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Who is responsible

Jatin was serious and felt for the parents who had taken all pain for contiunuing his studies and withot their support ,he could complete his graduation .He wanted to take a job as early as possible to share the financial burden of his father .he tried every where but he could arrange in spite of approaching and appearing in the interview.Somone sugested to prepare for Govt jobs which bring extra income as well as prestige in the society.He took the advice seriously and prepared well and appeared in different written tests conducted by state Govt. Central Govt.,Railway,Banks etc.He cleared some of examinations and got chance for interview.Matter still not cleared.He realised that though he has doe fairly well in the interviews but not selected.sometimes he was medically rejected.

He was distured and sought advice from other successful and selected candidates.Finally someone advised to set the interview for which he has to pay some heavy amount at a risk.Reluctantly he asked his father to arrange the amount to be given to socalled setter.Father did not say any thing to him and on loan,he arrange with difficulty such amount.Jatin finally gave the amount with a hope to be selcted in the interview and will get Govt Job.

The day of interview came and Jatin appeared in the interview and finally Jatin was selected .Parents visited nerby temple as a mark of obligation distributed sweets as prasad in the neighbourhood .Jatin also given parties to friends .Finally Jatin  joined as Govt. employee too.Happy days moving around.All was going well .suddenly rumour in the air that somwthing went wrong  

In the meantime,some of candidates approached High Court and challenged the selection process based on biased approach and corruption and scam.Matter was well published in leading newspapers and TVchannel. Panel discussions were arranged where  system of education,system of selection,unemployment,corruption,social condition,living standard of living ,corrution whereas Jatin was afraid and worried too .His parents were anxious and crossing their fingers to guess what came next .They could  not imagine or say a word and were praying to God for geting rid of such problem  overcome such difficult time.After lot of protest on road and shouting by differnt political partieson this issue ,Jatin was at a loss to think clear about his future whether his job remain or lose for ever.

Finally Court odered for cancellation of selection process .Sky fell on Jatin's job-finally this was not expected  but what he has to do.Was he not serious in his attempt for job or for study ? why he to suffer but there is no answer from any corner .Who is responsible for such situation?

Jatin was unemployed once again and could not find any way to get another job as well as how to arrange money for refund which his faterh arranged from lender.

Jatin could not thought of other option  for supporting his parents but took up other underrated jworks for livlihood .

Parents could not bear the pain and mental agony of their son and committed sucide  

Jatin could not find who is responsible for such loss of career,parents and hope of ggod future ahead