When We Met - Book - II - Chapter 4 in English Fiction Stories by Aisha Kapadia books and stories PDF | When We Met - Book - II - Chapter 4 - where he is coming in terms with some crazy revelations

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When We Met - Book - II - Chapter 4 - where he is coming in terms with some crazy revelations

"Am I too late to beg for your forgiveness and perhaps for you to provide me with something to eat as well?" Edward asked tentatively, gauging Emily's reaction. "I mean to say if you're not still in habit of collecting dead bodies, or if you're looking forward to adding me in your special collection."

Emily looked at him in mock disbelief and he added with a wink, "That'd cost you billions by the way, and you should also add millions spent in kneeling in front of judges to get you out of jail for the possible murder due to starvation and hiding the remains. And the public interest wouldn't be of much support either since''

He added with a great dignity, "I'm kind of an important person and from what I've known from my secretary and tabloids, I have a supposed FanClub too. You'd be confined to life imprisonment forever. I'd never wish for you to-"

"Or I could just drag your half-dead corpse across this snow and dump it on the oil container behind those broken factories, spill Sulphuric Acid over it, close the container over for almost a week, and you'd be gone with a colour of a pee, along with my dog's shit perhaps, if I decide to dump you on the early morning shift of the garbage trucks."

Edward looked decidedly amused as she continued, "And that'd perhaps cost me half the price of my earrings, and some more bucks to hail you off to a better place. I'd plant tree over you in case you decide to take on your role as a fertilizer. Public won't be interested in something that looks apparently like a human urine and..."

She eyed him proudly, "your Fanclub can come and lick my boots in their free time. I'm sure tears combined with saliva would prove to be more effective anti-bacterials for my boots than anything else. Maybe they'll shine more too. Lysozyme, be my bae."

"And the conversation has come to an unfortunate end because my friend can't be polite enough to invite me in, so she has decided to attack me with an array of hazardous biology terms that'd certainly make me bleed here on the road."

"Maybe that's because I don't want my father to distort your already pale face due to winter into the various wall hangings of the fish pouts."

Edward looked strained and possibly worried as well. "I'm sure I can bear the damage. Though I'm not in favour of spreading malicious selfies of those wounded pouts on my face."

"I'm sure your Fanclub would pay me millions for those."

"So, am I being invited in then?" Edward started to move, but Emily caught his hand. He looked back in disgruntled hope.

"I know you mean good will when you are wishing to meet my parents, Edward. But things aren't actually looking very good at the moment. I'm afraid it takes time for the storm to settle. And even more for the consequences of it to fade away."

He put his hand atop hers, molding her fingers in hers. Though it was an intimate moment which he probably would revive some thousand times in his mind before he gets to the bed, but if he can contribute anything in quickening the process of sorting out this crisis of unstable emotions that had befallen on both of them, along with their loved ones and families, he'd have no qualms even to bend to the limits of his dignity.

He had done wrong by her father when he asked for his blessings to marry Emily. He still remembered the happiness that had crossed his features at the mention of Emily and him spending their whole life together.

He distinctly recalled how her father took a moment to himself to gather his emotions, and though many would say a step-father is never the same as the biological father, Edward would be ready to debate them anytime to prove them otherwise by showing how his dear Emily was the most cherished and blessed with both of her fathers.

David, Emily's biological father, was a kind soul and Edward had blurred memories of playing with him when he was a child. David was optimistic to the core and loyal to his colleagues. A good husband who was with his wife when she miscarried after having Emily and became deserted to ever have a child again.

While Edward never questioned his own parents for not having siblings, he'd somehow wonder if he was also about to have a sibling and was deprived of such blessing due to any cruel circumstances such as what happened to Emily's mother. Or maybe even crueler than that.

God forbid.

Emily was partially affected by those whole sequence of events as she was mostly trying to imitate her father's steps and become a Police Officer herself. Her mother was extremely opposed to her dreams of chasing after criminals and helping establish peace all over the world by putting perpetrators of child abandonment, illegal abortions, child slavery and prostitution behind bars.

She quoted her reasons for her robust dreams to be very silly ones. As to how she couldn't see herself doing anything feminine so she'd rather do some action in her life than to have an average aim of an average job which pays well and get married to have kids, grow old and die beside her dogs.

Though that indeed sounded ironic now as she did marry at an average age, but he didn't quite feel proud enough to call it a marriage for her which consisted entirely of non-existent love, vows and promises. Not to mention some rare sequences of misunderstandings and arguments that ended up creating a huge rift in their friendship.

The one time he ever became husband of someone, most ardently- his best friend, he had sucked on so many levels that he didn't quite feel confidence anymore to ever marry in future.

But would that mean he'd remain a bachelor for the rest of his life?

He wasn't sure anymore.

He was the only son, and though words never actually passed of such kinds between him and his father but it was known to all that he had the responsibility to continue the progeny.

And so he had the burden to marry well and produce an heir and a spare.

But surely it was not too strict a rule, wasn't it? Heirs and Spares were the thing of past for those with Kingdom and a Throne to care for.

And he had none of that. So that'd exclude him from the responsibility, right?

But Jones Company was comparable to a throne in itself with employers, employees, staffs, assistants, executives, distributers and so many working globally day and night to provide their best for this field of work.

And what would he do when a crisis presented itself and there'd be a need to appoint an immediate successor to the Company? What if he'd be ill or got bed-ridden for life or worse, got a terminal disease or became handicapped and disqualified for life in front of the Board of Members?

They'd leave no stone unturned to appoint the CEO of their profit who'd certainly end up bringing the company and it's assets pummel to the ground.

Surely his father trusted him enough to operate this Cooperation but even he wouldn't side with his decision to remain un-attached his whole life, without a wife and children by his side.

At such crucial times, Eric would be the official choice by The Board of Members and reluctantly, his father as well.

Edward didn't really have any problem with Eric succeeding him, animosities of supposed jealousy aside which he was sure would do him no benefit in the future, both in their status as blood-related cousins or the business partners.

But he wasn't sure Eric would be up-to this deal. As far as he remembered his achievements and the future ambitions he had for himself, Eric already established and owns a Gaming Company.

And it'd be too difficult for him to operate both at once if he would be pressured too much to take over the Jones.

On the other hand, Eric wasn't as diligent as he let on and so he wouldn't necessarily agree to take over the Company by leaving his own dream which he worked so hard on for years behind him.

So would that make him selfish to wish for his cousin to just take over Jones and employ someone else as a substitute for his own Company?

Yes, it sure was selfish, he thought. He had already lost too much because he wanted to suit his tastes and trying to be stubborn about people he had wished to keep in life.

And he wasn't just about to let another selfish goal of his to make him a double offender.

For both his best friend. And his cousin.

He wasn't particularly close with his cousin but even he couldn't deny the happy, free-spirited moments in the high school that they had spend together along with Emily.

He realised thinking of Emily and Eric in the same line produced a sourness in his mouth that just wouldn't go away.

On some other day, he'd have been happy to bless Eric with any other woman of the world, and would even have went as far as to dance and sing in his wedding, but if it's to involve the only woman in the world which he couldn't bear, let alone dream, to be with someone else, and that too with his own cousin, he was sure he'd prefer a good thorough stab than to let himself have the taste of that inhumane agony.

But would that mean he'd have to marry in the end then? And would that not be a torture in itself to be caught in a marriage where he'd always question his abilities to provide for the emotional support of his wife when his own emotions were over the edge at this point of his life?

Did he wish to spoil some poor woman's life just to father a child who'd be too much distant with his father to ever grow an intellectuality to run a company as enormous as Jones?

What if his child has different interests in life and doesn't want to be confided in a single work for a whole life?

Would he have enough wits by that time to approach his wife to converse about having more children? Because considering his childhood and the lack of siblings in his life, he'd love a bigger family and would want nothing less for their children to have each other's backs.

But the real question would be if he would want to sleep with a woman who would be a stranger to him just to continue his line?

Or perhaps the more precise question would be if he could imagine anyone whom he'd love to wake up-to every morning and would be proud to have been the husband of such woman; to be blessed with a woman such as her who'd make his heart swell up with emotions, whose presence would make his entire being content with life itself;

-whose existence would dance in his eyes the moment he rose to greet the nature to the moment in the night when he'd choose to stop making love to her just to see her writhing body clinging to the entire length of his own;

-her pink, lush and plump lips swollen to the rose of delight where his teeth would have sunk, her elegant throat burning with the rubor where his lips would've glided in wildness, her bounty creamy mounds cherished with the suckling imprints of his impatience, their rosy buds tweeked to their limits, glistening with his moisture, rising and falling with each breath as she would take in his eager mouth; her ticklish belly worshipped with his mouth trails, her tiny navel licked and bitten to his utmost satiety;

-her thighs wrapped with trust around his hips as he would take his time to discover tiny pleasurable corners on her body just to hear her scream out load in ectacsy; his lips would kiss on her, there, suck, lick, lap her juices and would not be merciful; his tongue would be inside before she moans his name, once, twice- as long as he doesn't get tired of hearing it; his finger would soon replace his tongue, one at a time, trying to gauge her womanhood before he'd insert two of them and would be rewarded with her whimper and shiver-

“You’re holding my hand too tight, Edward.” Emily said, as she looked pointedly at his face, as if he grew a tail on his head which was wagging at her too offensively now.

Quickly, Edward let go of her hand, hastily took two steps back and even one more for caution before taking a moment to arrange his thoughts.

Or rather arrange his pants which would definitely earn him a flat pointed heels on his face, should Emily happened to see his desperate condition and conclude that he was having erotic fantasies in presence of her, and much more injuries he would have to survive if she turned her wheels in her mind and gauged that woman to be her.

To be continued...


So, it's really been such a long time since I last published her. Some two years for me and I can't quite express what I felt when I started to write this chapter.

At first, I was complete blank as to where to start. I didn't think it through as to what to write so I went back to previous three chapters to get a gist of what I had missed in details.

I sat down again in front of my laptop and stared at the screen. And the next moment I'm listening to songs to make me feel motivated lol.

But I thought that would take too much so I'd rather just go with it and write just anything even if turns out to be the shitty product of my Writer's Block which had been haunting me for years now tbh.

Anyways, this is what I've written and I've one more pre-written chapter, which unfortunately, is lesser in length than this one.

I had tried to use simple words and didn't use quite complicated vocabulary which may block the reader's interest and that honestly took me too much time to edit out certain words to suit the tastes.

I'm now in final year of my MBBS and have just passed my third year so I decided to go with writing just for the sake of writing.

I hope with the passage of time, I feel more motivation.

So, how was this chapter? What do you think about Edward and his thoughts lol?

Was it better, or even worse than than the last one? I think Edward is getting into some thinking zone and his ostrich head will probably come around to truth and happiness sooner than people of his age do.

Anyways, Good Morning.

Lemme hop on to sleep before I start looking like a potato sack and scare away my hostel mates.

~ritika. ❤️