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Folklore-Chatura Pandit


Chatura Pandit

Pandit Chaturbutha, a resident of Shivpur, used to engage in books and Havan pooja day and night when he returned from Kashi. His father explained a million that to succeed in the world, trusting only in texts and books does not happen, a man should learn worldliness by staying among the people of society for maximum time during his youth. But the quadrilateral pundits did not agree and remained engrossed in books.

The father was worried that if the son is involved in religion, he will get out of his hands. He consulted his wife. Both decided that Chaturbhuj i.e. Chatura Pandit should be sent to in-laws for a few days.

In the evening on the same day, the mother explained to Chatura - "Son, now you have gone to study and have started doing the worship. Now you should collect your household. Your wife has been living with her father since she got married in childhood. Bring him a few days and make him a guest at the in-laws' house. "

Chatura Pandit of Pothi-Patra's Potli Dam happily went to his in-laws house. The father-in-law was very happy to see the son-in-law, and he paid a lot of attention to Chatura Pandit. Cut it comfortably for a few days. In the evening, every day Chatura Pandit would go to a temple outside the village and sit there reciting a book. They would return when it got dark in the evening.

One day, Chatura Pandit was returning from the temple to see that ten-twelve donkeys were standing outside the village in front of the door of a deserted and ruined mansion and were shouting "Chipo Chipo".

Chatura thought that at dusk it is very easy to rank donkeys, do not know which person of the village is going where at this time, or what auspicious work is going on. Therefore, it would be appropriate that the donkeys that are producing Asguna should be closed in this sunny mansion.

They opened the old old door of the mansion, and came inside with asses.

Those donkeys belonged to a washerman. If the donkey did not return home at night, the washerman was upset. He searched a lot, but donkeys could not be found.

In the morning when he was wandering on the banks of the pond searching for his donkey, a Pandit advised him that Chatura Pandit, who had studied from Kashi, had come to his village these days. Have heard that they are great scholars. Go and ask them too. They may tell some of their parents by seeing their parents.

Looking for a washerman, Chatura reached to the Pandit and started asking about his lost donkeys. Suddenly Chatura Pandit remembered the incident last evening. He thoughtlessly said that your donkeys are locked in a lonely mansion outside the village.

Upon hearing this, the Dhobi jumped. He ran and ran to the mansion and opened the door and saw his entire donkey locked there.

He took out his donkeys and returned them to his house, shaking them. He had accepted the wisdom of Chatura Pandit. Now any man he met, he used to praise Chatura Pandit. Gradually the astrological knowledge of Chatura Pandit spread throughout the village.

The next morning, all the people of the village started coming to meet Chatura Pandit. Everyone had their own problems. Chatura pundits started telling false facts to each one. People started returning home satisfied.

By the time the praise of Chatura Pandit reached the zamindar of the village. In those days, his precious diamond necklace suddenly disappeared. People advised the zamindar that Chatura Pandit should be consulted in this matter.

A palanquin was sent to Chatura Pandit's in-laws' house. Chatura thought that he got trapped today. Know what is the matter?

When he reached the zamindar's mansion, he was very well received. After the watering, the zamindar told Chatura Pandit the theft incident of his necklace and asked the thief's address.

The Chura Pandit got scared and asked to come and the landlord said that if you will not deliberately tell the name of Chor, then I will assume that you have met the thief. So tonight you stay in the mansion and tomorrow morning tell the whole situation based on your astrology. If you support the thieves, then your head will be beheaded.

Chatura was forced to stay the night in the zamindar's mansion.

Chatra was not able to sleep even on the delicious food and the padded bed of the guest house. He was changing sides. He could see tomorrow when his pole will open. If he does not tell anything, then it will be assumed that he has met the thieves, and if he speaks something wrong, there is a fear of opening up.

Chatura started singing the prayers of sleep-

Aa ja pyari neendariya

Tomorrow will be chopped

That is, do not sleep sweet sleep today, come into my eyes. Tomorrow your neck has to be cut.

The mansion had two maids named Neandariya and Ghincharia. The two landlords were involved in stealing the necklace of the zamindar. When Chatra started calling Neanderia and Ghincharia in her song, she got scared and both of them understood that Chatra Pandit had found out the real thing. If Chatura Pandit took our name from the zamindar yesterday then we are not well off. I do not know what the zamindar will punish us for this theft. They were both trembling standing in the dark. After all, both of them had courage and came to Chatura.

On seeing two women suddenly approaching, Chatura was completely scared. He thought that it seems as if Yamdooti has come in place of Yamdoots to take me.

The two maids grabbed Pandit's feet and started running.

Chatura's courage awakened and he showed him high strut and said to him - "What is the matter, why do you cry?"

Afraid, a maid said, "Panditji, you have come to know that we have stolen the zamindar's necklace. Now we have come to pray that you do not tell the zamindar our name tomorrow.

Hearing this, Chatra Pandit's eyes blossomed. He said carelessly, Look, I know who has stolen the necklace. I was examining you guys. Now you want me to behave like that. "

Hearing this, both of them grabbed the feet of the Pandit and said that we are ready to return the defeat recently but you should save us, do not tell the zamindar our name tomorrow.

Chatura reassures him and he orders to bring the necklace.

A maid ran and hid, she brought the necklace.

Chatura Pandit, after considering it, advised the maidens to press this necklace deep into the soil in the basil plants of the basil plant in the courtyard of the mansion and leave it free.

According to Chatra's maids, she pressed the necklace in Tulsighara and went to sleep in her cell.

Peeping through the window, when Chatra saw that the work was done, he too fell restless on his bed and slept. He remained asleep till late in the morning.

When he woke up, the landlord's servant found him sitting, the landlord was calling him for a long time.

After taking a bath and meditation, Pandit Chatura approached the zamindar and pretended to see his pothis.

After some time he asked the landlord whether there was any Tulsighara in the mansion?

The zamindar told that if it is there, Chatura immediately told that the necklace was buried in it.

What was then, immediately the search for the necklace was started. A lost necklace was also found in Tulsi house. The zamindar got his lost defeat and he was very happy, but he was scared even in his heart that I vainly called Chatura Pandit bad, if he cursed me with anger, then my apocalypse will be done.

He fell at Chatra's feet and started apologizing for his mistake yesterday. Chatura assured him of forgiveness and started preparing to walk from the mansion.

The zamindar, by giving new clothes and a lot of money, sent Chatra to sit in the palanquin. Chatura was thinking that now it is dangerous to stay in this city, tomorrow no new mess will come, so the in-laws should leave.

On reaching the in-laws, Chatura immediately persuaded his wife to walk and they left the same day in the afternoon. On the way, when a river was found, Chatura Pandit threw his books into the river of Patali, his wife asked if Chatura said that knowledge of books is incomplete, now I have to complete my knowledge after seeing the good of worldliness. Then I will be called a scholar.

After returning home, he said the same thing to his father and his father was very happy that finally the son had got the right knowledge.
