Hate to Love - 1 in English Love Stories by Misha Nayra books and stories PDF | Hate to Love - 1

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Hate to Love - 1


(Hate to love) Part 1 

This story is imaginary and delusional so, the all things is just like novel so, don't think this real 

This is the story about a girl who doesn't believe in love she only believe that love is only make troubles. 

so, this girl name is Nayra. She is a 17 years old with her cute, kind, and fearless personality with her beauty. Nayra is pretty girl her eyes, her lips, her face, her white and fair skin always make people love her there are lots of her college boys who always give her gifts and roses but she always refuse to take anything in her family there are her father Neeraj who is a police commissioner .Her mother Rajni is a lawyer  she is also a beautiful person who loved her children. Her brother Nayan is a ceo of a big company name NRA company (fake name).He is also a handsome and cold man who love her sister so much that he even kill himself for her. Nayan is older than Nayra. Nayra is youngest in her family and the most loved one. Her family is in the top richest family in the world. They live in a big mansion. Nayra is a college student and she want to become an actress. Her family is a nuclear family and her whole family love her so much that they always take everything for her. They always tell her to go college with bodyguards because there are lots of enemies in her career who always try to hurt her. and Nayra also know this so she agree to this and always help her parents in everything. her family and life are always pretty good. but sometimes in her college somee boys annoy her to sending gifts like chocolates, roses, teddy bears and many more. they always try to make her their girlfriend because in her college and always she refuse them to do this. She is the most beautiful girl and whole college girl hate this because she gets all the attention of boys. so, they try to humilate her but her bodyguards always protect her. In this college she only had her bestfriend Kaira she always help her and always kind to her. 

One day in her college, Nayra is going with her friend Kaira. Some boys block her way and said Hi Nayra how are you did get my gift I gave to you yesterday? do you like it? or do you want anything else.

Nayra said I always told you kartik that please don't send me gifts I have everything and why are you wasting your money if you want to give someone give the things to your girls because she always said that no one give me anything. 

Nayra why I should waste my money on those ugly,stupid girls. They doesn't deserve anything. 

If you want anything else just tell me? I can give you anything said Kartik.

Sorry kartik I don't want anything.... Nayra doesn't finish her sentence suddenly a girl come.

and said what did you say Kartik? 

Than a slap came to his face and Kartik face turn to left.

To be continued

Who is this girl? What her relationship with Kartik let's see this in next part.

Bye bye.