Actual Spies in General in English Detective stories by Khandaker Sakib Farhad books and stories PDF | Actual Spies in General

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Actual Spies in General

The term of spying or espionage seems like a person who just comes out in the open with all the superior strength as any superhero and becomes Jason Bourne out of nowhere. No spy acts like that and as a matter of fact they lead such a normal life that it becomes very difficult to recognize them and when one can actually figure out an spy in their entire life, they will find them the most boring persons you can find. And from my belief if any government wishes to disregard a person throughout his life for his services as a spy due to the reason of a different identity prepared for crediting him in a same manner, then the government would form him in that particular identity and skill set. That is why we know very little of the difference between a spy and a detective, but always make the mistake of thinking them as detectives instead of spies. Spies on a regular bases are normal individuals with a very specific skillset for a very specific set of business and they will be credited in that particular area throughout their lives as they are not meant to be detected, it’s not their duty to detain anyone but to observe and it’s not the government’s responsibility to protect them if they get caught. So, my friends Jason Bourne is not the thing but a very boring person doing a very boring job or a boring person doing a very dangerous job as the lowest of their food chain might be an acceptable character. Also, the martial art is the art taught of soldiers to protect themselves or assassins to kill which is a very rare requirement from the spies. Hence, a person prepared to be discredited by the government at all cost will not be taught in that field to get noticed and death is not the requirement but a waste for any form of defense service. However, detective is needed to be skilled in many forms as he needs to able to detect a crime within the shortest time period and need to be able to get out of any danger if that ever arises when he has detected a crime as he has the authority to arrest. So, that is where all of us get mixed up with spies and detectives. Yes, spies are part of the armed forces and detectives are part of the police or private force. But being a part of the armed forces doesn’t always mean they have the requirement of martial art as a job requirement for every specific post in their order and espionage and martial arts doesn’t mix as being regular or boring is in itself the best form of deception which can only be done perfectly by the most intelligent of all. Because we forget the basic term to mingle, but they don’t, which is to listen and a good listener who rarely participate is the most undetectable of all as he is not getting noticed but only being part of the crowd. So, in the process of forming undetectable spies, the best is to make others believe that the person who is spying can be detectable at any cost and in the process of preparing such a character it is better to form him with flaws or make him appear with flaws that he would rarely participate in any kind of versatile conversation but listen but be intelligent enough to get noticed. Normally, a qualification gap with enhanced skillset is a good one for such a specific character but not the overly qualified one to be the center of attention due to his qualification. In that way, he would notice the entire society in a very different way and judge everyone in a singular phase with their unique flaws because leaders look at the society as crowds and normally doesn’t judge them as a singular beings. It is the best way to collect information on a singular basis.