Martandya, The Setting Sun. in English Short Stories by Joysree Das books and stories PDF | Martandya, The Setting Sun.

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Martandya, The Setting Sun.

   Kunti was born to king Surasena of Mathura. But as promised to his friend and cousin Bhoj, the king of Kunti, she was given to him, by her father,who adopted her and brought her up as his own daughter. She was given the name  Pritha by Surasena,but she was later named Kunti,as she became a daughter of that region. Kunti was beautiful, and when she came of age, she was given the responsibility of entertaining the royal guests who visited Bhoj's palace.       But one day there came a visitor who was well known for his rudeness and short temper. He had cursed Indra, the king of gods, Shakuntala, and many others . He was Durvasha. Kunti looked after his comfort and never gave him a chance to complain. After his stay of four months Durvasha went away but before leaving he blessed Kunti with two boons. One was she will remain beautiful and young till her death. Old age will never afflict her . The other was she would be visited by any god she wished would come to her, and would father a son on her. The two boons were related one to the other.She would be able to summon a god and bear his child till the end of her life, as she would never grow old.                                               It was an evening of Autumn. Harvest was over.People of Mrittikabati,both men and women had come to the bank of river Parnash with baskets filled with fruits and vegetables and nuts newly gathered from the fields as offering to the Sun who had helped them to grow their food.The Sun was about to set. Kunti who had also come to the river bank looked at the Sun.She got a glimpse of a handsome god radiant with light and brightness. "Martandya",she whispered to herself. She retuned to the palace after the rituals were over, but she could not forget the face of the Sun, the eyes of the Sun, his body bathed in splendour.She spent a sleepless night, and at dawn when she looked through her window at the eastern sky she saw Sun driving his chariot of seven horses of beautiful colours. She remembered Durvasha's blessings and called Sun to her. In moment's time she saw the god standing before her and she closed her eyes. She felt his arms drawing her close to him and she thought that she was within a ring of fire.The Sun left him with a kiss that she was to remember for the rest of her life. She went to her bed and fell into a deep sleep. The other half of the blessing also came true. She had called a god and he left her with child. She gave birth to a boy, in secret, and floated him in a basket in the waters of river Parnash.                                 King Bhoj arranged for her marriage through a swayambar. Many Kings willing to take a wife were summoned, and Kunti was to choose one of them. She chose Pandu of Hastinapur. She left Mrittikabati to become the queen of Hastinapur.