That Night - Part-1 in English Detective stories by stuti gupta books and stories PDF | That Night - Part-1

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That Night - Part-1

12 april 2020,

mona had just shifted to the new city banglore, according to her family it was the safest place for her to persue her career. our indian families, firstly they never let us persue our dreams but if by chance they do allow then they will find the place for you to live themselves. 

Mona was a small town bubbly girl her dream was to become a big content writer at myntra so she filled some forms and got selected. she thought she can do a remote job but unfortunately she had to move to banglore to continue her job she was happy but her family was worried. after the longest discussion ever in arora family the decision was made that their little fairy is ready to put her wings on and fly but the problem was of living but no problem pal arora family has a solution for every problem they came up with the idea to let mona live with her uncle. everyone was happy and excited atleast the problem was solved. the rest of the story will be narrated by mona herself.


12 april

maa was happy and papa was silently crying because first time they are going to let their little fairy fly . everyone knew that i will be safe but little did they know what will happen with me. i was boarding to my flight when my fathger hugged me and said "beta do whatever you want but dont do anything that will make me feel shame of you." i mumbled " cheez dad i know whats right an dwrong do not worry but always remember you fairy will be flying in sky and looking at you and yaa promise me you will not forget your medicines" papa smiled and said " how time flies we used to go with you and now  you are leaving alone" his eyes were filled with tears and we both cried for a while then i rushed as my name was called i was about to miss my flight. after boarding the flight i was looking at window and seeing papa's reflection. this was the first time i felt emotional. 

10:30 p.m 

i reached banglore and i saw uncle waiting for me, mukesh uncle was a businessmen and he was my father's cousin. i stepped in the car with me and after i time i felt uncomfortable , not because i was with someone else at this late night alone in a car but because i had wore a mini skirt and mukesh uncle was taring at my legs continuously. i covered my legs with my bag and prayed we will reach soon. 

as i reached home i hurried into my room and started changing to my night dress. mukesh uncle had already told me way to my room and said me to sleep. as i was changing i felt that someone was looking at naked me form the peekhole i said who's there ...?  but no reply came i wasnt feeling to check and become cid officer and search cheez i was so tired so i felt to sleep . you all must me thinking i lived with my one uncle so he must be ssing but no dear mukesh uncle had a very big house there were lots of servents.

I mumbled leave and took off my shirt . i slept in my innerwear because banglore was really hot even the AC cooling was making me feel hot. it was 3 am i realised a notification in my phone i saw ... it was a message i opened it it was my naked picture and the down message was hey sweetheart love you in innerwear but what about without clothes do u want me to post these pictures. i gasped in horror and was shocked wheo was this man.