Romance in Murder - 7 in English Crime Stories by Iffat fatma books and stories PDF | Romance in Murder - 7

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Romance in Murder - 7

After that meera asked him about the another restaurant and he said that I have joined there after the girl was killed so I don't know about the murder and the missing girl. Than she asked her about the parcel which was kept in front of my door and he said that, I didn't know about it. So than meera told him about the oil tresses she find on the parcel and she told him that this oil is only used in that restaurant. So he said that , about this I really don't know and went back to his seat and sit there.

Than meera asked him that, meer do you now love me and when meet hear this he get angry and said to her that, meera I really hate you and I will always hate you. Than went to her office to investigate more about it. But meera was confident that meer has not done these murders and then she began to investigate about it and then he said to veer that, meer has not killed the people and she told everything to veer and his teammates. And they didn't have any evidence against him so they had to leave him. When meer was free meera was very happy than he went to meet meer. But meer didn't meet with meera went back to his house. When meera went to meet meer at his house he didn't open his door and told her to go from here but said to him that , please meet me for one time I have some thing to ask you but he didn't open the door and went inside the room to sleep .

Than meera went to her house but she was not able to sleep and he was thinking about meer and there meer was saying that , I will not forgive you for what you have done to me. In morning when Dr meera reached to the office she gets to know that, one more murder take place in the city in which a man was killed and his legs were totally burned and than they began to investigate it .Than meera said to his teammates that , blood has been done by someone around us only then did he know that the cook has been free . Than Yash told to meera that, you are right meera then he did another murder to show us that the cook is the killer. It's mean that someone is trying to trap the cook in all this murders .

Than they all began to investigate about the cook than meera said everyone that, the killer is hiding something from us because a killer is trying to trap someone it means there is something we are missing about the cook. So first we have to find everything about the cook than we will know about the killer because the killer is related to the cook if we will find anything about the cook we will find some clue about the killer because it is related to their past. Than Abhi asked meera that, from where we have to start than meera told them that from his childhood and till now we have to search every moment of his life. So let's go and first ask the cook about the killer. Than they all went to meer 's house and they knock the door but meer was not opening the door.

Than veer shout from outside and say that , it is police and we are here to ask some questions from you. Then meer shout from outside and say that , if you have brought that girl with you then I will not allow you inside first told her to go from here than I will open the door. Than veer told meera to go and sit in the jeep and said to everyone that, I think the boy hates girls that 's why he is not letting her go IN than Raj said that I think any girl has cheated on him that's why he hates girls that's he attacked meera on the first day we met him. But meera told them that, I am going to sit in the car because I am a psychological doctor and I can help you in the investigation and I have to collect his fingerprints also because on that day I haven't taken that.

So I have to take his fingerprints today and that's not my problem that he hates girls. I have to investigate him because the killer is killing people day by day and I have to stop it. But Dr meera was also thinking that , today I have opportunity to meet him because he did not let me in yesterday. Than veer told meera that, it's OK you can go inside but first let him open the door till than hide there behind the wall and when he will open the door come quickly and enter the house. Than veer told meer that, we have sent him in the jeep so now you can open the door. Than meera did all this thing and hide behind the wall and when meer open the door she suddenly push him and went inside.

And when she had pushed meer he had fallen on the ground and he stand and run toward meera and try to hold her neck but meera hold him up and threw him on the ground. Than yash pick up meer and made him sit on the sofa of the living room. Than veer asked meer that, why the killer is trying to trap you did you know anyone who is trying to take revenge from you or any enemy who wanted to harm you in the past and that moment meer began to see meera and than he say, No there are no one who wanted to harm me. But why are you asking that, than veer told him that, the killer is trying to trap you in the murders .

Is meer hiding something from the cops ?

Did he know anything about the killer ?