No Policy In Love-Part 31-Naomi on fire in English Love Stories by Nithyashree V books and stories PDF | No Policy In Love-Part 31-Naomi on fire

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No Policy In Love-Part 31-Naomi on fire




Chapter Highlights


“Return to your class, Naomi”, said Akshat, opening a bookmarked textbook,” Prepare well for the upcoming internals…”

“Sir, what am I asking and what are you telling? I know that you aren’t alright…”

“None of your business, Naomi. It's better if you don’t involve”

“I will. Why shouldn’t I? My trouble is yours. Similarly, your trouble too is mine.”

“Naomi, it's you who is troubling me now. Let me prepare for my class this afternoon. Leave!” He didn’t even lift his head up to look at me. I knew something was fishy.




Naomi’s POV

Akshat stood up and frowned at Shashank. While I bulged my eyes and swallowed my rage at Shashank, Akshat stopped him.

“Who are you? Why have you come here?”, he asked.

“Oh! Akshat sir, how are you? How come you are here? Are you lecturing white-collar crimes to a pretty student rather than in my classroom? Hahaha! Nice one!” Shashank and Akshat shook hands. I looked away.

“I’m good. Shashank, don’t you have a class now?...”

“Sir, come on, Naomi is my girlfriend. She is my first priority. I happened to overhear her friend’s conversation over the phone as I was on my way to the class”, Shashank narrated. He shouted, trembling, “How could I leave her alone when it comes to health?”

“Shut up!”, Akshat and I roared at him, in chorus. Akshat turned to me. He nodded with closed eyes and gestured for me to stay patient. I smiled and nodded. He turned back to shrug at my creepy enemy.

“Why have you been troubling Naomi recently? When someone says they aren’t interested, it means that they aren’t. You can’t take her patience for granted.”

“Sir, I’m sorry to say but you shouldn’t intervene in your student’s personal space. Yes, I agree that I’m pursuing Naomi. Different guys adopt different strategies…mine might be more romantic but not troublesome. Do you think I seriously troubled my love, my Naomi?...”

“Enough of your crap”, Akshat raised his voice, for me.


I couldn’t take my eyes off him as he frowned at Shashank, concluding, “How can you say that she is yours? Did she propose to you?”


Shashank shook his head.


Akshat returned a wicked smile, continuing, “Did she show an interest when you began pursuing her?”


Shashank shook his head once again.


“Then how do you say she is yours?” Akshat patted Shashank, highlighting, “Naomi is a mature student. Hear me, man, that's why she didn’t complain about you to the disciplinary committee. Perhaps, she wanted to handle you with ahimsa but you don’t seem to cooperate. But now that the matter has reached my ears, I can’t spare anyone disturbing Naomi’s studies or her personal life while you are clearly doing both…”

“Sir…”, I wanted to talk. He placed a finger on his lip and gestured for me to stay quiet.


I felt him gnashing his teeth as he extended his right index finger. He shook it in front of Shashank, as he threatened the latter, “So, better you stay away from Naomi otherwise I swear I won’t remain a mere bystander watching a girl being harassed like this. I will bring this matter to the disciplinary committee and will take strict action against you. I’m not so selfless as Naomi to care about your studies, or your continuity at Janki University and drop the matter by just warning you every time you repeat this. I hope you understand. I can’t be more polite to you…”


He emphasized, whispering in his ears, “Stay away from Naomi!”


I blushed, noticing how Akshat had tightened his fists. Aww! A man felt jealous in love, for the first time, for me. Aww, Kiku! Are you indeed affected to such a tall extreme when someone bothers me?... Nah!Nah! Shashank has crossed all frontiers by coming in between us-Akshat and Naomi. He has disturbed Kiku’s personal life more than how much he troubled me.


That's why I feel Akshat was very mad at him that afternoon. Whatever, in all ways, none care for me, more than my Akshat sir. Urgh! Wait…what did you just say, Naomi? My Akshat? He is your lecturer. Have you forgotten it? How could you call him yours? Wait, is there anything more than respect in my heart toward Akshat?


As Shashank left the room, he frowned at me and banged the poor desk juxtaposed to the door. I raised my eyebrows as he left, at last. Phew!

“Thank you, Kiku!”, I thanked, sitting on the bed and wrapping my arms around Akshat. He blushed, massaging my head. I couldn’t stop my cheeks from turning pinker as my eyes lost themselves in his black-brownish eyes. I still wonder if Kiku has black eyes, light brown eyes, or a shade of both. What a cute iris he has! Urgh, Naomi! Stop noticing him like a flirt. Don’t you have manners? Akshat sir has always been my well-wisher. Salute you, Kiku! Guru Devo Bhavo!

He sat beside me on the bed. He insisted that I lie down on his lap. I blushed and looked away. He pulled me to rest my head on his lap. I looked up only to close my eyes and blush more, as he let his fingers through my hair. He leaned forward and smooched my forehead. I opened my eyes slowly and breathed hard. He chuckled, letting his fingers down my eyelashes to close my eyes.

“Naomi, take good rest. I’ll stay here until you feel better”

“Sir, I feel much better after you defended me. I’m glad you finally understood that I’m not guilty in Shashank’s case…”

“Sexy!”, he exclaimed. We chuckled, as he commented, “You refuse to put the law at rest although your stomach needs rest.” I slightly pinched his right hand. I sighed to swallow my tears of sentiment.

“I don’t even remember the last time my mom loved me when I was ill. You have always been for me, Kiku. You’re very special”, I trembled, as I said it. I almost sobbed.

“Aye, Kiku! Forget it. I will be your mother, father, family, and if you wish, lover too. When I’m here, you’ll no longer be a lonely girl-not even for a moment.” He wiped my tears. I grabbed his hand and smooched it. "But, don't ask me to be your brother. Elder or younger, I can't!"


"Of course never, sir!", said I, pinching him amiably again. We blushed as I sighed once again. I had never been this close to a guy ever before.


One morning, around eleven, I walked with a heap of notebooks into the staffroom. I placed them on Akshat’s table. 

“Sir, all of us, excluding Robin, have completed our assignments. He said that he had requested an extension. Is it? I want to confirm, sir”, said I, looking at him. He stood with his back facing me. He was standing towards the wall.  He just nodded without turning toward me.

“All okay?”, I enquired. He nodded again, without facing me.

“Sir, what’s wrong? Why aren’t you even looking at me? Hadn’t we just cleared our problems recently? What else is bothering you?”, asked I, placing my left palm on his shoulder. I forced him to turn towards me.

“Hey, what are you up to?!”, murmured he. He faked a smile and looked at his full-handed suit. He wore a black coat upon a light blue formal shirt inserted into black formal pants. Black or navy blue? Urgh! Stop noticing him, Naomi. I blushed as the gentleman twinkled like a golden star. I dunno if such a star exists though. But, Akshat is such a masterpiece. Perhaps, I can never find a man like Akshat to fall in love with once again. Urgh! What's happening to me? Love? What?! Am I really in love with Akshat?...Urgh! Don't divert, Kiku.


The attire combo suited him quite well. He was cuter than handsome that day. Aww! The way he meddled with his coat’s button. Kiku, hello, excuse me, I am here standing in front of you.

“You should tell me what’s up!”, said I, shrinking my eyes. He faked the second smile that day and walked towards his seat. “Sir, why are you dull? What happened? Remember that you can share anything with me.” I sat opposite him. I grabbed his palms together and tightened them in mine.


“Kiku, I too am here for you. I don’t know if I can be as great a well-wisher as you but I believe I’m concerned about you. What’s disturbing you?” He released his palms and shook his head.

“Return to your class, Naomi”, said he, opening a bookmarked textbook,” Prepare well for the upcoming internals…”

“Sir, what am I asking and what are you telling? I know that you aren’t alright…”

“None of your business, Naomi. It's better if you don’t involve”

“I will. Why shouldn’t I? My trouble is yours. Similarly, your trouble too is mine.”

“Naomi, it's you who is troubling me now. Let me prepare for my class this afternoon. Leave!” He didn’t even lift his head up to look at me. I knew something was fishy.


“Fine. I will figure it out myself. Carry on, sir”, said I, barging out of the staff room. 

“Naomi, go and study”, I heard his faint voice. I didn’t care. I just left. As soon as I climbed upstairs, I happened to see Shreyas sir stepping out of a class in the corridor. He was heading towards the staircase at the opposite corner.

“Sir!”, I exclaimed aloud, at which he turned back. I hurried towards him. “Is everything alright with Akshat sir? He seemed dull. Any family issues? I asked him but he didn’t prefer to share. Instead, he was engrossed in diverting me. Can you please tell me, sir? Please! Please!”

“Naomi, actually…”, Shreyas began. “It's among the faculty. How can we share it with students? Its…”

“Sir, please don’t hesitate. What happened? I badly wanna know. I’m worried for Akshat sir. Please tell me.”

“OK, leave it, Naomi. It's between the Chairman and Akshat. Why do you wanna be involved in all of this? Have you prepared for my class test today?”


Love is so blind that it just happens unexpectedly.
You may fall for anyone!
Would you let go of your policy if you fell for someone you shouldn't? What would you choose-your policy or your beloved?


“Sir, please. Internal…class test…semester…assignment-stop diverting me, both you and Akshat sir.” I trembled, pointing out, “I’m sure it's something serious. I also know that Rishabh sir hates Akshat sir. I’m aware of his politics. Please, sir, you need to tell me…” He sighed and nodded.

“There was a photo shoot for the outgoing batch-your seniors today. The Chairman purposely excluded Akshat sir from sitting with the other faculty in the photos. Sad Akshat…”

“What? That's very unfair of Rishabh sir. I won’t leave this”, said I, heading downstairs. Shreyas asked me to stop. He insisted again that I don’t intervene in such university political matters.

“Sure, sir. I don’t know how none of you, his fellow colleagues refrained from speaking up. I too wouldn’t have, if it hadn’t bothered Akshat sir. Rishabh sir is really doing too much. How can someone hurt the soft and kind gentleman?”, said I, rushing into the corridor. 


“Chairman, JU”, announced the brown board fixed to the glass door, with a condensed white font. I frowned at Rishabh chuckling formally over a call in his empty cabin. I was about to knock on the door when I heard a commanding female voice stop me. I pointed at the blue colored tag of my ID. 

“Oh, student? Fine, then you don’t need an appointment to meet sir. Have you come here all alone? What's the issue?”, she enquired. I nodded with a wicked smile.

“Ma’am, a responsible student anyways doesn’t need an appointment to meet your irresponsible chairman”, said I. Phew! I can’t believe Akshat's love turned me into a swag!

“Excuse me, what is this? Mind your language”, said she, raising her voice, a little high, as I pushed the door hard and barged into Rishabh’s cabin.

“...Hmm...Ok, I will call you back later, ma’am”, said Rishabh, hanging up the call. He leaned backward in his seat. He gestured for his furious assistant who continued to pull me outside, to leave his cabin. “Come on, don’t you think I know how to deal with a stupid student like her?” She nodded and left.

“Sir, how could you ill-treat Akshat sir during the photoshoot? Did you forget that the other lecturers and a few board members too were present? What would they think of him? Forget this point as well. What will be running in students’ minds as to why you excluded one of our talented and approachable lecturers? You've played with a lecturer's dignity.”, I argued.

“Wow! What a love story! You're hurt because I hurt your Akshat sir?!”, he chuckled, getting up from his seat. He began surrounding me, as he continued, “Why can’t I?” He grabbed my ID tag and pulled me closer. He read out my name from the card,” Tell me, Miss Naomi. Why shouldn’t I? It's after all my university.”

“Stop it, sir”, said I, moving a few feet back from him. He chuckled. 

“Don’t worry I’m not your beloved Akshat sir to misbehave with you…”

“Sir, please. Huh! I wonder how you who behave like a villain dare to compare yourself with a gem like Akshat sir. Why can’t you seriously think beyond your vengeance? If not for him, someone else would have grabbed your prestigious seat at your so-called dream college back then. You, being our honorable Chairman, at such a young age, can’t understand such a simple point. Wow! I wonder how smart you are otherwise!”

“Naomi!”, he shouted, kicking a chair down. “Just because I didn’t scold you for entering my cabin like an uncivilized and ill-mannered lout, it doesn’t mean that you can act like a heroine here. Maintain my cabin’s decorum.”

I chuckled to myself. I gave him a wicked smile and shrugged along. I stepped near him. I grabbed the chair that he had kicked. I took my seat. I rested my left leg on the right leg and extended my hands forward to rest them upon my legs. 

“Who do you think is ill-mannered, sir? An outlaw whose employee experienced discrimination at the workplace or the victim’s lawyer who is fighting for justice?”, I questioned Rishabh whose eyes of rage bulged at mine as I tilted my head and raised my eyebrows at him. I was on fire that day.


“Yes sir, Article 16(2) protects employees. Didn’t you know?”

After a minute of silence, he burst into a round of laughter.

“Lawyer? Are you serious, Naomi?”

“Oh, sorry. I’m officially not one. But, I believe that anyone who enters the battlefield and fights for justice is a lawyer.” 

“Oh, please! Enough of your court drama here at my cabin. By the way, good news for you. Our cultural fest is on the way. You are allowed to perform there. I too will be one of the guests. Don’t worry, I will see you there. Please don’t waste my precious time.” He pointed at the door.


He was acting as if nothing had happened; as if he was perfect. I couldn’t tolerate it anymore. I have always wanted and will always fight for the right.

“Naomi, it's better if you mind your own business. I have been doing this every year with the spineless insect. Hahaha! You are a new student…no, drop the matter. It's not your problem though. Save your lawyer talks for the future, not at the university. It's better you don’t pull yourself into university politics. Every office has one and this is the case here…”

“Not at all!”, I denied, at once. “Rishabh sir, please don’t call your own politics the university politics.” I pointed my index finger at him. “It's your damn politics: An illogical inferential story you have narrated for yourself. Do you think Akshat sir can’t speak up for himself? Huh! This is your level of expertise…”

“Hey, Naomi, stop this nonsense”

“You stop it, sir. Why can’t you?” I raised my eyebrows at him. “Akshat sir respects you although you don’t. That's exactly why he has always been silent. It doesn’t mean that you can take his silence for granted. He doesn’t fight back not due to his spinelessness which he isn’t though. It's because he isn’t cheap as you…”

“Stop it, Naomi. I will sue you.”

“Wait, sir. I’m not yet done. If he spoke, your own students won’t honor you anymore. The board will call you biased. Do you want it to happen?”

He rolled his eyeballs hither and thither. “I won’t include Akshat in the photo shoot. Shut up and get lost. You are nothing more than a mere student at the university. That's it!”

“Alright. I respect your decision, sir. It's an utter waste of time and effort talking to you anymore yet I tried, just for formality. Be prepared to face the consequences. You can’t stop me from fighting for Akshat sir. Equality matters.”

I faced off, walking towards the door.

“Do whatever you want. I don’t care about you or your lover.” I threw another wicked smile and left the dirty cabin.

How will Naomi seek justice? Will she win the struggle?

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