The Last Dragon in English Short Stories by Silverstone cat books and stories PDF | The Last Dragon

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The Last Dragon

Chapter one
The last sorcerers

My name is Ladon and am last dragon thanks to the accent a old race that discovered eat are heart did three things to them. One made them almost immortal well their leader live for two thousand years but they weren't clever enough to breed us. Second to change into something grotesque but they found it show what they were true liked. And third brilliant lairs to points that they are gods to the others races ex sorcerers but they were only six thanks to them be hunted to.

We live in a castle that the only way to enter is to find sorcerer food wasn't a issue since we had a farm here thanks to the. Earth witch Flora so we had no reason to leave I was brought here by the witch of light Alina. The water wizard Calder it was little weird because crows kept follow him. He very tall and had black hair oh and he love painting then you had the wind witch Ekaitza she loves well flying. She was colour and pretty then you had the dark wizard, Aldo his from the demon race and like spending his time at the library. Then their was the metal wizard Brandan who train with his sword everyday. His magic is making weapons, armour and enhance it with a skill or resistance. And last was the fire witch Pauline who was from the beast race so she winged cat.

The sorcerers had to go into hidden because unlike their people they weren't bow down instead they try to fight. But they soon realised that they were no match for them even their most powerful sorcerer's could only take off a arm. They found out that only a dragon can take them down but we were in hiding and there was only one thousand left at the time. And it's me I mean I hope there one out there I was listening to Aldo who was telling this story so I understand why I must fight.

I was tort how to read, write, spell casting and swordship I spent each day with a different teacher. Flora tort me about nature and climbing so I could learn more to control earth element. Ekaitza tort me how to fly by flying bloom me so she could catch me if I fell.
Aldo tort me reading, write and dark magic by putting me in a dark room with a dark eternal to see if I could make it blow down to me. Brandan tort me swordship and blacksmith so I could learn haw to make sword out of nothing like him. Calder tort me art to teach me the beauty in water as for Alina, she only come once a month to treach me about light magic by healing and herds. Pauline tort me fire magic by making deal with pain by shrash me not hard but not that hard but it still left skar.

Calder didn't like it he got really annoyed I asked him one why it was him couldn't the other go with them. "Well we are born not made there for Alina try to find them but sad these last couples of years. Nothing we think they were kill or too scared to show themselves but you could help when we teach you the teleport spell you could bring them here". I did understand I was very scared and quiet and I didn't want a child go through the same thing. They or so told me that I weren't have to do it alone the weapons I made could kill them so I had to make a army.

Chapter two
Building a army

Ten years past I was now seventeen "are you sure am ready" I ask Calder my last night at the castle. "Even if you're not we can't wait any longer" I had to agree because Alina had not come for a year. Now which meant she was kill Even though no was teleport here I now know how the teleport spell works. You need the person who cast their permission the next morning they were all outside waiting to say goodbye.

"Why can't you come with me" "Ladon do you remember how scared you were when you first come here" said Aldo. He was right they have to stay for the young wizard and witches are not alone when they arrive. I gave them one last hug and I disappeared into a world I never knew even it was my world. I walked into a village I wore a cloak that had a spell to hide my wings there only way to see them was lift it up from behind because it or so couldn't be ripped thanks to another spell I put on it.

As I walked through the village it most had the demon race some were human but not many. I then heard "wizard stop" I ran to the voice to find a beast and three demons. "We going get food a month thanks to you" said one them I cast a fire spell that surround them I went to the two tail fox. "I take you somewhere safe" I told him "no I have to help my sister and the boy" "then take me there".

He took me to abandoned house at the edge of the village inside was a white fox with two tails and a boy with brown hair his right eye was bandage. I went to see at first they both were hostel to me but when they saw the other fox they claim down. I told them that I would teleport them somewhere safe where adult wizards and witches will help. The boy and female fox agreed but the male one wanted to me gather a army. He told me that the younger generation were taken to the mines to be put work until they can't doing it anymore.

I agree to go so I teleport the boy and female fox to my home and walked to the entrance of the village where horses pulling a carriage it wasn't very encouraging. The doors of carriage opened and a group of men came out but they were so cripple it was surprise that they even made it. The fox Tokala told me not to engage now too many people would know about me so we followed it until it was dark.

I use fire magic to stop the horses then I cut use my sword and knock out the gaurd use the handle of my sword. I open the doors to the boys and said "am here to recuse you if you wish to fight then come with me". "Yeah and what makes you think you could kill them" said a boy with a girl voice. I looked at her she had cut her black hair wearing a wooden mask and purple claok. If she didn't speak I wouldn't of known that he was a she I grabbed my cloak and took it off to show wings. Tokala had already jumped off my shoulder "your a dragon" said the boy with brown hair and wearing a shorts cloak.

"Yes and I make weapons that can kill them so are you in or out because he going to wake up soon". "Ok am in oh Keitha" said the girl "me too am Alfonso " said the boy. We got out ten boys followed I wasn't this heated that only half of the carriage, wanted to come after all I knew how hard it would be. We walked into the forest "if we keep heading this way we find the old dragon castle, gaurded by the grooger but they weren't attack they worship your kind" said Alfonso . He wasn't kidding they were giant female humanoid birds the castle was old and run down I touch the grooger I spoke to the leader my mind.

She flew off the others following "what did you ask of them" ask Keitha "to get food and wood to help right". After I told her I use magic to rebuild the castle and walls then we walked inside the castle and to my surprise their was a mine. I cast a swords,shields and bows appeared "you guys train up l makes sure the grooger will not attack you and instead, gaurd you Tokala can you stay and look after them I go and find more people to join". As I walked outside Alfonso and Keitha ran up to me "wait we going with you" they both yell.