A unique solution - 1 in English Adventure Stories by Kishanlal Sharma books and stories PDF | A unique solution - 1

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A unique solution - 1

Ila was the most beautiful girl in the city.Along with winning the beauty queen award in college.She also won the title of the most beautiful woman in the city Hundered of young men were fond of her beauty.Evey young man extended a hand of friendship towards her.. Every young man had expressed his love and said to her,"I want to make you mine."
"Sorry".Ila gave the same answer to every youngman,"I accept your friendship but do not approve of becoming a wife."
But sandeep was lucky in this matter.Sandeeo and Ila become friend.With the passing of time they came so close that one day Sandeep proposed marriage., while expressing his love.Ila accepted his proposal without any delay.And they become husband and wife.
Ila was born into a wealthy family influenced by Western culture.She got all kinds of freedom from her parents.As a result ,she was not as archaic as a common Hindustani girl.She was an open minded girl influenced by western civilization, culture and ideas.
She considered marriage to be necessary.But marriage did not mean that she should be tied to a man for whole life.She considered marriage not a sacred bond but a compromise.
Even after marriage there was no change in the living, behavior and habits of Ila.She did not stop going to club and parties..Even after marrige,there was no shortage of her male friends..She met each friend warmly.She would laugh and talks to her friends.She also had illegal relationship with some friends.Marriage in India means the bonding of woman and man eachother for whole life.
Husband can never tolerate that his wife laugh or has sexual relation with other men.Sandeep also started feeling bad.He explained to wife,"Ila now you are married.So now it is not good that you laugh, speak or have physical relations with other men."
"I married you.That does not mean that I have become your save for the whole life?"Ila said in singer,"when I stopped you?No matter ,how many women you have sex with.I dont mind.
By all means Sandeep tried to teach Ila to be in the dignity of the Indian woman,But all in vain.Ila had completely differed view of life.She considered life like a flowing river.She did not believe in living life like the stagnant water.
When Sandeep was a virgin,then he dreamed.His dream wad a beautiful, educated wife..On seeing Ila for the first time he became obsessed with her.The making of Ila his life partner came in his mind at the very first meeting.He prayed to God in his heart.And God has heard his prayer.And one day the beautiful girl of the city became his wife.
He was very happy to have a beautiful girl like Ila as his wife..But his happiness could not last long.His life became hell by making a beautiful woman his wife.
The family members objected to Ila's open thoughts and friendship with others men.Sandeep friends also started taunting him.
After listening the taunts of the people,Sandeep was so upset that he decided to commit suicide. One day Sandeep went to leap from the top of the mountain with the intention of suicide