Cerebral Palsy my Condition my life in English Human Science by Akshika Aggarwal books and stories PDF | Cerebral Palsy my Condition my life

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Cerebral Palsy my Condition my life

Cerebral Palsy is a cluster disorder that influences an individual's ability capability to stride and maintains balance or body posture. CP is the most widespread locomotor disability in boyhood or innocence. Cerebral Palsy means shortcomings or difficulties with utilizing muscles. Cerebral palsy is inflicted by unusual brain improvement or harm to the improving brain development that causes affect an individual's ability to control his\her muscles.
The symptoms of this condition vary from person to person. someone with acute CP might require to use a special mode to be able to stride, or might not be able to stride or walk at all and he or she needs lifelong care. Somebody with mild CP might walk a little differently but might not need a walker or a rollator. CP does not get worse with time, though the exact signs may get change over the lifetime.
All folk with cerebral palsy have problems with their movement.
Types of Cerebral Palsy
Dr Categorize Cerebral Palsy according to the main type of movement disease implicated. Depending on which part of the brain is affected, one or more of the following activity disorders can occur.: Stiff muscles(spasticity). Uncontrollable activities(dyskinesia) poor balance or coordination(atexia)
There are for types of Cerebral Palsy
1) Spastic CP. This is the most common type of CP. This influences about 80 per cent of people with CP.
Patients with CP have increased muscle tone. This means their muscles are rigid and as a result, they can move differently. Spastic CP was usually known by what part of the body is affected.:

Spastic diplegia/diparesis, In this case, the legs muscles are stiff. The arms are not much affected or not affected at all. People with spastic diplegia might face difficulty in walking because the muscle tightness in the hip and leg cause their both legs to pull up together, turn inward, and cross at the knees which is also known as scissoring

Spastic hemiplegia: In this kind of CP affects only one side of an individual's body on the contrary to the above type in this arms are more influenced than the legs.
Spastic quadriplegia. : This is the most severe form of Spastic CP and affects all 4limbs, the trunk and the face. Patients with spastic quadriparesis can not walk and often have other developmental disabilities like intellectual disabilities :seizures: problems with sight, hearing and speech. Dyskinetic CP also includes athetoid, choreoathetoids and dystonic cerebral palsies.
People with despotic CP have difficulties in controlling the movements of their hands, feet legs and arms, which makes it difficult for them to sit and stride. The activities are uncontrollable and can be sluggish and writhing or jerky. Sometimes tongue and face are also affected and the person has a difficult time sucking, talking and swallowing, an individual with dyskinetic CP has muscle tone that can change not only on daily basis but even in during a single day. Ataxia CP. This patient has problems with balancing and coordinating the might be unsteady while walking. They might have a difficult time controlling their hands or arms when they reach for something.
Mixed CP-Some people have symptoms of more than one or two types the most common type of Mixed Cerebral Palsy is spastic dyskinetic CP.
Screening and diagnosis- examining CP at an early age are important for the well being of the children and their parents. Diagnosing CP can take care steps
Developmental monitoring. It is also called (surveillance) tracking a child's growth& development over time. If any concerns about the child's development are put forward during monitoring then the development of a screening test should be done as soon as possible.
Developmental screening during this kind of screening a short test is given to see how the child has specific developmental delays, like motor or motions delays if the result of the screening test is cause for concern then the doctor will make referrals for developmental and medical advancements. Developmental and medical advancements goal of a developmental advancement is to diagnose the specific type of disease that affects the child there is no cure for this condition but a physiotherapist can help the patients to improve their life by surgeries and braces. Causes and its risks factors- Cerebral Palsy is caused by abnormal development of the damaged brain influence or affects the child's ability to control her or his muscle. There are various possible causes of abnormal development or damage. Civilization believed that CP was mainly caused by lack of oxygen during the birth process now the scientist or researchers things that this causes only a small number of CP cases
The abnormal development of the damaged brain that leads to CP can transpire before birth or month of birth. Even during the first year of a child's life, CP can occur, while the brain is in the developing stage. Cerebral Palsy is associated with abnormal improvement of the brain or injury that occurred before or during the delivery is known as congenital Cerebral Palsy. 85to 90%cases are of this kind. In many cases, specific reasons for CP is not known. A small percentage of Cerebral Palsy is caused by abnormal development of the brain or injury that occurs more than 30 days of birth. This is known as acquired Cerebral Palsy and is usually related to an infection or head injury.
Hence we can say that Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a situation that affects 1000 people each year. An approximate 764‚000 children and adults are afflicted with one or more indications of CP. Through 8‚000 newborns and babies are diagnosed each year and 1‚200-1‚500 preschool-age kids are coming up with symptoms of CP.