Love and lies - 2 in English Fiction Stories by Tanuja Triveni books and stories PDF | Love and lies - 2

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Love and lies - 2

Getting a message from him was a dream come true.We chat a little and he asked me to meet him on next Sunday.I was so happy by the thinking of meeting him again.I started dreaming of us.Days passed and Sunday came very soon.We did not talk much and did not text him because he might be busy in work.So,I thought not to disturb him.He texted me the address and asked to meet him at 12.

I know he had already seen me but I wanted to look good.It was my first date with it a date?We did not talk about all this.I don't even know why does he want to meet me.I got scared of thinking rich man using middle class girl just for his own benefit.Uhhhgg..I should think positive-i said to myself and started getting ready.

I took so much time in deciding my dress and I got late.When I entered the restaurant,he was already their waiting for me.I put the best smile I could give and walked toward him.He catches my eyes and greet me and he also pulled chair for me.I was sitting with him,with the most famous businessman.I felt a little nervous by the charm of the area.It made me feel like I am not made for this.Zain apparently notices and said not to worry,we are all same.

He ordered some food that I was not even able to pronounce and ofcourse I never had that.After ordering food,he started asking about my studies and I came back to normal.It felt so good to talk to him.He was so calm and polite.And just then our food arrived and we started eating.I must say the food was so delicious.As we were eating,it just came out my mouth and I asked him how did he get my number.He Smirk.And I felt so embarrassed.Why didn't I thought about it.He is a well known person,he has connection all over the area.It will take only few minutes to get a number.But why mine?I asked.And he choked at my question.I apologized immediately after that but he said it was not needed.Instead he said that he likes me.I blushed at his words.He further said that he wanted to meet me after the college but never got a chance to say.Something about me always attracts him towards me.But after the finishing of the conference,he thought he will forget me.But he couldn't do.I kept on coming into his mind,I was stuck in his mind-he said.His confession made me so nervous that I couldn't look into his eyes as I now he was looking at me.And suddenly he called my name.His voice was husky.I however, looked into his eyes.Our eyes were locked and my heart was beating so fast.Many things was going in mind.He was trying to say something.Is he going to propose me?But it is so simple and moreover it is our first date.I wanted it to be more special.And just then my dream break as a waitress got slip and all the drink fell over me.The chilled drink made me stand.And I see Zain expression changed.He shouted at the waitress and even said to fire her.