The Divide and Conquer Policy in English Detective stories by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | The Divide and Conquer Policy

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The Divide and Conquer Policy

Who hasn’t heard the term divide and conquer? The entire world has been divided into 200 divisions through this very policy from the very beginning of time. From my belief religion is the main reason for all the chaos that is going on around the world and it has certainly been like that from the Second World War. During the 1940s the Germans were interested in eliminating the Jews and so there was a war raged between the countries like Soviet Union, Japan and the USA based on that issue which is religion where the suppression of the Jews disheartened all. It was certainly a time people were faced with true horrors in the name of religion where Jews had to endure the pain of suppression which till now they are afraid to face. During that time the Jews understood the true nature of humanity as Schindler after being a Christian risked everything to save the lives of Jews. Until now all the Jews remember him and praise his as one of their own who stood up against the Germans to save them and lost a fortune in doing so. The brutality of Hitler and the kindness of some men like Schindler made them believe there was still a place for them in this world. Considering the brutality of Hitler, they are still in tight relation with the Americans as they no longer wish to face the horrors of religious dilemma of being tortured and for the safety of their believes, they are making sure no country ever does that to them. However, at that very time the British government took no part in that division as most of the countries involved in that war could affect their trade. Instead, after ending of World War 2, they simply liberated the whole India three years later based on that very issue religion, without any sort of war valuing the peace protest of Mahatma Gandhi. India is a place where only Hindus will reside, Kashmir though it is one state with majority of Muslims it is divided into Pakistan and India. And Pakistan itself was divided as East Pakistan and West Pakistan based on its majority of Muslims crossing the entire border of India though the East Pakistan had no cultural similarities with West Pakistan, Srilanka was a separate country with major population of Buddhist, Bhutan with majority of Buddhists, Maldives with majority of Muslims and Myanmar with majority of Buddhist. So, even though there was no war that can be addressed during this separation, but the separation based on religion itself created a war. Automatically, the cultural, language difference between East and West Pakistan created a unique kind of discrepancy, Myanmar sided with China based on religion, Srilanka started a subtle preference towards China. So, in the process of this non-violent division had created a war among almost all the countries of the Indian belt. As expected, India is still in war with the issue of Kashmir with Pakistan. If I am not wrong according to the plan Bangladesh was never supposed to be an independent country, it was most probably left in a way so that India would fight for two states with Pakistan and eventually the Bangladesh would be a part of India or the fight will go on. Regarding Kashmir, it has still maintained a war between the two nations. Myanmar has sided with China based on Buddhism, but due to the ideological difference between the two countries as one prefers communism and the other prefers democracy, it is currently dominated by military and tearing itself apart based on propaganda. Most importantly as all those countries were separated into so many divisions that they are all siding with bigger powers of the world in order to survive, trading their resources, labor and manpower at low costs. Ultimately, all these countries are free countries but with much less human rights in order to survive.