The Global zoo named Africa in English Moral Stories by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | The Global zoo named Africa

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The Global zoo named Africa

Africa is considered as the placefor indigenous tribal people, a place where people are with so limitedresources that they are struggling for survival and all of them are territory based.The lives of people are so extreme that even today many women are willing to doanything for the mere scrap of food available. This is a region where the most notablecountry is South Africa which is a hub of the British or European and other thanthat when it comes to notable business based positively perceived country thereis none and Egypt being known for Pharaoh the suppressing self-proclaimed goddoesn’t really make it a notable country. And if anyone sees the news or portrays the African region based on the propagation of Media, they consider the wholeAfrica as a land of Indigenous people where the tribes are so prehistoricminded that one’s life can be at jeopardy if they wish to visit. The mostconcern among all is AIDS as if the entire region is filled with AIDS infectedpeople which still make people think several times before going anywhere nearAfrica even knowing the fact that many of the countries are Muslims. The portrayalof people of Africa in our minds even though having ample amounts of land is asif it is a warzone and nobody can educate them to expand their businessesthere. Now, when it comes to praising about the strength or devotion and incurrent times the talent of any black men, they are highly appreciated in theUnited States or in Europe. But if we go back just 70years, they were not evenconsidered humans in the United States or even Europe. They were killed likeanimals and most importantly any protests in the name of black lives matterwere even unable to imagine. Now, the thing is why these black people living inthe US or Europe do nothing for Africans, it is due to the fact that they werebrought in as slaves in the 1800s and none of them were able to be free or evereven got the chance to travel to Africa. So, finding the ancestry of Obama200years later actually doesn’t mean anything to him or to Kenya. He has noattachment or even feelings towards any of the people of Kenya as he has beeninformed of that fact most probably from a DNA test or something similar. Youreally have no connection to any of your heritage when there has been 6 to 7generations in between that you have no idea about. This small bit of game playjust made him weak, not strong as all Americans know that the African Americansand the Africans have no connection in modern times. They have become completelydifferent races due to the lack of missing knowledge of their blood relativesand that’s why these blacks are more Americans than Africans. However, usinghis niceness a total facebook based, CCtv based, and search engine based serveilledsociety was created which started from the 2008 market crash. In the process ofknowing recent updates, people started sharing all their details. However, tillnow it was a mystery to most why Obama was so ineffective for the Africans andtheir indigenous people and the conflict that was happening there. Now, when itcomes to the business structure of the Africans, they are mostly prone to exportingthan importing anything due to lack of education or knowledge of anything. Inmany of the African countries, the education rate is below 50% which makes themalso ineffective in Agriculture also. In most of history, France wassuppressing Africa to ensure proper supply of slaves in both America andEurope. But, mostly America because during the American liberation war, France became its close ally which resulted in more black population in Americathan any European countries, which is why African Americans are mostly seen inAmerica. The very thing can be played for them or against them if used properlyby the British as now France is in the European Union. Till now, France iscollecting rents for all the Government Structures, Architectures built intheir period from the African nations which enables them to dictate the rentrate which dictates the government contracts and ultimately the leader of thegovernment. In most cases, no one wishes to change the renters as new rentersmight not agree with all the terms. So, to ensure that oil and gas businessesare government based mostly. Most other businesses are based on naturalresources like Agriculture, Furniture which are business set-ups where wagescan be controlled at will. But, when it comes to manufactured goods, nobody istaking any initiative to expand their business there due to the misrepresentationof the Africans being AIDs infected, war loving people. Unfortunately, when youcontrol the top authorities in this way based on Government contracts and rentpolicy, the greed to get in power or stay in power creates war on its own. MostAfricans think of themselves as freedom fighters only to be used as pawns of greed to get in power for those government contracts and to submit to theEuropeans. When it comes to representing an entire continent, there is only onecountry South Africa doing most of the exporting or setting the market of theimported goods which is mostly a white community with very few blacks torepresent. Other than that the notable media companies of Africa aren’t even heardof till now and we are under the perception that nobody should be allowed toenter that war zone of indigenous people to die as it is the place of the scaryAmazon forest. I guess the zoo in Africa is not the animals but the humanswhere being sacred just was a trick to make them neglected.