The Game play of targeted human beings in English Business by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | The gameplay of targeted human beings

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The gameplay of targeted human beings

This is still in the area of research and conspiracy. But, the people claiming to be targets all have similar experience when it comes to explaining social behavior and their psychological experience. However, the issue itself is so gray and hidden that everybody claims it doesn’t exist publically. The combined weapons for creating such catastrophic effects in an individual are almost there with all coming out explaining only its benefits, but a weapon capable of doing all that in a human is still hidden. However, the game play is somewhere else. There is Google, which literally offers all the documents a target needs to explain this issue publically, because other than the targets no one has the courage to look through documents mentioning the CIA on every search. So, as one of their contractors, they ensure the CIA has the list of all the targets, their handlers worldwide and as the target is monitored by handlers, they make sure to get the grip on them as it can be certain that the handlers also avail their network connection from the same internet supplier. Normally, most of the handlers reach out to the same supplier to cross check or manipulate. Whenever a target tries to expose the issue, those handlers come up with the same documents to discredit them. So, they just maintain a tap on that supply chain. Now, there is another targeted Individual named Dr. Katherine Horton, who is at this very moment collecting Affidavits from targeted individuals against the leaders of their nation with no connection or experience relating to the targets as she herself mentioned that she doesn’t hear voices in her head which is the basic factor to trigger a targeted Individual with outrageous allegations and a PHD holder in the field of physics not willing to study further about this issue. Thus, there is one organization collecting a list of all the targeted Individuals and another person collecting a list of affidavits of leaders of the nations of targeted individuals. If in any way this issue or this weapon goes public there is a high possibility of that trump card to fold her affidavits and in a very weird way. So this enables the espionage game to keep hidden. However, the most important of all is that those affidavits are of no worth. No, you can never discredit a single individual for the crimes performed by a nation even if he is the leader of the nation and no nation will ever take the credit of any crimes performed against a single individual. So, it is the same thing as saying my government or any private organization or any single person is spying on me and it is literally the word every individual expresses in their coffee table which is we are being hacked.  The only difference is that the targeted individuals say the same word in a different way which is, their mind is being hacked and the government is responsible. Unfortunately, what the targeted individuals are unaware about is that they are the main espionage gear, who actually judges everyone around him or her and due to the adverse nature of this theatrics; he lets the system know about other’s flaws and break the society into nuclear level explaining all the flaws of every individual. However, for further evidence regarding this issue the only Nobel winner with schizophrenia John Nash had similar experiences as the targeted individuals and there was a movie named A Beautiful Mind released in 2001, the same year of World Trade Center attack. The lead actor Russel Crowe of that movie was the only Hollywood actor to be followed by the FBI for security reasons for two years from 2001 and after that the protocols were removed when Saddam Hussein was captured. According to his confirmation, he was unclear about the reason for the security. Moreover, when it comes to the application of polygraph tests for lie detection, the civilians are tested with those before being recruited by the CIA or Military Intelligence according to Edward Snowden and Lena Sesco. But, according to Lena Sesco, she had never used those in any terrorists or even to till date as per her confirmation the mere lie detection test takes a lot of years and protocols to conduct on convicted civilians (But Not Terrorists). So, when the US government itself doesn’t use a simple lie detection test on terrorists and uses millions of dollars and many years on interrogations, then it can be certain that using such methods like mind surveillance which can properly be termed as Brain Control to original terrorists is something they are really scared to do. As per my assumption and considering the two incidents, they purposefully avoid the use of this technology on original terrorists maybe due to the fear that this might lead to some legitimate businesses, politicians, and powerful people having ties to terrorists.