


The next day, her fascination with detective work kicked in. Siya started researching about cats, hoping to find some clue to the mystery. Among the books she read, one sentence stood out: "White cats do not belong to the family of cats."


The phrase haunted her, but she couldn't quite grasp its meaning. That night, unable to sleep, she lay in bed listening to the ticking of the clock. The silence of the night was suddenly broken by the blood-curdling scream of a man, a scream that sounded like someone being killed.


Frightened, Siya called her friend Meghraj. Within minutes, he arrived, and they both hurried to his house, where Siya managed to find some peace. But the next morning, they returned to her hostel, only to be met with chaos-police vans, a crowd of onlookers, and a horrifying discovery.The man who lived on the floor above, the same man Siya had seen with the kittens, had been murdered. His throat had been savagely torn, and the room was drenched in blood. Siya, trying to piece together the puzzle, noticed a familiar face among the detectives at the scene-it was a close friend of her uncle's.


She explained everything to him, and the police agreed to let her help with the investigation. As she entered the man's room, she was struck by the gruesome sight-bones of 9 or 10 kittens were scattered across the floor, their blood staining the walls. But there was one peculiar detail: the man's body showed signs of having been attacked by an animal, likely a cat. And the cat was missing.While searching the room, Siya discovered an old, tattered book hidden away. It was a book on black magic and rituals of immortality. As she read through the pages, the horrifying truth began to unfold-the man had been conducting a dark ritual, one that required the sacrifice of 11 cats to achieve immortality.


But as Siya reached the end of the book, she found the last page was missing. Desperate for answers, she called Meghraj, who immediately set out to find another copy of the rare book. After hours of searching, Meghraj found the second copy in an old bookstore, and he rushed it to Siya.

What she read in the final pages sent chills down her spine. The ritual explicitly forbade the use of white cats -using one would not grant immortality, but death. Instantly, Siya remembered the white cat among the kittens the man had been carrying that night.


The puzzle clicked into place-the man had unknowingly doomed himself by including the white cat in his ritual. It was the white cat that had killed him, turning his dark desires against him.


Siya, armed with the truth, had solved the mystery of the man's death. The shadows that had haunted her nights had been vanquished, but the eerie memory of the white cat's revenge would Stay with her forever....!!