Mistaken - 2 in English Love Stories by Neha books and stories PDF | Mistaken - 2

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Mistaken - 2

Previously in the story, Yasmin said yes for the proposal made by Prashant and their friendship has now turned into a love relationship. At the beginning where Yasmin was confused whether she did the right thing saying him yes or not, Prashant was super excited that all his efforts were accepted positively by her. As the days passed the so-called perceptions of hers was changing in her reality and Prashant proved himself to be her perfect dream boy.

He noticed her every small even the tiniest detail and respected her ideology in the same way she was doing to him. Slowly but steadily she started realising that she has made the right decision.

Now the time has come to make yet another crucial decision as their school ended they were dividing in different cities for their higher education, to which there were little chaotic situations came but they were handled smoothly as the conclusion stood in the favour of both which was at least the cities were not far enough to travel only a few hours of travelling required which means that they would be able to meet in the weekends.

Now the love relationship had a new tuning and that was a long-distance relationship. There were no mutual friends and no mutual timings for them to discuss not only this but she even shifted her priorities to studies so that she could settle better and give them both a permanent future where they would be living forever with each other and she wanted the same commitment from him as well.

In any kind of relationship trust is the most crucial factor of any other factors she was willing to do everything but for Prashant, things were not moving the way he wanted and he started to think the other way doubting her if her call is busy, if she is not on time if she is wearing something he disliked and the whole new change in him was disturbing her mentally. She shared all her matters with her friends where some of them advised her to leave him while some of them advised spending some time with him and explain to him everything that was bothering her. She preferred the second advice and said everything to him that was bothering her to which he apologised and said he was scared to lose her and so he became possessive and was doing all this to her but he will not repeat his mistakes.

After a few days, he made a plan to visit a hill station and asked her to join, she agreed on this plan. He did all the arrangements and made her feel special and confessed how much he loved her. She was living her dream and was very happy.

That night when the moon was bright and stars were shining the most he prepared a dinner date for her where she came in her red gown looking like some fairy coming down to earth, he demanded her to be his for a lifetime. He wanted to make out with her and she did all that he wanted that night because she didn't want to spoil the relationship as well.

They came back to college and things came to the normal track. After all that happened to them, Yasmin was thinking that their bond will become stronger than it was before but Prashant started behaving differently as if he has got the rewards for his efforts and he is free to move on to the next. He started blackmailing her that if she will not come for making out when and where he wanted he will show the pics and video to her parents.

All these things were disturbing her and making her mentally sick and depressed. The love she thought she deserved has now changed in something so vulgar form where she was sexually and mentally harassed by the one whom she loved and who was the only one she cared about. Many times she tried to explain him and tried to make him understand what love is and how he is ruining the real essence of love. But he was willingly doing all that just for fun. The time came when she could not tolerate him any more, she was broken and helpless and to end all this she ended herself. To free her soul and in the guilt of making her parents feel down and disrespected she killed herself and ended everything.

I know friends many of you reading this will not agree with this end. And believe me neither I am because what she did was wrong. Life gives a second chance to everyone but to grab the chance we have to fight we can't just surrender ourselves to the situation we think has no alternatives.

She was mistaken but it does not mean that the mistake can not be rectified further. Anyone can be mistaken but the time when you realise this learn to say no and to respect yourself. Make good friends to whom you can share everything and don't hesitate to tell the truth to your parents because your mistake will not hurt them that much than losing you forever. So think before you act foolishly and if you are mistaken ever remember there is always a second chance waiting for you to rectify your mistake.

Thank you so very much for reading my effort.