7 Things You Need To Understand About Love in English Women Focused by Roma Rawat books and stories PDF | 7 Things You Need To Understand About Love

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7 Things You Need To Understand About Love

7 Things You Need To Understand About Love

1.. Love Is Sacrifice.

When you love someone, you'll prove it by sacrificing a bad habit your partner complains about.

2.. Love Is Never Toxic.

If you love each other, no one will ever be concerned about exhibiting superiority or being the sole decision-maker.

3.. Love isn't fear. Although your partner will harken to all you say, if you are wrong in certain decisions, he/she will voice out.

4.. Love is True. I know you might have heard of fake love, but the truth is, there's nothing called such. If it's love, it's true.

5.. Love isn't always reciprocated.

This is a very painful thing that happens to us and drives most people into errors they end up struggling with. You can love someone genuinely, but when you see that your partner can't even embrace your imperfections as beautiful, please stop. If you force such a relationship, it will end up like a "Will and Jada Pinkett Smith" relationship. Love him/her by letting go. At least love yourself. Moreover, the BIBLE says: Love your neighbour "as" yourself. Isn't that why love is considered a mutual relationship?

6.. Love is meant to be enjoyed and endured according to the brilliant slogan:

for better or worse. Love is meant to be reciprocated between the two individuals, and when hard times come, they should work together to make things good again. The problem is when one is enjoying at the detriment of the other. Please don't be deceived by celebrities like "Mia Khalifa" saying Marriage is paperwork. Well, Marriage isn't paperwork. It's a commitment, a thing of the heart. That's what separates commitment from consistency.

7.. Love must end.

At a particular time, you will part ways and won't be alive to fantasize about yourself and think of the good old days, so choose right and leave a good legacy.




Piece of advice for women in the dating world.

You will never convince a man to love you.

Find a man who answers when you call and texts back within minutes rather than days.

Find a man who gives you clear-cut answers and doesn’t leave you wondering where you stand.

Find a man who wants to make you a part of his life rather than a chapter in his book.

Find a man who doesn’t take years and years to figure out what he wants from you.

Find a man who respects, celebrates and encourages your individuality, your education, your spirituality, and your growth.

Remember It is never asking too much from a man to be considered a priority.

Find a man who is genuinely interested in you and pursues you daily.

Find a man who asks you to go to church with him.

Find a man that never lets you go to sleep at night wondering if you still matter.

Watch how a man treats his mother. You can learn a lot from how someone treats the person who brought them into this world.

Never chase a man because of his looks because one day those looks will eventually fade and what you are left with is what's inside so don't be consumed by his physical traits.

Find a man who protects you and stands up for you even when you're not around.

Find a man who values you and who would never put themselves in a position to lose you.

Find a man who wakes up every day looking for new ways to love you.

Find a man who understands it's not about giving you the world but making you feel like you're the only one in it.

Take my advice and remember your time is precious. Don't waste it on someone who doesn't realize you are too.