Are we destined to be together? - Part20 in English Fiction Stories by Arshi books and stories PDF | Are we destined to be together? - Part20

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Are we destined to be together? - Part20

Amy's pov:
College started... This is last semester... One of gossip first I heard in this semester is jessie and Harry break up... I didn't further stand to hear gossip and decided to think as false gossip... If it think it as true and saw them they together... It will be hurtful... I think myself bad feeling happy for someone sadness.... As per my earlier decision not to avoid harry and have complete attendance.. college days never return...
After a while when we are sitting in our bench. Some of my classmates started asking jessie that what happened between you (jessie) and Harry.... Last time when I called Harry.. He seems to drunk... and he has been worring regarding you(jessie) that you are not talking... When I heard these words I feel hiting my head myself for choosing a place before jessie.... And then I wear my earphones to avoid hearing their conversation.... After while break ⌛ started... I didn't bring lunch.. Since Lunch in menu I hate it... I brought some of my snacks... When I heard from kiren he and Harry didn't have breakfast... I gave my snacks to kiren.... After having some pieces of snacks... Kiren gave it to Harry.. At first Harry avoided it...and when he was about to take it... Lily said to Harry Don't worry I won't say to jessie... Harry reaction meant like he doesn't care about it...and then he grab it and have a bite in it....After Harry ate my snacks.. Jessie and her gangmate have a angry stare at kiren and Harry... Kiren have a look at them and asked What happened... Why are you looking angry at me(kiren)... When I see this I feel it irritated I have done anything... I just gave a snack... Should I not even share snacks to Harry...what they guys think... These are stuffs running in my right now... However I tried myself to calm myself...
Lunch started... I didn't bring lunch... Harry started eating alone in my bench with chicken... I feel little irritated...He didn't even ask... Then kiren can started eating.... He asked me Do you want..?.. I said No. You continue... I am not hungry... Kiren started eating... Harry didn't even show concern at all... After that lily came... He asked her to eat... I feel so irritated.... Why is he behaving like that...
After a while... When me and Harry alone we were sharing bench.... He is very near to me... This is first time we two are close without anyone near....I mean near our beach... We are at first bench.. Only some are there that too they are in last bench....since i am near to him... I can't sight... I will get caught... So, I started doing my works.... At time Harry asked me pen.. When I was about to give he graps my hand...I was shocked when I feel my palm is completely covered by his palm... I met his eyes... He is too seeing... Our eyes get locked for few moments... He just moved his finger moved slowly from wrist part of my hand to my fingers slowly and he took of his hand... I came to consciousness... I took my hand....I didn't feel irritated to this touch... When he touched I lost my conscious that I surrounded by people... I am in college...Only Harry remained in my mind.. Only his eyes... I doesn't know whether my eyes told my inner feeling...
This is not our first accidental touch.... During trip, In train when I was moving in middle berth to find perfect sleeping position.... I hit someone... I found it is Harry... Who moved very fast after my hit without even have a glance at me....I hit with my bare feet in his chest.... I was little afraid... I believe he doesn't know who it is... As he didn't face me... In this touch. I am afraid as I hit Harry with my leg.... and Little happy that I showed my anger to him....Here to I love his feel... When I touch someone I feel irritated)
Back to present...
I then started to do my work again... Not ready to face his face...After a while our bench us covered with kiren and a staff.... Staff asked Harry... What is between you and jessie... Her mother called me and said she is talking to someone... Harry suddenly replied that we don't have any relationship... I ain't talking to her.. She may be talking to someone....
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