The Agents - 2 in English Fiction Stories by Shamad Ansari books and stories PDF | The Agents - 2

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The Agents - 2

The Agents -2

they are also brothers, they all go out to the park, they all go to play cricket He tells about the accident on the way, only then he sees that some people are trying to forcefully put a boy in his car and the people around are only watching that spectacle, then they put that boy in the car and there When they start leaving, then all five of them run in different directions and start chasing that car, they all get very tired while chasing, still do not give up and just keep on chasing. The car goes towards a forest. That child has a road accident, the fault was of this person who is driving because he kept the car on the red light and tried to cross the road before time, then some lullaby hit him, this whole incident was an 18 year old The child is watching and leaves with a long breath thinking about the rules of his constitution.
And says that now this is a common story, then he goes from there, comes home and after eating food, goes to sleep in the afternoon, wakes up in the evening, then to his younger brother who is 1 year younger than him, then both of them They go to call another friend, then all three of them go to the other two friends' house to invite them to play, they are also brothers, they all go out to the park, they all go to play cricket He tells about the accident on the way, only then he sees that some people are trying to forcefully put a boy in his car and the people around are only watching that spectacle, then they put that boy in the car and there When they start leaving, then all five of them run in different directions and start chasing that car, they all get very tired while chasing, still do not give up and just keep on chasing. The car goes towards a forest. Those children think that we should act with our senses not with enthusiasm, then those people stop the car, then these boys hide and start seeing everything that they are getting out of the car, only then these boys look around. Some thick wooden sticks were read and some stones were also there. Then the boys kill them by climbing on top of the tree, then they become unconscious. Then those 5 boys take that boy out of the car, then that boy gets out of the car and says brothers, how will I repay this favor to you, you saved my life, you guys have a big favor on me, I will be forever grateful to you. Then says do you have a phone, I will call my father, those boys say yes of course we will also go with your father, the boy calls his father and tells the whole loss, his father says you do not worry arriving immediately.
They track the location of the phone and find out where they are and then leave with their companions. His father reached there with many police forces. Then the one who was kidnapped, he is hugged by his father. There all five were thinking that it took so many police forces to bring a boy, then one boy said that finally the matter has been done. There a policeman said. He is the chief of NIA agency of our country. Then a boy said, that is, the boy whom his father is calling is the same. That policeman said yes.. brother!

Then the same policeman said his name is "Shri Vivekanand Singh Thakur".
Then a boy said that he has taken everyone's surname. Then the same president tells these five that you all come with me!
Then one of them said sir we have not done anything!!! It is that we should work with our senses not with enthusiasm, then those people stop the car, then these boys hide and start seeing everything that they are getting out of the car, only then these boys look around, then some fat Woods were read and some stones were also there. Then the boys kill them by climbing on top of the tree, then they become unconscious. Then those 5 boys take that boy out of the car, then that boy gets out of the car and says brothers, how will I repay this favor to you, you saved my life, there is a road accident, the fault was of this person who was driving It is because he kept the car running on the red light and tried to cross the road before time, then some lullaby hit him, this whole incident is watching an 18 year old child and thinking about the rules of his constitution for a long time let out breath
And says that now this is a common story, then he goes from there, comes home and after eating food, goes to sleep in the afternoon, wakes up in the evening, then to his younger brother who is 1 year younger than him, then both of them Going to call another friend, then all three of them go to the other two friends' house to play them.