Romance in Murder - 17 in English Crime Stories by Iffat fatma books and stories PDF | Romance in Murder - 17

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Romance in Murder - 17

Than they all eat the breakfast and began to work . Than they all went to the villagers to ask about the secret of ten years ago and then there they meet a old man who said to them that, who told you this that we are hiding some secrets and then meera said to him that, dada ji please tell us every thing about that secret because the man we are searching for is a big serial killer how is killing people in the city and he was trying to trap meer. So that's why we came here to find about meer 's parents because we think that the killer is trying to trap because of his past and that's why we are investigating about his parent. So please tell me everything about the secret of the village and then the old man said to him that, okay beta I will tell you everything about the secret.

And than veer suddenly said to meera that, meera I have some thing to bring from the house so you investigate him and I will come in some time and than meera said to him that, okay you can go . And than veer went to her house and than suddenly Raj said to meera that, I also have to bring the file you told me to bring with me but I forgot it in the house so I will come with it and then Raj also went to meera 's house. But when he enters the house he hear that someone is laughing in the house and than he began to follow the sound and he reached near veer 's room and than he hear that, veer was laughing loudly and was saying that, you will not be able to catch me because that killer who you all are searching for is near you but you cannot recognized me meera . When Raj heard this he was shocked and he began to run down stairs but he was very afraid so that's why he fall from the stairs and then veer hear this sound he suddenly come downstair and he see Raj has fallen from the stairs and then he understand that he had listened everything and than he suddenly try to hold him but Raj run from there but veer catch him again and tied him in his room and than he said to him that, when you have listened every thing so now I have to kill you my friend and then he suddenly stabbed him from a knife on his heart and then in no time Raj died and then he packed his body in a suitcase and kept it in his almirah .

And there the man was saying that, on that day when meer 's parent died I was returning from my work and I saw that a child was throwing kerosene oil on meer 's house and than he take out the matchbox from his pocket and then he throw the burn matchstick on the kerosene and burn that house. And I also saw a girl who was standing behind the tree and was looking toward the house and when she see fire on the house she run from there and went to her house . And I think that it was you meera because you run and went inside that house in which you are living now and when meera hear this she was shocked and then she said to him that, but I didn't remember anything then the old man said to her that , because at that time you were only 7 years old so that's why you didn't remember anything. Than meera said to him that, but how can you say that it was me than the old man said to her that, because I have followed you to your house and when I returned there I found that the house was fully burned and the boy was not there. And than suddenly meer asked him that, who was that boy ?

who burned my house and than the old man said to him , you will feel bad and shocked when you will listen his name. And than meer again said to him that, please dada ji tell me his name and then the old man said to him that, it was your big brother karan who killed his own family by setting fire in his house and when he was doing all this he was very angry. When meer hear this he was totally shocked because his own brother killed his hole family and meer was thinking that his brother also died in the fire but he was alive and run from there after killing his own family and he began to cry and than meera said to meer that, don't cry meer first you have to find your parent killer and when you will catch him asked him about it that why did he killed his own family ?

Than suddenly veer came there and said to them that, why is meer crying and than meera said to him that, because we get to know that his own killed his family and that's why he is crying and when veer hear this he was shocked and then he said to meera that, who told you all this and than meera said to him that, this old man told us everything because he was there when his brother was killing his family and when veer hear this he said to himself that, it means I have to kill one more person to keep my secret safe and to erase evidences. And meera said to the old man that, thank you sir for telling us about the boy and then meera again said to his teammates that let's go home now and then they all went to meera ' s house and when they reached there yash said to them that, where is Raj now he didn't returned back to us and then he asked veer that, did you see Raj here and than veer said to him that, no when I was going he was not here in the house and than meera said to them that , I think he had gone somewhere he will come back soon and then she take meer to his room and left him in his room and went to the living room again and said to his teammates that, now we have find that, why did meer 's brother killed his own family and who is that serial killer ?

Why did he want to trap meer and Is there any relation between meer 's brother and that killer ? And than she went to her room and yash and Abhi also went to their room but veer was standing there in the living room was thinking that, so now I have to hide that body and then he also went to his room.

Will meera be able to find the killer ?