Take me to the sky in English Short Stories by Mr Rishi books and stories PDF | Take me to the sky

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Take me to the sky

Dear Dairy,

Elina's POV

I remember when I was 12 years old. My parents got divorced.After which my costudy was given to my mother and I went with her to her mother's house in Pakistan. After a few months, my grandmother passed away, after which I in addition my mother were left alone. 

One day I had a very high fever. Even after taking a lot of medicines my fever did not go away.My whole body would be so hot as if someone had thrown me into a volcano. Ever since I had fever, it is rare that my eyes were open properly. My mom would repeatedly put cotton cloth soaked in cold water on my head. This would give me some relief. but not for long time.

One day my mom was sitting next to me and crying. Meanwhile a 40 year old woman came and consoled my mom and said"Miss Oracle, why don't you take Elina to the nearby mosque?There lives a molvi , when the medicine does not work then he is the one who can cure the person with his prayers." 

After listening to that woman, my mom agreed to take me to that molvi.I was still not fully recovered. I was having a high fever and feeling a heavy headache.

"Elina Don't worry, I am here, you'll get well very soon. "She said while stroke my head. 

And then she picked me up in her lap, wrapped me in a stratum sheet and took me to that mosque. After some time we reached the mosque.where my mom told everything to that molvi about my health condition.

I got scared after seeing that molvi and held my mom's clothes tightly.Because that molvi had a very long beard which was white and red in color. And due to not having a moustache, his appearance looked quite scary. He must be around 45 or 50 years old.

"Molvi sahab, my daughter has been suffering from fever for a long time, only you can do some miracle." She pleaded 

I was standing behind my mom, terrified,,,,The molvi stared at me from top to bottom and a devilish smile suddenly appeared on his face and vanished.

"Look, I will try my best, the rest you have to trust Allah."He spread his hands, looked up and said, “Allah will make everything alright,,come in" He said this and went inside Mosque.

My mom took me up the stairs and went inside, it was very dark inside. I became even more scared and tremblingly said, "mom, I am frightened. Please Let's go back." 

"She wiped the tears from my eyes and said"don't be afraid. Your mom is with you, okay? everything will be fine."

I relaxed,,,I went ahead with my mom. Suddenly a voice came "Not you, just send that girl inside."This sound was very heavy and scary.we both are scared.

My mom detached me from herself and beckon me to go ahead alone.As long as I was with my mom, I was less scared,But now my heart began to sink after detached to my mom and I became even more scared. I took a step forward and then looked back.

"Don't worry go ahead"she murmured 

Then I took a deep breath, gathered courage and moved forward.A faint sound was coming from a door ahead. I slowly reached there with fear and stopped outside the door. I saw that many candles were burning in that room. And that molvi was sitting there.There was both fear and sweat on my face. 

 He looked at me in a very scary way and said"Come in and sit down"I was feeling very unwell. My whole body was hot. Now I did not have enough courage to take even one step forward.

Suddenly,I felt as if someone was pulling me backwards. My vision started turning dark and I suddenly fainted. 

When I regained consciousness, I saw that the same molvi was chanting mantras and spraying water on me. When I tried to get up, it felt as if my hands and legs were tied. I turned my head to the left and right and saw that both my hands were tied in a rope. The same was the case with my legs. And when I looked at my body there was not a single piece of clothing on my body.
I closed my eyes in shame.

"Please,,, please leave me"I cried,,I begged 

 But he was engrossed in chanting his mantras.He did not give any answer,He opened his eyes and picked up the ashes lying on the ground and started rubbing it on my chest. I was feeling very awkward.I was trying very hard to disengaged but I couldn't even move. 

He started moving his hands all over my body and I was feeling very tickling. Tears started coming from my eyes.

Please,,leave me I'm not feeling well."I begged again 

The molvi came close to me and whispered in my ears." Your body is very hot, and to reduce this heat I will have to come over you. This will reduce the heat of your body.This is the only way to cure you. 

I was shocked after hearing this.I tried hard to resist him but I failed.

" Mom, please take me home."I shouted and almost cried 

My voice did not reach outside because the door was already closed.That molvi took off his clothes in front of my eyes and threw them on the ground. Seeing her naked like this, I closed my eyes and started crying loudly.

"Please,,,, please let me go,,I am not feeling well.Leave me for God's sake."I begged 

But he didn't listen to me And he came and lay down over me. He started sniffing my arms like insane.I was getting very irritated. He was hitting my thighs hard. His finger marks were left on my thighs.I screamed a lot but he did not show any mercy on me.

"Leave me, you bastard,"I said angrily 

He looked at me angrily and opened my mouth with his hands and spit in it.That was very disgusting.
             Then I spit back on his face."thuuuhhh"After that he slapped me back to back at least four times. And he tried to kiss me, in response I bit his lips with my sharp teeth.
        After this he became very angry And He started urinating on me.I was lying completely helpless. I was crying.
                 "please stop it,,, Leave me."Saying this, I shook my legs with all my strength and one of my tied feet got freed. He was still urinating on me. I kicked his penis with full force and he fell down right thereHe continued to writhe in pain for some time and then suddenly it seemed as if the movement in his body had stopped.

"Help,,,help,,,mumma please come here"I cried out  

Thank god someone heard my voice and slammed the door,After a lot of trouble the door opened. My mom was standing near the door. She was shocked to see me naked. 

"Mumma please help"I cried 

My mom quickly came near me and started untying my tied hands and legs.As soon as I was freed from captivity, I hugged my mom and started crying loudly. My mom also had tears in her eyes.

"Nothing will happen, I have come, right?"Don't be afraid , my brave child."she said this while hugging me.

"Water,, water,, please give me some water "molvi groaning

I was very frightened. Hearing his voice, I hid in my mother's arms.My mom pushed me away from herself and slit the molvi's neck with a sharp knife that was lying nearby.After which he died there.

That day, in front of my eyes, the police took my mother with them and after that, I have not seen my mom.

Read Next....

Everyone's life is not the same. Like in my life, sorrows were knocking one after the other. This has hardly happened to anyone.An incident that happened with me made me a calm and composed girl forever. But after years, a boy entered my life who changed my entire life. And taught me to laugh again, and how to live life happily.To know the full story, read Take me to the sky.