Men Too Can Have Breast Cancer in English Health by S Sinha books and stories PDF | Men Too Can Have Breast Cancer

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Men Too Can Have Breast Cancer


                                      Men Too Can Have Breast Cancer 

Usually we term Breast Cancer a women’s disease . But it happens in men too , though rarely . Even though the form and shape of breast between men and women vary significantly, men still have a small amount of breast tissue and other inner structures including the inactive  vital milk duct . This milk duct  is the place of origin of male breast cancer , though very less frequently .. As with any other cancer , starting treatment of men’s breast cancer in the early stage is highly effective. 
As male  breast cancer is little known most of such cases come to knowledge / or are reported too late as compared with female breast cancer . That’s why though it's rare in men , men should be aware of it in advance. 

Some of  Major Symptoms of Male  Breast Cancer -  a growth of skin around breast  or any painless mass or lump , discharge or bleeding from any nipple , change in nipple color and shape e.g. a turning around nipple .  noticeable changes in chest skin or its color viz redness in skin , dimpling of skin or scaling in skin  .

Major causes of Breast cancer in men -  Though exact cause is still unknown , studies have seen the following main causes - 

Male breast cancer originates from nipples.  Male breast cancer starts when DNA of breast tissues starts changing . DNA is the guide of cells which tells them what to do . In healthy cells DNA tells cells to multiply and also die at a set stable rate . But DNA changes in cancerous cells mutation is too fast so healthy cells die quickly and mutated cells  live longer . These cells can form a firm mass or lump.  

Male breast cancer can start in the milk gland or milk ducts . But there may be other types also - Paget disease of nipple or inflammatory breast cancer .  

Everyone is  born with a small amount of breast tissue including men  . They consist of milk producing glands and milk ducts which carry milk to the nipples . .  Though  male at birth generally do not grow more breast tissue during puberty . But because everyone is born with a small amount of breast tissue, breast cancer can develop in anyone.


Diagnosis of Male Breast cancer - 

Clinical Exam of Breast - First of all your doctor will have a physical exam of the breasts to feel / see any change in color of skin or presence of any lump which might  be a future tumor . If uncontrolled tumors can spread in other areas further killing healthy cells . 

Imaging - Next in case of any doubt doctors may advise for imaging tests like Mammogram - which is a X- ray of breasts or ultrasound  , Biopsy - removing a sample of breast cell , BRCA gene test to see noticeable DNA changes / mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes ,  

These tests help doctors in treatment of cancer . 

Staging of Cancer - After seeing the results of above tests and if found positive , the doctor will accordingly  plan for a suitable treatment plan. Cancer is defined in 0 to 4 stages . 0 means least risk while 4 means more risk as  it has spread to other areas . 

In case of men , after imaging tests doctors can have a broad idea about spread of cancer . He / she can further get some tests done for staging like- Bone test , CT Scan , PET scan ( positron emission tomography ) scan . 

Risk factors

Factors that increase the risk of male breast cancer include:

Old age  - especially above 60s 

Obesity - Obesity is linked with higher levels of estrogen hormone  in the body which  increases the risk of male breast cancer.

Hormone therapy  or medicines containing estrogen -  If you take estrogen-related medicines for hormone therapy for prostate cancer ,  risk of breast cancer increases 

Liver Issues - Liver  cirrhosis  , can change the balance of hormones in the body which significantly  raises the risk of male breast cancer.

Family history of breast cancer -  Like any other cancer  Family history of blood relatives with cancer increases breast cancer risk 

Inherited DNA changes  - Some of the DNA changes that can lead to breast cancer are passed down from parents to babies  e.g. the DNA changes BRCA1 and BRCA2 increase the risk of male breast cancer.

Klinefelter syndrome -  This is a typical genetic issue that occurs when males are born with more than one copy of the X chromosome. 

Testicle surgery or other disease - An  inflamed testicles  or surgery to remove a testicle, called orchiectomy, can increase the risk of  breast cancer in men 

Prevention - Actually there is no means to prevent male breast cancer . But for those rare ones who have it , the risk can be lessened  by taking precautionary measures - 

In case of family history of male breast cancer - If you are aware of  such history with your blood relative , tell your doctor in the  very beginning . Get examined / screened so that treatment can start sooner , if found positive .

For Transgenders - if you have not done gender affirmation surgery , talk to your doctor and follow screening instructions for people assigned female at birth . Even if you had gender affirming surgery done , breast cancer risk still remains though rare . Report to your doctor about any change in color in the chest around nipple or nipple discharge .

Treatment - In case of positive test report doctors can advise following treatments , depending on its stage -

Surgery - The aim is to remove all cancerous tissues and some healthy ones also in the nearby areas . This may include removal of nipple , some healthy tissues and some surrounding skin . 

Radiation - Sometimes  all tissues can’t be removed, then  the rest may be removed by radiation .

Hormone Therapy - If cancer is hormone sensitive , doctors may advise hormone therapy to stop cancer’s return after surgery .

Chemotherapy -   Chemotherapy uses strong medications to kill cancer cells . It may be in pills or given in veins . It’s used after surgery to kill any remaining cancer cells and also to kill cancer cells in other spreading areas . 

Targeted Therapy - .This therapy uses medicines that attack and destroy special chemicals in cancerous cells . Targeted treatment can cause death of cancer cells by blocking those chemicals . 

Bottom Line - This article isn’t meant to scare anyone but to have awareness about Male breast cancer . Early detection means early and full recovery . 

                                         The end