The Fifth Clan Network Signal in English Short Stories by Rohit Sharma books and stories PDF | The fifth clan, Network Signal

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The fifth clan, Network Signal

The fifth clan

The boy’s family had come to Raman’s house to discuss the marriage proposal for this daughter Kirti. The boy’s father, Mr. Bhanvar, started the conversation.

“Before we proceed, I thought we should get some information about each other.”

“I had sent you the bio-data.”

“Yes, but some things are better discussed face-to-face.”

“Yes, as you wish.”

“What has Kirti studied?”

“She has completed her B.Tech from NIT Jalandhar.”

“Very good. What is she doing now?”

“She is working in Bangalore in a multinational firm.”

“Very good. What is her salary package?”

“15 Lakhs.”

“Very good. We check for 4 clans. What are your 4 clans?”

Raman gave the details and said “I have already checked the clans and there is no problem.”

“Very good. Shall we now talk about the 5th clan?”

“What is this 5th clan?”

“The things that you plan to give your daughter.”

“Oh! You are talking about dowry.”

“See, we don’t need anything. But I am sure you want your daughter to roam in a big car, watch a movie in a big projection TV, and eat food at a big dining table. And I am sure you will not send her empty-handed. Everyone gives Rs. 10 Lakhs these days.”

“Yes, we will give all of those”.

Hearing this, Mr. Bhanvar became very happy.

“But my daughter will deposit her salary in my account then.”

Bhanvar’s face suddenly became pale. He said ‘It looks like you took this simple issue very seriously.”

“No No.. You perhaps don’t know this but we also check for a 6th clan.”

“6th clan?” asked a perplexed Mr. Bhanvar.

“Respecting Women. Which is not available in your family. You can now leave. Another family is visiting us to see our daughter.”

“Please listen to me. When did I say no?” begged Mr. Bhanvar.

Network Signal

“Hello, Greetings Sir!” said the branch manager Vinod and got up from his seat as soon as he got the call from the General Manager.

“Mr. Vinod, You haven’t sent the monthly status report of your branch yet.”

“Pardon Sir, I am not able to hear your voice. Your voice is not clear.”

“I have informed you and all other managers that Fifth of each month has been fixed as last date for submission of mothly reports.. Today is the twelfth day and you haven’t sent the report. I need the reports today at any cost.”

“Sir, I am not able to hear you. Network signal strength is very poor here.”

“And Yes I forgot to tell you Vinod, I have given my acceptance for your training abroad. Please send your details so that we can complete the other necessary formalities.”

“Ohh.. Thank you very much sir. I will send those details today itself. What details do I need to send sir?”

“There is no reason to say thanks. I was checking the network. It looks like the network is doing fine now. Please send the monthly report. And I need it today itself.”