The Heart that's Meant to Love You - 5 in English Love Stories by Anaisha books and stories PDF | The Heart thats Meant to Love you - 5

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The Heart thats Meant to Love you - 5

Chapter - 7

" Yes mummy, I have eaten some fruits before leaving for the college ", I replied my extremely worried mother over the phone call as I strode hurriedly towards my economics class.

" Why are you panting Kavya, you're not late right? Oh my god, don't tell me that you are late again ", my mother dramatically shrieked in dread, making me roll my eyes.

To be honest, I was really late today as I overslept in the morning but it's not like I am going to tell my mother that because I am sure she will freak out if she gets to know that I woke up just twenty minutes before my class.

" No mummy, I am not late. I am just jogging to my class, you see I have gained some weight in the past few weeks so I am burning some calories," I lied to her because I don't want to get a scolding from my mother in the morning itself.

I realised that I have come very close to my class, just one more turn and I will be there.

" Okay mummy, I am almost there. I will call you after the class, Bye."

Saying that I immediately disconnected her call and rushed forward in haste.

" Oops ", I gasped in sudden surprise when the moment I took the turn for my class, I accidentally bumped into someone.

My steps faltered and I stumbled forward but I quickly regained my balance.

" Ahhh...What the hell ?",someone shrieked loudly from behind.

I turned around to find a beautiful girl in front of me but the way she was looking at me felt irking.

The girl walked up to me and held out her hand, " Look what you did ", she shouted while pointing at the phone in her hand.

I stilled when I noticed the screen of her phone totally broken.

" Are you blind or what?", she shouted angrily.

I flinched slightly on hearing her harsh tone.
Frankly, No one has ever talked to me in such a rude manner.

" Do you have any idea how costly it was? Now what will I do with this damaged phone?
My boyfriend has gifted it to me and now because of you it's broken, you Stupid girl! ", she screamed acidly.

The way she glared at me looked very threatening. All I could say is that if looks could kill then I would probably be dead by now but wait a minute, why is she blaming me for the broken screen of her phone. It was just an accident, I didn't do it on purpose.

" I am sorry, I was in so hurry that I couldn't stop myself from bumping into you but you're blaming on me as if I did it on purpose", I answered her softly.

" What are you ?", the girl gasped in disbelief on hearing me, " So you're trying to imply that it's my fault that my phone screen is broken ."

" No, I didn't mean that I just.."

" What happened Aditi ?"

I stopped midway in completing my sentence when I heard a loud voice of a boy from behind me.

I instantly looked over my shoulder and noticed two boys standing a few distances away from me. Their faces were truly unfamiliar to me, I have never seen them before in this campus.

One boy was wearing a black shirt and blue jeans, he got a thick beard on his face and his eyes were pitch black. Other boy who stood next to him was wearing a white shirt and black jeans, his eyes were green in colour.
Both the boys were quite bulky and to be honest, both of them looked kinda scary.

" Look what she did Guys! She broke the screen of my phone and she's not even apologizing to me for breaking it ", the girl whose name I believe is Aditi rushed towards them and showed her phone to the boys.

Both the boys narrowed their eyes as they looked at the broken phone and then at me.

The way they glared me, I don't know why I got the feeling to speak in my defense.
" I didn't do it on purpose. We both bumped into each other and she dropped her phone accidentally ", I exclaimed.

" No, she bumped into me on purpose and broke my phone screen", Aditi yelled again.

" No, she's lying", I retorted back.
I don't know why was she accusing me of something that I didn't commit.

All of a sudden the boy in black shirt walked forward and stood before me.

He looked me up and down with a scrutinizing gaze.

I flinched under his piercing gaze. I don't know why but something about him felt so intimidating.

" What's your name ?", said that boy in a dangerously calm voice as he folded his arms across his chest.

" Kavya Sinha ", I answered him back softly.

"It's your first year in this college ?", he questioned again, raising his brows.

I nodded my head in affirmation as a reply to his question. Somehow I couldn't muster up the courage to look into his eyes.

" I guessed so, no wonder you have the courage to speak in front of us ."

I flickered my eyes towards him as soon as he said those words.

" Seems like you're not familiar with some rules of this college. Let me enlighten you with them Kavya madam ", he said in a harsh voice.

"Rule number one, keep your eyes lowered in front of your seniors ", the boy stated rudely in a loud voice making me flinch in fear.
I instantly dropped my gaze to the floor.

" Rule number two, Never talk back to your seniors and always call them Sir or Mam. Am I clear ?"

I quickly nodded my head as I heard him.

" Now my favourite rule ", he chuckled lightly,
" Rule number three, If you break any of the previous rules then be prepared for some punishment from your seniors."

I couldn't help myself from glancing at him as soon as he said those words. My body shuddered with an unknown fear when I saw him flashing me a wicked smile.

"So guys, seems like Miss Kavya Sinha has broken both the rules so doesn't she deserve some punishment ?", the boy shouted loudly as he looked back at his friends.

Chills ran down my spine as I noticed Aditi and the other boy nodding in agreement.

" Of course, she deserves it", Aditi said evilly as she narrowed her eyes menacingly.

" Aditi, why don't you give her some punishment, after all, she broke your phone screen ", the boy's voice boomed around me and I shivered.

Aditi walked forward and stood next to him.
" Sure Vivan, I will be glad to do it. "

In the next moment, that girl Aditi came to my side and flashed me an evil grin, " Umm let me think about your punishment. Well, why don't you start by accepting that you bumped into me on purpose and then apologise to me for breaking my phone."

I don't know what's her problem. Why is she hell-bent on proving something that I didn't do.

" But I didn't do it on purpose ", I again replied, nodding my head in denial.

" No one wants to know if you did it purposefully or not. Apologize to her right now", this time that boy, Vivan screamed loudly looking me with a murderous glare.

Tears welled up in my eyes on hearing him.
I felt so frightened at this moment, all I wanted is to somehow slip away from here, away from them.

" You're apologising to her or not?", Vivan threatened me again.

In fear, I immediately nodded at him in response, without meeting his eyes.

In the next second, I looked to my side where Aditi was standing and noticed her looking me with a smirk.

Clutching the sides of my Kurti in helplessness, I lowered my head and mumbled faintly, " I am sor..sorry, Adit.."

" What's going on here?"

A loud and rough voice of a boy boomed around us and we all looked sideways, towards the source of the sound.

Recognition flashed in my eyes the moment my gaze landed on the boy.
I knew him, he was Vikram Malhotra, the same boy who came to my rescue when I was getting a panic attack on that stage.

Along with him, there was an unfamiliar girl too, who was standing next to him.

Vikram looked at all the people one by one and my breath hitched when his eyes met with mine.
He stared me for a second with unreadable expressions but then quickly diverted his gaze from me.

" Ahaaa, our college topper, the mighty Vikram Malhotra is here", Vivan exclaimed bitterly.

Vikram chuckled, " Thank you for the praise, Vivan Kapoor. I must say that getting a compliment from you is a wish come true."

Vivan narrowed his eyes at him and walked forward," Don't act smart Vikram", he stood in front of him such that they both were face to face, " By the way no one called you here so it would be better if you leave."

" Why? I can stay wherever I want. What makes you think that I will do whatever you say. I am not Prateek," Vikram stated as he looked past Vivan and smirked at the guy with green eyes.

" What are you trying to indicate Vikram? That I do whatever Vivan asks me to do ", the guy with green eyes whose name I think is Prateek walked forward and stood next to Vivan.

" Ignore him Prateek, he is just trying to rile you up. This is what he always does ", Vivan said bitterly meanwhile glaring at Vikram.

" See, he is talking from experience ", Vikram replied with a smug look.

" Back off Malhotra, you just talk big. I hope you didn't forget what we did to your best friend Rishabh last week ", Prateek exclaimed in arrogance.

Vikram's mood changed completely and a scowl covered his face.

He stepped towards Prateek, " Of course, how could I forget that ", he muttered angrily, " And I know what I have to do about that. "

All of sudden Vikram punched hard on Prateek's stomach making him palm his stomach in pain, " This is what you get for beating my friend. "

" Vikram ", Vivan yelled out in anger and immediately grabbed Vikram's collar.

Vikram too grabbed Vivan's collar and soon both of them started to struggle in each other's rough grip meanwhile glaring each other in pure hatred.

Standing a few distances away from them, I was literally trembling in shock and fear.

The way they both were scowling at each other, I don't know why but I got a feeling that there is some kind of serious rivalry between them.

My attention diverted all around me and I noticed few other students have gathered around the place, everyone looking between Vikram and Vivan silently.

In a blink of an eye, Prateek came by Vivan's side and held his shirt trying to pull him back from Vikram's grip.

After some struggle, Prateek somehow managed to pull them apart from each other.

" Why don't you meet me at the College gate today Vikram", Vivan stated in a threatening voice.

" Sure ", Vikram responded back and looked at Prateek in fury, " Just make sure to bring this blind follower of yours along with you Vivan.
The way he has beaten Rishabh, he really needs to know how does it feel to be on the receiving end ", Vikram said in a deadly voice.

Glaring at Vikram for a few minutes more, Vivan and Prateek quickly stormed off from the place in anger.

Vikram sighed as he looked at the students around himself, " There's no movie going on here, Everybody leave ! ", he roared loudly, making everyone lower their eyes in fear.

In a flash, all the students dashed away from the place quickly.

I gulped awkwardly when I noticed Vikram, Aditi, me and the other girl were the only people who were standing.

With hooded eyes, I glimpsed all the three people one by one and my eyes widened when I noticed Vikram's eyes fixed on me.

He crossed his arm across his chest and raised his brows, " You're a fresher right?", he asked.

" Yes sir ", I quickly nodded at him.

He glanced at his wristwatch, " Don't you have a class to attend?", he questioned.

My eyes widened in horror. Shit! Shit! Shit! My Economics class, amidst everything I forgot about my class.

" Yes sir ", I answered him back hastily.

He arched his brows again, " So, what are you waiting for?"

Yeah, what am I waiting for? What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I standing here so freely like I have got no class to attend.

Without delaying any further I started to walk away from there but suddenly Aditi came in my way and I stopped again.

She leaned forward and whispered," Maybe this time you got the chance to escape but
remember you've got an apology to make ".

She pulled back and narrowed her eyes at me.

I frowned on hearing her, I really don't know why is she after me?

Without giving her any response, I sidestepped her.
As I started to walk past her, all of a sudden she stuck out her foot in front of my legs.

"Hey, watch out ", a feminine voice reached my ears but before I could act in any way I lost my balance and flew forward, my eyes closened in dread of the impact.

Before I could completely fall on the floor, something strong gripped my shoulders and in a jerk, someone pulled me forward such that my body slammed against someone's muscular frame.

I opened my eyes and a gasp escaped my mouth when I noticed Vikram's arms clasped around my shoulders.

Our gazes interlocked with each other and my breathing quickened when I saw him looking me with concern.

" Hey, you're fine?", the girl who was standing next to Vikram came by my side and softly patted on my back.

I immediately stepped away from him and lowered my head in embarrassment.

" Umm, yeah I am fine. I am getting late for my class, please excuse me".

I mumbled awkwardly and then without staying there for a second more, I literally ran away from that place.

Thank you ❤