No Policy In Love-Part 48-Tips in English Love Stories by Nithyashree V books and stories PDF | No Policy In Love-Part 48-Tips

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No Policy In Love-Part 48-Tips



Naomi’s POV

“What are you doing here in the hospital?”, my father trembled, as he bulged his eyeballs and rolled them hither and thither over the roll of bandage hugging my leg, hand, and forehead. “What happened, Noami? Why didn’t you utter a word to your mother or me? You used to talk to her every night. Isn’t it?”

Aww, Akshat’s chapter opened the gates to several new chapters of my life such as unveiling my father’s affection toward me. He slammed his forehead and shrugged at me. He removed his glasses as tears accumulated in his eyes. He commented, “Was I too engrossed in treating other patients that I hardly knew when my daughter too became a patient? I am not a good father, Naomi…I’m not…”

“Paapa!”, called I, swallowing my tears and shaking my head. “I’m fine…”

“Fine? If lying bandaged on a hospital bed is said to be fine, then why do doctors exist?”, he trembled, raising his voice. He sat beside me and slammed his forehead again at the drips. He sobbed at me, continuing, “What happened to you, Naomi? How did you end up here like this? Since how many days have you been lying to your parents that you were with Vyomi at the PG?”

“Sorry, Dad. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone. Anyways, Mom and you are busy with your work. Tell me, if at all I had informed any of you about this, would you care? Would you be able to invest time in looking after me? You never did ever since my childhood…”

“Stop it, Naomi!” He bulged his eyes and twisted his lips in anger. He displayed his right fist at me. “I’m your father. A daughter is no less than a princess to a father. And you mean, we wouldn’t give a damn at your critical state? Grow up, girl. Catching a common cold and flu is different from severe injuries.”

“Sorry, Dad... I should have told..I…”, cried I. He shook his head and massaged my hair, interrupting me, “Beta, I must be sorry. Your mom too ought to be sorry for creating this unapproachable image in our child’s mind. We are always here. You’re our universe. How can we bear it if something so big as this has struck our life? Why did you keep us in darkness all these days? Why? Why, Noami?”

“Dad, no, please”, said I, sobbing as he joined his hands together and shut his eyes only for tears to roll down his cheeks. I held his hands just with my free right palm and shook my head. 

“Kiku! It will take at least two more weeks”, said Akshat, barging into my ward. My father, with red tearful eyes, turned back and stood up. Akshat rolled his meek and hesitant eyes at the gentleman, a stranger to him. Wow! This moment is indeed special in every girl’s life when the two heroes of her life come face-to-face for the first time. I blushed feeling goosebumps growing on both hands. Wait, hero? Urgh! Naomi, how can Akshat be the romantic hero of your life? He is your lecturer.

“Doctor…”, dragged Akshat, shrugging at me.

“Hey, who are you, man?”, asked my daddy, frowning and nearing Akshat.

“Dad, Akshat sir has been looking after me, all these days since I was admitted here. He is my lecturer at the university. He is the one who helped me grab a seat at Janki University after I dropped out of my degree”, said I. My protective dad turned to me and nodded.

“Fine. But, why should your young professor look after you? And, where is Vyomi?”

Learn to answer the judge, Naomi. What will I tell now? I shrugged and swallowed my tears.

“Uncle, hello, nice to meet you! I’m Akshat Malhotra”, Akshat smiled, introducing himself, as he shook hands with my dad. I blushed at their cozy first meeting. Aye, I can never forget it! Who meets their son-in-law at the hospital, especially like this? Wait, what? Son-in-law…Urgh! Stop, Noami! 

“Thanks for your help, Akshat sir..”

“No, you can call me Akshat” 

“How did all this happen, Akshat?” My dad roared, “Who did this to my daughter and why did you not inform her parents first?” 

“Papa! Please, you can’t treat my Akshat like this. He is more than my own family”, I interrupted him. My Akshat?! I rolled my eyeballs hither and thither and breathed hard, wondering at what I just uttered. Naomi, do you even mean what you said? I turned away and shook my head. What will Dad think of me-think of Akshat and me?

“Sorry, uncle. I know I should have informed you, at first. You have all the right to know…”

“Man, aren’t you a law lecturer? Don’t you practice your lectures in real?...”

“Papa! Please! I asked Akshat sir not to inform anyone else. He has been doing everything for me during my dirty days. Stop accusing him.”

“Uncle, actually, there were three year-back students in Naomi’s exam hall on the day of her last exam. They were copying and…” I smiled at Akshat’s lips moving along as he narrated the entire incident, with his meek and hesitant, calm tone. Aww, he is such a soft guy.

“Where are those three donkeys? I will sue them”, roared my father, grabbing the mobile from his pocket.

“Uncle, don’t worry. My close friend, an IAS officer, has already taken Naomi’s statements. He is actively investigating the case. The complaint is on. When I’m here, our Naomi will win justice, at any cost”, Akshat patted my father’s shoulders and nodded.

“Thanks again. I trust you, man. But, I still have a question left.”

“What, uncle?”

“Why have you always been sweet to Naomi? I mean, looking after her at the hospital was none of your business. Who is Noami to you? After all, a mere student of just another batch…”

“No, uncle. Naomi means a lot to me. She is my life.”

“Akshat sir! What’s happening?!”, thought I, throwing my mouth open and shrugging at him as he blushed and winked at me. Urgh! Are you serious, Kiku? You’re talking to my father. No, Naomi, this is wrong. But, how can I avoid Akshat? Urgh! Why don’t my own stars support me?

My father turned and nodded at me, with a wide grin on his face. He patted Akshat.

“You are brave, beta. You match the characteristics of my dream son-in-law. Naomi is in the right hands. It's lovely!”, said my dad, smiling and nodding along.

“Papa! No, I mean there is nothing going on between us…”

“Beta, why are you scared now? Look at your guy and how bold he is. Why would I oppose the right relationship? Akshat and Naomi were born for each other. You are made for each other. Why do you think anyone will stop you? Nah, I can see that you’re seeing each other. Go on!”, said he. Ohh! What’s this? Why don’t the heavens listen to me? I shrugged at Akshat who continued blushing and chuckling.

However, I can’t believe that a father could be so cool about learning about his daughter’s relationship…urgh whatever but it sounded so, here, right?! Aww, I never knew that my parents were so considerate and caring. I don’t know when Fathers’ Day is celebrated, but, in my life, I would call this very day Fathers' Day.

You entered my life and opened my eyes, Kiku. Love you…Urgh! Naomi, no, no!

“Uncle, but, actually, Naomi hasn’t…”

“Oh, just like her mother! Haha!” I threw my mouth open while Dad chuckled at Akshat.

“I used to chase her mom back in our medical college. It was only after several attempts that she agreed. Phew! Bear with the Dixit girls, Mr. Akshat! All the best! Contact me for tips anytime!”

“Sexy! How did you understand even before I completed it, uncle?”

“Arey beta, I have seen. Girls are shy and keep overthinking. They aren’t as fast and furious as guys…”

“Dad! Are you for real?”

“Bye, Naomi! Bye, Akshat! Need to update my wife about everything that's going on in my daughter’s life. Will come with your mom here. Carry on!”

“Dad! Urgh!”

Akshat blushed and sat beside me on the bed. He rested my cheeks in his palms. “Sexy! More than the stress about your hospital admission, your father seems more excited about our love story. But, think about it, Naomi. How could I free him from your worries? Don’t you think I stand a chance?...”

“Sir, can I not love you?”


“Urgh! What am I saying? I meant…I meant…how can I even dream to love you?”


Love is so blind that it just happens unexpectedly.
You may fall for anyone!
Would you let go of your policy if you fell for someone you shouldn't? What would you choose-your policy or your beloved?


He chuckled, rubbing my palm with his, amiably. “Sexy! That's how a slip of the tongue comes as a result of severe frustration as this, comes real. Oooo!”

“Akshat sir!”

“Wokie! Nooo!” He stood up from the bed and walked towards the flask on the opposite table in the corner. He filled a glass of tea and began sipping it. “Naomi, it's okay to lie, but for how long?” His meek and hesitant brownish eyes arrested mine, as our eyes interlocked into each other.


Dilwaale dulhaniya le jaayenge! (1995 Bollywood movie’s name) You should bring our daughter-in-law home soon. We, the Malhotras, never lose…”

I opened my eyes at the sharp commanding elderly gentleman’s voice piercing through my ears. I woke up and strained a bit to sit up. I looked hither and thither to spot Akshat standing with his parents right at the ward’s entrance. His mom was chic, just like how I saw her the other day, hiding under Akshat’s bed. Aunty, I must learn a lot of fashion from you. 

“Dad, she isn’t a tender contract to win. I will give my best but will never force her. Sometimes I feel she loves me but the other times she expresses her own dilemma”, said Akshat.

“Beta, how can someone not fall for my son? Huh, you’re a gem. We’re sure. I’ll talk to her myself”, added his mother. I blushed at the trio’s touching bonding. Not only are my parents friendly with me but also his parents are, with him.


Aww, what a similarity between our families! His parents are happy with our relationship. So are my parents. Urgh! But, there exists no relationship at all, in the first place. On the other hand, why are the surrounding factors implying as if we are destined to be together?

“It has been more than half a month since you returned to our house. A guy wouldn’t stay for a friend and look after them unless he treats her as his better half. She is lucky to have you! Haha…better than me…look at your dad…Haha! Don’t lie…”, I chuckled secretly at his mother’s adorable points. 

Exactly! There can’t be a luckier girl to snatch my Akshat from me. If she did, she is no less than my bad omen. Urgh! I don’t love him. Why do I even care about these signs or even if he moves on? No, no, I can’t lose him either…But, I can’t love you, Kiku. I had never been this close to a guy ever before. Urgh! I don’t know what’s happening to me.


“No! No! No!”, exclaimed I, as my mom chuckled, sitting on the right and feeding me with slices of bread dipped in a glass of hot plain milk.

“Naomi, we are your parents. We can read your mind more than you yourself. Haha!”, added Dad, laughing at me.

“I will tell you something, beta. Even if we had set out to look for a groom, we wouldn’t have found a great guy like your Akshat sir”, said Mom.

“Guru Devo Bhava! Mom, how can I love him?”, I argued, chewing bread slices along as I spoke.

“Beta, come on, why are you hurting yourself with such policies? Come out of it. Just think about Akshat and you. Wouldn’t it be a beautiful world? Close your eyes for a second”, said my dad, letting his fingers on my eyes only to close them.


I blushed visualizing Akshat hugging and smooching my forehead as we stood on a mountain peak. I was about to leave when he caught my hand and pulled me closer. My loose and partially curly hair flew to the rhythm of the cool breeze. He inserted a few strands behind my ears. My heartbeat froze, as he blushed, unable to take our eyes off each other’s.

“Hello! Naomi! Hahaha…Lost already?”, my mother teased. I opened my eyes only to see my parents sharing a round of high-five with each other and bursting out a round of laughter.

“Beta, as your parents, we guarantee that none can love you more than Akshat. Just imagine, who would stay round the clock and look after a random girl?”, asked Mom.

“No, Vyomi wanted to but Kiku sent her away asking her to rest…”

“Kiku? Who is that?...”

“Uhmmm…Hmmm…Akshat sir!”, said I, blushing and chuckling along. My parents cheered at me. I shook my head.

“Nickname checked, care checked, support in ambition checked, romance checked, what more to not call your relationship with Akshat a relationship indeed?”, my father emphasized.

“True! I have decided it already, for Akshat has already taken our place in our little daughter’s heart. Akshat will be my son-in-law”, said Mom.

“Yes, count me in!”, said Dad, as they shared their second round of high-fives over my matter. I shrank my eyes and shrugged. Akshat sir, you made my life like a dream. I doubt if I have ever imagined my busy doctor parents spending memorable moments with me. I thought I would be gone before it ever happened during this lifetime.

Hmm, what if the topic of discussion is just you? You’re always a part of my life, Kiku. At last, I feel like other kids out there, feeling the warmth of their mother’s affection and feeling protected by the Great Wall of their family: their father. We are a happy family, at last, and the credits, as always, go to you, Akshat. Thanks for coloring my life but sorry for me being unable to love you.

“...Whatever, but I won’t spare Pooja. She must be sentenced to death”, roared my father.

“Dad, please..”

“Beta, she tortured you. She joined forces with her friends to kill you…”, my dad argued.

“True, Ashu”, mom nodded at Dad, continuing,” Pooja, Prisha, and Suresh-all of them must be thrown behind bars very soon. Why are you being considerate to those evil nincompoops?”, said Mom.

“Of course, I won’t spare Pooja at any cost”, said I, gnashing my teeth and frowning along. “But still, when you said they must die, I was disturbed…”

“Excuse me, Naomi! Why should the innocent feel disturbed?”, questioned a familiar voice, drawing our eyes to witness the ward’s entrance. Dhruv stood, offering a proud smile, grabbing Suresh’s collar. As my parents got up anxiously and headed away, I grabbed my walking stick and strained my legs as I limped a bit to follow them.

Ouch! I lost my balance and was about to fall back.

“Naomi!”, exclaimed Akshat, running towards me from the entrance and wrapping his cozy arms around my waist. He made me stand straight and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. He escorted me outside the ward. I blushed at his eyes, focusing on my feet and the floor.

“Yeh lo! Unveiling the culprits!”, announced Dhruv. I frowned at Pooja’s iron handcuffs and Prisha’s too. A stout and fierce female cop squeezed their hair as she stood behind them. 

“Generally, I have seen students emerging as junior criminal lawyers”, said Dhruv, as he began revolving around Suresh, “after their law degrees. However, it's the first time I see junior criminals emerging from a law university. Hmmm, but the saddest part is that such juniors end up committing severe blunders. Isn’t it, Suresh sir?”

He bet Suresh hard on the back of his head.

“Stop it, sir. Hardly did I know that he was a policeman”, Suresh argued, checking out and frowning at me.

“Shut up! Mind your body language!”, Akshat raised his meek and hesitant voice, for the umpteenth time, just for me. He clung me to himself, as he frowned at the three culprits. Aww, I have never ever felt this comfortable with any guy ever before. Akshat has always been special.

“Assholes!”, roared my father, slapping Suresh hard. My mom thrashed Pooja to the ground. She bent and bet her with both hands. “How dare you pester my daughter? Do you think she is spineless?” She extended her hand to beat Prisha but the cop caught my mom’s hands.

“Ma’am, please. Why are we, the cops here? Leave the rest to us”, she assured, slapping Prisha harder. She made Pooja and Prisha stand up again. Another female cop volunteered to watch Prisha while she raised her eyebrows and gave a feeling of disgust at Pooja.

“Naomi and family, including Akshat, don’t worry when our law is here to protect you”, began Dhruv, smiling and nodding, maintaining consistent eye contact with my parents followed by Akshat and myself. “Attempt to murder and attempt to rape charges won’t spare these poor lives.”

He turned to them, concluding,” Buddies, forget your degree, love, friendship, and life for the next one, two”, he chuckled, folding his fingers and counting, “..four years that too if the judge is sweet to you. Look, I’m really sweet as you can see. I let you almost cross the border of Maharashtra but you demanded water from the roadside fruit seller. Hahaha!"


He sighed, concluding, "Fine, anyways, I will recommend the three of you to the judge. The public prosecutor, our best friend, will also be waiting for us in court tomorrow. Come, that's all, time over here. Let us go to your residence now-central jail!”

“One minute, sir”, said Akshat, as the crew of cops and culprits were about to leave.

While Dhruv shrugged, Akshat walked me near Pooja and stand right in front of her. He grabbed my right hand and gifted Pooja a tight slap, as he moved his hand along with mine. I caught his stern eyes growing black, as he frowned at our enemy, “I can’t slap a girl. Besides, Naomi deserves justice. Above all, she is never alone. This Akshat, I’m always with her. You torture her it's equivalent to torturing me. Acknowledge our response.”

Pooja’s fair cheeks turned red with fire as Dhruv and his team left. I blushed at Akshat who continued to frown at the end of the corridor despite their departure. Aww, none have ever cared for me more than you, Kiku. How can I stop my love?

Will Naomi manage to recover her bruises?

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