Shiv️️ Shakti in Hindi Mythological Stories by Sakshi Rote books and stories PDF | Shiv️️ Shakti

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Shiv️️ Shakti

Shiv Shakti🌍☘️
The Ultimate Reality is #Paramashiva or Shiva
Tattwa, and the nature of Shiva is Sacchidananda.
#Parashakti or Shakti Tattwa refers to the lccha,
Gyana & Kriya Shaktis, and is the very Swarantrya
which Shiva is always endowed with.
Shiva and Shakti rank highest in the hierarchy of
the 36 Tattwas, and are classified under the category
of Shuddha Tattwas.
"Existence" here doesn't refer to the things that
exist like table, chair, dog, cat etc; but the very notion
of "Existence" itself. If Existence is ocean, then the
world consisting of gross, abstract and fictional
existences are the waves, foam and bubbles of the
ocean. Or, if Existence is gold, then the necklace made
out of it possessing name, functionality and form is
essentially gold even when we see the necklace.
Existence and Consciousness are identical here
as well. Chit refers to the pure consciousness, but
every modification of it retains its self-luminous
nature and its spontaneity of the effulgence of this
sjngular consciousness to become manifested in
multiple forms. Therefore all our cognitive modes are
the self expressions of this Chit.
Sat and Chit are not different from one another.
This unlimited Existence plus Consciousness is
Ananda or Bliss/Fulfilment, which is the foundation of
the expression of Chit, and every mode of cognition
has this Ananda embeded in it. . Thus suffering or
sorrow is seen as a bad role being played to attain joy
out of it. Sorrow is after all an expression of the Divine
It is the power of will or volition, and is the pure
will of Shiva materialized in manifold. Thus Purusha
(Jiva) also has the will to express, enjoy etc. When
this lchha is hindered by the Kanchukas- Kaala (time),
Vidya (limited knowledge), Raga (desire), Niyati
(causality) and Kalaa (limitations), the Jiva feels
confined and the sorrows begin. Suffering is thus
described only in the context of these Kanchukas.
It is the Power of cognition. Like lchha, Gyana too
becomes limited due to Kanchukas, and same is the
case with Kriya or power of accent. But even in this
limited or Sankuchita state, the six features-
Sacchidananda lchha-Kriya-Gyana are always
Swatantrya :-
The Divine finds temporality i.e. the Pure
Consciousness is not bound in time-space. Instead
with its own freedom or Swarantrya it becomes
manifold, and experiences its inherent dynamism. In
other words, the change that The Ultimate Reality
undergoes out of free will is not necessarily seen as
falsity or Maya. So Swarantrya is also an essential
feature of Shiva. Singular Ultimate Reality can
become plural by sheer free will.


Maha Shivratri
And this is how the FIRST ever LOVE STORY reached
its destination
#MahaShivratri - The union of Shiva
and Shakti
The Whole Universe will be the Witness
Mahashivratri, "The Great Night of Shiva" is the most
Significant Event in India's Spiritual Calendar..U
In 2024, Maha Shivratri will be celebrated
Tommorow March 8.
The Marriage of Mahadev
and Maa Parvati
"A Divine Twin flames"
"Maa Parvati (Shakti) had to reincarnate 108
times then she got
into a union with Shiva"
Shiv Shakti s
What is the significance and Science behind the
Celebration of Mahashivratri?
Mythological Significance
According to Hinduism, Mahashivratri is believed to
be the night when #Shiva performed the "Tandava", a
cosmic dance that signifies the creation, Preservation,
and Destruction of the UNIVERSE.
Spiritual Significance
#Mahashivratri is considered to be a night of
Spiritual Awakening, and many people observe fasts,
perform prayers, and meditate on Shiva during this
Maha Shivaratri is considered the day when adiyogi
or the first guru awakened his consciousness at the
material level of existence. According to Tantra, at this
Stage or consciousness, no objective exXperience
meditator transcends time, space and causation. It is
regarded as the brightest night of the soul, when the
yogi attains the state of Shoonya or Nirvana, the stage
succeeding samadhi or illumination.
Astrological Significance
Mahashivratri is believed to be a time when the
planetary positions are such that it is easier to access
Spiritual Energies and achieve Spiritual growth.
The Science behind the celebration of
Mahashivratri is rooted in the idea of Rein
of Rejuvenation and
There is a natural upsurge of energy on that day
( Mahashivratri). In the human race, the most
significant aspect is the vertical spine which allows
energy to flow in a certain path if you keep your spine
in a vertical position it will be very beneficial to
receive the grace on this auspicious night. Though
there are very powerful yet simple sadhana to become
receptive for the grace of Mahashivratri.