Living Arrangements After Marriage In India in English Human Science by Siddhant Singh books and stories PDF | Living Arrangements After Marriage In India

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Living Arrangements After Marriage In India

Living arrangements after marriage in India are undergoing a significant change, the traditional norm of the wife moving in with the husband's family is no longer the only option, as more and more couples are opting for alternative living arrangements.

One of the most common reasons for this change is the increasing number of dual-income couples, in such cases, both partners may have their careers and may not want to give up their independence. They may also prefer to live in a city or town that is convenient for both of their jobs.

Another reason for the change is the growing acceptance of live-in relationships. In the past, live-in relationships were seen as taboo, but they are now becoming more common, especially in urban areas, where couples living together before marriage may be more likely to continue living together after marriage.

There are several different living arrangements that couples in India can choose from. One option is for the wife to move in with the husband's family, this can be a good option if the couple wants to be close to the husband's parents and other family members. It can also be a good option if the wife is not working and wants to focus on taking care of the home and family.

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to this living arrangement, the wife may feel like she is an outsider in her husband's family. She may also have to deal with the expectations of her in-laws, which can be stressful.

Another option is for the husband to move in with the wife's family, this can be a good option if the couple wants to be close to the wife's parents and other family members. It can also be a good option if the husband is not working and wants to focus on taking care of the home and family but this rarely or say it doesn't happen at all.

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to this living arrangement, the husband may feel like he is an outsider in his wife's family. He may also have to deal with the expectations of his in-laws, which can be stressful.

A third option is for the couple to live in their own home. This can be a good option if the couple wants to have their own space and independence. it can also be a good option if the couple wants to live in a particular city or town that is not convenient for either of their jobs.

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to this living arrangement. it can be more expensive for the couple to live on their own. They may also have to deal with the challenges of homeownership, such as maintenance and repairs.

A fourth option is for the couple to live in a joint-family home, this is a type of living arrangement in which multiple generations of a family live together under one roof. This can be a good option if the couple wants to be close to their extended family. It can also be a good option if the couple wants to share the responsibilities of childcare and eldercare.

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to this living arrangement. it can be difficult to maintain privacy in a joint-family home. There may also be conflicts between the different generations of the family.

The best living arrangement for a couple in India will depend on their circumstances and preferences. there is no right or wrong answer. couples need to discuss their options and choose the best arrangement for them.