When We Met - Book - II - Chapter 6 - where he seems to have found every answer within him in English Fiction Stories by Aisha Kapadia books and stories PDF | When We Met - Book - II - Chapter 6 - where he seems to have found every answer within him

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When We Met - Book - II - Chapter 6 - where he seems to have found every answer within him

Suddenly Edward was so shook to the core he pursed his lips in a thin line, trying to determine what that meant after he had this earth shattering conclusion in his mind.

Or more precisely, what he should do next to give himself the release from this agony of having to wait upon Emily's every word, her every sigh and her thoroughly agonizing stories about her dates — with men — from a distance, just as her friend, as she did the same to him in his time of need — while also allowing himself the patience of watching her fall in love with someone else.

That was not him.

A sound escaped his throat, dangerously close to a growl and he heard Emily whimper in response. His jaw clicked, hands fisting on the back of her dress, nearly ripping the fabric to shreds.

Emily found his eyes, asking for something, and he was sure he knew what she was searching for. He damn well knew he was bare to her like any wounded wolf in need of treatment.

And at the utter mercy of being skinned alive if that salvaging balm didn't come from her. And her alone.

And only she could cure him of this sickness...this utter nonsense that kept jabbing at his heart as if he fell on the thousand prickly knives all at once.

His hands tightened around her waist, going dangerously down until he was cupping her hips— firm globes of soft flesh pliant to his large demanding hands. The ring in his forefinger — his wedding ring that he still wore shamelessly — jabbed at her left butt.

Her low moan was not lost on his raging ears, the blood roaring loudly over them — as he pushed her even more against him, her warm front body sliding deliciously up against his insane hardness.

Emily gasped, her breasts creating that delicious friction which went straight shooting to his cock that wanted nothing more than to bury itself in her silky hot dampness, till she couldn't think about anyone but him and his mouth — or better, his tongue — upon her.

Emily stiffened against his hardness poking at her belly, swallowing audibly. She licked her lips in nervousness and he could feel her nipples hardening to pebbles now which poked at his chest and damn well itched him to rip the front of her dress right then and there with his teeth and trace his tongue down to her heaving cleavage until he could bite her full breasts, suck them in his mouth to his roaring hunger which perhaps had no limits — harder and, softer and, louder — until she would break apart in his arms with the cry of his name all over and over again.

And that, he thought, could very well be atleast the starting treatment of his sickness for her.

His cock was pulsing hot with need now, all the blood flushing down to his balls till he could no longer feel his own limbs anymore. He was so utterly mad, with desire singing in his veins, demanding him to take her sweet nectar — between her trembling legs — in his deprived thirsty mouth, right then and there.

And suddenly he had every intention of marking her body with his teeth and every likes of the possessions that would show she was his. And his alone. Forever.

But he knew he couldn't touch so much as even her hair to his liking, because now he was as far a distant acquaintance of her as her first date with that Medicine Guy.

Who can very well go to hell, by his help of course, for all he cared.

Overcome with sudden misery and longing, and an equal need to inhibit himself from ruining her life anymore than he already did, he made himself content by exploring her upper lip. When Emily tried another slip of words to speak this time, his thumb was unceremoniously caught between her full hot lips.

Emily's eyes widened but she couldn’t dare to move her lips around and with each passing moment, her hot breath was fanning his thumb more and more. Her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment as her chest rose and fell in uneven breaths.

As if her heaving breasts proved to be so painfully distracting for him, again, he moved his hands in the command of them, mesmerized by their suppleness.

Before he can gauge the possible validity of their being creamy, milky or bounty or whatever characteristics he had conjured up in his mind for them, Emily’s palms finally decided to slap his hands away.

“Have you lost your mind, Edward? Have you finally decided to be the ass you’ve been hiding yourself for not being one all along?”

Edward finally met her eyes, her gaze burning with rage. “Yes, I’m an ass. I’m more worse should you ever get into my mind and happen to see the utter chaos whirling in there.”

About you. And your lips. And your tongue. And how I'd love to tangle it with mine. And suck till we both run out of breaths—

Emily crossed hands below her chest,“Well that can be arranged by a strong electric discharge, I’m sure. Come here, I’ll show you the way to our most gigantic Iron Pole. Get yourself tied there, or I’ll get some help from the office guard, I’m sure he won’t mind a free circus show in his tiring day for his small help. In the meantime, you would experience the waves of delight that would shake your entire existence to the core.” She eyed him. “Literally, by the way.”

Edward smiled, “I’m amused by your abundance of imagination. You imagine better than most woman I’ve met in my short life.”

She scoffed, as if she couldn’t believe her eyes. “Surely not as better and vivid as you. Otherwise I won’t be standing here in the middle of the night with that painful rod raised like a proud log.” She narrowed her eyes at him. “In front of my pants.”

Edward made no move to cover his evident desire straining his black suit pants. She already felt it, and she should also know by now just who was capable of melting him to such an extent of puddle at her feet.

And he was not embarrassed of feeling that for her. Instead, he had an inkling he was even proud that she was the woman who undid him and his plans as much as she did now.

“Really, Edward. I expected better than this that you’ve managed to produce between our whatnot conversation I don’t even remember. Is it that hard for men to control their hormones around half-dressed woman? Am I too scanty in robes? Am I showing too much?” She turned to look at her back as if to obtain any self-attestation.

“That is not because of you-” your dress, he meant to say. It is solely because it is you. In my arms. Not some scanty fabric of silk alone, that somehow seemed to only ignite my desire for you even more, if it weren't already shooting to the heights of impossibility.

“It is not?” She asked in confusion. Then her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “I’m sorry if I was imposing too much ego of mine as to think you’d ever be affected-”

He clicked his tongue in annoyance.

For some reason, he was getting more annoyed by her ability to be so oblivious to his troubles, his feelings, and the literal visceral pain that he was harboring each night in his bed. Alone. Desperate. Wanting.

Where she, and only she, held the right to be the inhabitant of. In his arms, and by his side.

And she wasn't even aware of her power, her femininity and her utter charm of just being her, his Emily — or the rampage whirlwind of havoc it was causing in his life everyday.

She didn't even know that all that that ever mattered to him was — the two of them against this world. And not the two of them standing on either side of the world. Opposite to each other.

He just could not, would not, live another day of being apart from her.

Either she willingly and happily come to his side of the world or he'd damn well cross the seven oceans aboard and even dig his way upto the moon to be by her side of the world.

And just like that, suddenly it was all clear what he wanted.

Or what he should've wanted from the beginning if he weren't so possessed by immaturity of his superficial desires to lead the world on his own terms.

He grabbed her hands, his fingers caressing her knuckles in the soothing circles. His eyes found hers in the burning fire of confrontation and sensuality.

“I’ve a question for you, Emily. And I wish you'd take time to ponder upon it since it poses an important step towards making me free of this sickness." He raised her hands, pressing his lips softly, and longingly, over her knuckles. "For you."


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